The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4780: ,intelligence

Forty-three years, this time is obviously much longer than what they expected to compete with Relia.

Because according to their calculations, it should have been thirty-five years since the disappearance. The extra eight years is probably because the time flow rate of that special subspace is not consistent with the time flow rate of their main space. of.

I haven't struggled with this issue for too long. After all, this has become an established fact, and it is meaningless to struggle with this issue.

In this way, taking advantage of the opportunity of the two-way interview, Cyrelia communicated a lot with the adjutant while dealing with the winged man.

But in fact, as a soldier who has been on the front line all the year round and has not returned to the rear for many years, the adjutant knows very little about the specific changes of the known universe in the rear over the years.

Fortunately, for Cyrelia and the others, who had a blank period of forty-three years, the information was enough for her to digest it for a while.

After that, the two sides also exchanged information frequently through interviews.

The Holy Light Holy See Nation and the Allied Forces wanted to communicate with each other, but the time it took was not as long as expected.

To put it simply, you can roughly draw the positions of these three forces into a triangle for the coalition, the Void Zerg, and the Holy See Nation of Holy Light.

After going through the exploration stage, after confirming the location of the opponent, take the shortest route, and relying on the shuttle in the subspace, the movement efficiency can be greatly improved.

After following a part of the winged people to explore the fleet and returned to the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, Ye Feixing was undoubtedly excited to inform Ye Qingxuan of this information.

The confirmation of this information is undoubtedly too important for them.

After all, this directly gave them a huge backing. Considering the power of Ye's Chamber of Commerce, at that time, even if their identities were exposed, Holy Light Holy See Kingdom would at least not take their lives easily.

Even to be safe, now that the coordinates have been determined, they can even use Luo Ji's warp shuttle ability to directly return to their spaceship, and then take the warp channel to join the coalition forces in their known universe.

Their Ye's Chamber of Commerce's troops are also there, and their safety will definitely be guaranteed when they arrive at the place.

However, aside from this important information, the amount of information that Ye Feixing brought back this time was too small.

Of course, this is not a problem of Ye Feixing, mainly because the winged people are eager to come back to report the situation, which forced Cyrelia to have Ye Feixing come back with them and inform them of the news.

After all, they missed this opportunity to return, and none of them knew how long it would take to go back.

Now, after confirming this important news, Ye Qingxuan did not show the urge to go back as many people expected.

On the contrary, she was completely calm at this time, and she was not in a hurry to go back at all.

The reason is also very simple, because the amount of information that Ye Feixing brought back this time is really too little.

They have been missing for so many years, and they have no idea what the current state of the known universe is like.

Going back hastily, the ghost knows what problems they will face?

At such times, caution is often required.

At the same time in this piece of work, Cyrelia is professional.

I believe that Cyrelia will find opportunities to allow them to obtain more and more detailed information.

Until then, she will continue to maintain her identities as 'Honorary Bishop' and 'Mrs. Scarlet', and she will just live peacefully in the Holy See Nation of Holy Light.

During the period, the gradually improved mobile efficiency made the communication between the two sides gradually become smoother.

The first thing to share was, of course, information about the Zerg.

Through the sharing of information on the Zerg territory between the two forces, the two sides finally have a relatively clear concept of the general outline of the Zerg territory.

To be honest, according to the outline, if the error in the calculation is not too big, the remaining territory of the Zerg is really much larger than they expected.

They don't know the intensity of the attack on the Holy See Nation of Holy Light, so they don't make calculations. However, according to the efficiency of their coalition forces fighting each other, they want to completely capture it in a short period of time. It will take a lot of time.

During the period, the coalition forces intentionally revealed the information that the insect king had died to the winged people in the latest information exchange session.

This is not just to tell the other party that the insect king is dead.

How strong the insect king is, as long as it is a force that has been seen, it must be clear.

And now, the coalition told the winged people that the act of killing the king of insects in their hands, to put it bluntly, sent a warning to the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light represented by the winged people, telling the other party that we are very strong. , you'd better not have any unnecessary thoughts.

Regardless of whether the winged people who participated in the interview at that time understood this meaning, it did not hinder the information that the insect king died, which brought them a huge impact.

At the same time, in the hearts of the wing people, the strength of the coalition forces has indeed been raised to a new level.

And hurriedly sent this information back to their Holy Light Holy See country.

During this process, Ye Feixing, who was forced to change careers and became a messenger, also obtained a lot of new information from Cerilia, and brought this information to Ye Qingxuan, who was still in the Holy Light Holy See. .

Walking into the living room and looking at Ye Feixing sitting there, Ye Qingxuan said seemingly casually...

"It seems that there is some bad news in the information brought back this time."

At this moment, although Ye Feixing tried her best to hide, Ye Qingxuan still caught some anxiety and unease from some subtle facial expression changes.

This made Ye Qingxuan feel a little uneasy in her heart, and she was born.

However, in order not to make Ye Feixing too nervous, Ye Qingxuan still pretended to be relaxed and casual, as if it was no big deal.

While speaking, Ye Qingxuan sat casually on the sofa opposite, and then took a sip of the black tea just brewed. UU reading

"Tell me, Feixing, what happened?"

Hearing this, Ye Feixing bluffed slightly, but he still didn't know how to open his mouth, but he couldn't say anything.

Ye Feixing's performance made Ye Qingxuan's uneasiness spread, but the tone of her speech was still relaxed.

"Feixing, I will know sooner or later."


Ye Feixing listened, took a deep breath, and then gathered up the courage to say that sentence...

"Yes, the president, he passed away."



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