The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4781: , intelligence (2)

The moment Ye Feixing said those words, the teacup in Ye Qingxuan's hand suddenly fell to the ground and shattered.

At that moment, the hot tea splashed directly over her body, but she didn't notice it.

The chairman Ye Feixing spoke of, there was only one person, and that was her father, Ye Tianxiong, the chairman of Ye's Chamber of Commerce!

To be honest, when they hadn't met for so many years, and even in the past, they were two busy people who seldom saw each other, Ye Qingxuan really didn't expect that the news of her father's death would be unexpected. Give her such a powerful impact!

If she were to be compared to a jigsaw puzzle, then at this moment, when Ye Qingxuan heard the news of her father's death, she felt very clearly that a part of this jigsaw puzzle was missing and lost forever...

This kind of feeling caught Ye Qingxuan by surprise.

Obviously, she didn't realize it before.

Although their old Ye family is busy with their father and daughter, this is the way they get along with each other, and it is a part of their life. It does not mean that the relationship between their father and daughter is weak and the relationship is poor.

Her father, Ye Tianxiong, is undoubtedly one of her most trusted and important relatives in this world!


Ye Feixing had never seen Ye Qingxuan's appearance before, which made Ye Feixing feel a little scared, worried that Ye Qingxuan couldn't think of it all of a sudden.


Unexpectedly, he just uttered a word when Ye Qingxuan, who was sitting opposite, suddenly took a deep breath.

"This news really shocked me! I've said it a long time ago, my busy dad is working 24 hours a day, and he doesn't know how to combine work and rest. Longevity! Really, I reminded him a long time ago, and I really got it right? Hey!"

While speaking, Ye Qingxuan spread her hands helplessly.

"It's really impossible to take him."


All of this changed so suddenly that even Ye Feixing, who was already very familiar with Ye Qingxuan, couldn't turn his head around, causing him to feel a little dazed.

During this process, as the person who should have been the saddest, Ye Qingxuan acted like a normal person, wiping her skirt that had been splashed with tea, then brought herself a teacup again and poured the tea.

"Do you know what's going on?"

"It's not clear for the time being. The officer who told Cyrelia this information has been leading troops on the front line for years, and he's not particularly clear about what's going on in the rear."


Ye Qingxuan, who got this answer, nodded and responded casually, and then quickly shifted the topic to other matters.

"Then what information did you get this time?"

At this moment, Ye Feixing can be said to be completely led by Ye Qingxuan by the nose.

Before she turned her head around, she followed Ye Qingxuan's train of thought and continued. It was not until she had explained all the information brought back this time that Ye Feixing's mind finally turned around slowly.

At the moment when she learned of her father's death, Ye Qingxuan's sluggishness and the grief that emerged involuntarily could not be fake.

It's just that Ye Qingxuan has become accustomed to disguising herself and not showing her vulnerable side.

This in itself is her way of life.

In this regard, even if Ye Feixing wants to understand, it is impossible to break it at this juncture.

After all, what's the difference between this approach and tearing open the wound that Ye Qingxuan had just treated?

After confirming all the information, Ye Qingxuan asked Ye Feixing to go back to rest first.

Obviously, she wants to be alone next.

After Ye Feixing left, Ye Qingxuan kept thinking about the intelligence information, and kept analyzing and speculating in her mind.

But in fact, these limited and superficial information, there is nothing to analyze and speculate at all.

In the information that can be obtained, Ye Qingxuan has already obtained all the information within a few seconds after hearing it.

Now that she does this, to put it bluntly, she just doesn't want to let her mind idle.

She was a little afraid to think about her father's death.

But this kind of self-deception is obviously not going to last long.

Especially for a smart and rational faction like Ye Qingxuan, it is even more difficult to do this kind of thing.

Seriously, she really didn't expect that her father would die so suddenly.

Although according to the information that Ye Feixing brought back, it has been 43 years since they disappeared, but according to the information, her father died ten years ago.

Combining this and calculating the years, in the year of his death, his father should have been only ninety-four years old.

Before she disappeared, the average life expectancy of humans in the known universe had already reached 130 years old. Individuals with high life expectancy would naturally be able to live longer.

In other words, it is quite normal for a normal human being to live to be one hundred, thirty or forty years and her father, Ye Tianxiong, is the chairman of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Seven Star Alliance Committee. The chairman of the committee, although he works hard all day, often works around the clock.

But he has the most advanced training equipment in the entire universe, the most authoritative nutritionist, and even for his health problems and physical condition, he has a huge professional team to maintain it throughout the day.

Logically speaking, even if he worked a little harder, it would not be a problem to live to an average lifespan.

Died when he was in his 90s, or even less than 100 years old? In this day and age, this is quite an early death.

The birth of this idea naturally caused Ye Qingxuan to have a lot of wild thoughts.

She knows that without more intelligence and factual basis, these thoughts in her mind have no practical meaning.

But she couldn't control herself.

Until the closed door was pushed open from the outside.

Ye Qingxuan's bloodshot eyes followed the light that came in through the crack of the door, and stared absently.

After seeing the figure clearly, I don't know why, a few crystal teardrops slowly twirled in Ye Qingxuan's eyes, and then plunged into the other's arms without saying anything, just like that sobbing.

This battle made Luo Ji, who had just returned from work outside, a little dazed. Seeing Ye Qingxuan, who was buried in her chest and wept bitterly, she felt a little helpless.

I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what to say. In the end, I could only say nothing, hug the other person silently, and let the other side cry bitterly in my arms, venting my feelings in the most primitive way. Grief...

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