Chapter 97

Xiao Baihu became alive when he heard Li Yuan’s words.

He ran and jumped next to Li Yuan.

Every time I rushed to the front, I felt that Li Yuan walked slowly.

He rushed to Li Yuan in two steps, full of vitality.

Not far from the Toad Palace is an artificial lake.

The artificial lake is in the shape of a piano, so it is also called Qin Lake.

A water park was built on Qin Lake.

People in Sining Mansion can take exercises and walks on the water park.

It is naturally inconvenient for Li Yuan to take the little white tiger to the Qinhu Water Park for a morning run.

Whether it’s Li Yuan’s past or present life, he took a tiger to the street.

They all seem a bit too weird.

Therefore, Li Yuan accompanied Xiao Baihu and played for more than half an hour in the other courtyard of Toad Palace.

Then the breeder was arranged to let the breeder feed the little white tiger.

After leaving the Toad Palace, Li Yuan passed through the private passage dedicated to the Toad Palace.

Came to the water park of Qinhu Lake from the back.

Breathing the fresh air in the morning, Li Yuan enjoyed the morning exercise very much.

Live one more life than others, Li Yuan knows the importance of health.

The body is the capital of all revolutions.

27 without a healthy body, when sick.

Even if you have more money, you can’t appreciate the beauty of the world.

Arrived at Qin Lake, a water park.

Li Yuan saw an old man in a training suit.

This old man in practice clothes is very enthusiastic.

Just seeing the direction Li Yuan is coming from is a little curious.

The old man speeded up by two steps and started jogging next to Li Yuan.


“Boy, you are such a young man, not many come out early in the morning for morning exercises!”

“Look at your figure, you don’t usually exercise less!”

Li Yuan heard this and said with a smile.

“It’s getting used to it, so I just fix the set of exercise routines and morning jogs every day.”

“But you, old man, your bones look tough!”

Hearing this, the old man laughed.

The sound is very cheerful.

Then the old man asked curiously.

“Young man, you came to this water park to exercise, how come you came from that direction!”

Speaking of this, the old man asked half jokingly.

“Why? Where is home?”

Li Yuan nodded when he heard the words.

Seeing Li Yuan nodded, the old man stopped.

No more morning jogs with Li Yuan.

The old man just wanted to make a joke.

Unexpectedly, the young man I met would climb up the pole.

Those who can appear in Qinhu Water Park live in Sining Mansion and are considered neighbors.

But you pretend to be wrong!

Who doesn’t know which direction leads to Toad Palace?

If you live in Toad Palace, that old man, I will still live on Mars!

Ugh! Young people nowadays are so capable!

Li Yuan saw that the old man slowed down and stopped running with him.

Li Yuan didn’t look back either.

Although when someone greeted him, Li Yuan was not so arrogant that he wouldn’t even reply.

But during the morning jog, Li Yuan prefers to watch the scenery quietly by himself.

I don’t like being next to a stranger I’ve never met before.

The water of Qin Lake is purified by multiple filtrations, and the source of Qin Lake is originally three springs.

The reason why this artificial lake was built into the shape of a piano.

It is because the three springs are connected together, very much like a pipa.

Seeing the water in Qin Lake is clear and green, there is not even a little embellishment inside.

Li Yuan thinks it might as well just raise some famous koi carps in this piano lake.

Turn Qin Lake into a Thousand Carp Lake.

As a result, the koi represents transit, which secretly harmonizes the Feng Shui pattern of “upper string and lower stringer” in Qinhu Lake.

It can also make Li Yuan feel more interesting in his eyes when he wakes up early and exercises in the morning.

Think of it as a gift to six thousand tenants of Sining Mansion after taking over Sining Mansion!

A burst of autumn cool blew.

Playing a pool of clear water in Qin Lake also dispelled Li Yuan’s last trace of sleepiness after getting up in the morning.

After running for forty minutes, he reached the amount of exercise required by Li Yuan.

Li Yuan slowed down.

Because of moving from Lijing Water Garden to Toad Palace, Filipino servants will come to take care of breakfast.

Each of these Filipino maids who are responsible for cooking have passed the chef certificate of a two-Michelin-star chef.

A few have even reached the level of three-star Michelin chefs.

It is just that these Filipino domestic helpers do not operate shops, so they cannot obtain the certification of a three-star Michelin chef.

With these excellent Filipino servants, Li Yuan is also happy.

No need to cook breakfast yourself.

Li Yuan simply went to Qin Lake’s water park to sign in for today.

[The host signs in at the Qinhu Water Park and gets an item and a life support card. 】

It turned out to be a prop again!

With the lessons learned from the industry rebate card and consumer rebate card, Li Yuan has a lot of favor with this card.

Li Yuan directly checked the life support card.

[Life Guarantee Card: The host can choose one of two effects. After choosing any one of the effects, the host will receive the reward corresponding to the option. 】

【One, the host can use the life guarantee card to restore the diseased organ when the host is in the organic disease. 】

[Second, the host can use the life insurance card as a lottery card to draw the shares of any medical institution. The higher the level of the medical institution, the lower the host’s shares will be (the lower limit of the shares obtained is 1%) . 】

Seeing the introduction of the item life guarantee card, Li Yuan frowned.

Diseases such as heart disease, liver cirrhosis, and various cancers are all diseases caused by organic diseases.

Diseases of organic disease have always been life-killing.

If under normal circumstances, let Li Yuan choose.

Li Yuan will definitely choose the first option without hesitation.

But Li Yuan clearly remembered when he got the system and took the life gene medicine.

The effect of the life gene medicine has already eliminated the possibility of getting sick.

Li Yuan confirmed with the system.

After receiving a positive response from the system, Li Yuan did not hesitate to choose to use the life insurance card as a lottery card.

Because of choosing the first option, Li Yuan is tantamount to wasting this life guarantee card.

When using the life insurance card to draw the lottery, Li Yuan didn’t have the slightest expectation.

There are too many medical institutions in the world.

In this era, with the spread of health awareness.

A crop of emerging medical institutions have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

But when Li Yuan used the lottery card to see the shares of medical institutions drawn.

Li Yuan couldn’t help but stretched out his hand and patted his thigh.

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the Cleveland Clinic, one percent of the shares. 】

Li Yuan drew 1% of the shares of this company called Cleveland Clinic.

Obviously it is a guaranteed stake in the lottery.

Just from the share of shares, you know how awesome the Cleveland Clinic is!

In the eyes of Li Yuan, the shares of Ji Heya Studio, the shares of Hotdog Live Platform, and even the shares of Disini.

Neither can compare to the Cleveland Clinic’s shares.

Because of the shares of the Cleveland Clinic, in a sense.

Li Yuan is equivalent to possessing countless life insurance cards.

And these life guarantee cards not only benefit from Li Yuan, but also benefit from others.

After all, the Cleveland Clinic’s “cancer nemesis” title is not for nothing. .

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