The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4782: ,The key issue

After crying a lot, holding Luo Ji in her arms, Ye Qingxuan confided word by word.

For Ye Qingxuan, Luo Ji was undoubtedly the only person she could talk to at this time.

Ye Qingxuan didn't know when she fell asleep. Anyway, by the time she woke up, it was already noon. Looking at Luo Ji, who was obviously using her own main brain to handle work, she just woke up after a while. After being in a trance, Ye Qingxuan, whose brain gradually recovered, quickly recalled everything that happened yesterday.

Thinking of the news of her father Ye Tianxiong's death, Ye Qingxuan still felt a bit of grief in her heart.

But perhaps thanks to yesterday's talk, Ye Qingxuan at this time, although still sad, but after the sadness, she quickly cheered up.

"Are you hungry? I'll ask the attendant to bring in some food?"

Obviously, last night, after Ye Qingxuan fell asleep, Luo Ji was also afraid of waking her up, so this night, he basically sat here and didn't move much.

Now hearing Luo Ji's question, Ye Qingxuan nodded slightly.

After washing up and eating, Ye Qingxuan can be said to have completely returned to her normal state.

He also informed Luo Ji of everything he learned from Ye Feixing.

The news of her father's death yesterday had a great impact on her. After obtaining the information, she was not able to immediately realize a very critical issue.

That is ten years after his father's death, what kind of situation would he face if he returned to the Ye's Chamber of Commerce, the eldest lady of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce who had been missing for more than 40 years?

"According to the information brought back by Feixing, now the chairman of Ye's Chamber of Commerce is Ye An. In my lineage, my grandfather has only one son of my father, and my father has only one daughter. This Ye An, I If I remember correctly, it's my cousin's son and my cousin..."

As a member of the same generation, Ye Qingxuan still has a little impression of Ye An's cousin.

Mainly because of their old Ye family's generation, the ability is still outstanding, there are only a few, and Ye An is one of them.

Although she only took the position of president after she disappeared, being able to take the position of president of their Ye's Chamber of Commerce is already a manifestation of ability.

To be honest, before she disappeared, Ye An had already made a lot of achievements, and managed the industries on the several planets of their Ye Family Chamber of Commerce in an orderly manner.

But aside from the ability, Ye Qingxuan didn't like her cousin very much, because Ye An always had the feeling of holding things up and she really couldn't get along with her.

Even his father mentioned Ye An as a negative example when he was educating her once.

It is said that although Ye An has the ability, but on weekdays, his attitude is too high, he can afford it, but he can't let it go. Even if he has the ability to pass the test, he is afraid that he will not be able to provoke the burden of their Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

This point can be said to be the consensus of the elders in the clan.

Comparatively speaking, Ye Qingxuan is too arrogant, and can even be said to be freely retractable, and at the same time, she is clearly stronger than Ye An in terms of ability.

Otherwise, the position of the first heir of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce would not have fallen to her.

After all, their Ye Family Chamber of Commerce is a very typical family business. In this kind of family business, male heirs always have some advantages over female heirs in the competition for heirs, and they are more likely to win the favor of elders in the clan.

Of course, as the daughter of the current president, Ye Qingxuan can naturally take advantage of the competition for successors.

But that cheapness was not big enough for her father to ignore the other elders of their old Ye family and make her the heir.

At that time, Ye Qingxuan was able to get to that point, it was purely her own ability.

"When I disappeared, that guy Ye An was probably not happy."

Ye Qingxuan, who was thinking about this matter, couldn't help but complain at this time.

When she learned that the current chairman of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce was Ye An, she was really worried about the current situation of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

But after thinking about it carefully, aside from his little prejudice against him, Ye An should be able to keep his family business even if he doesn't have any talent.

Even if they occasionally make a fool of themselves, the Ye Clan Chamber of Commerce is indeed a great family with a solid background, so they won't be defeated in one or two strokes.

The most troublesome thing right now is undoubtedly her own situation.

"I've been missing for more than 40 years. I'm afraid our old Ye family has already set up a tomb for me. Now I want to climb out of this coffin board. That guy Ye An..."

Speaking of which, Ye Qingxuan let out a sneer.

"I guess it's hard for him to welcome me. I'm afraid he just wants to press me back into the coffin board, and then add a few more layers of soil, so that I'll be more secure in 'death'..."

Ye Qingxuan's words were meant to be a joke, but to a certain extent, they were also a reality.

Which ruler, UU Reading would be willing to let a guy who has the right of inheritance, even higher in succession than him in the past, more capable than him, there is a great possibility that he will shake his rule, every day. Appear on your own territory?

Forty years is indeed a long time, but don't forget that her busy father passed away ten years ago.

In the past ten years, the team that her father has cultivated may change a lot, but relatively, there must be loyal supporters.

This is doomed that as long as she goes back, there will be a high probability that she will be able to gain a certain degree of influence and even power within the Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

If she was Ye An, I'm afraid she wouldn't want to go back...

I just learned about the death of my busy father, and it didn't take long before I realized myself again, and I was in a dilemma where I couldn't return home.

This made Ye Qingxuan feel a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Under the circumstance that Cyrelia had already made contact with the people of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce, the news that she was still alive would definitely be known to Ye An.

Next, she was a little uncertain about what Ye An would do.

After all, so many years have passed, and it is difficult for her to say what the current situation is inside the Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

From this point of view, it is really a wise choice to start a business in the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light first.

Because of the status and status acquired here, she might turn her back in the future.

No matter how bad it is, she will really stay in the Holy See Kingdom for the rest of her life. Anyway, she is mentally prepared for this.

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