Chapter 96

The Weibo of Sui people attracted a lot of heat caused by Li Yuan’s appearance.

And the heat is still fermenting.

At this time, a comment suddenly said.

[Before the Suy people said that the new piano music was composed by my husband, which means that the piano music was written by the fairy brother! ? 】

[Have you never heard of the song my fairy brother sang in Disneyland? Obviously it is an original song. 】

[This little brother should also be a member of the music circle, why can’t I find the news of this little brother online?]

While the heat exploded rapidly, there was a big v named Family Class Representative.

Shocked watching the small video sent by the Sui people.

After watching for a long time, he recovered from the shock.

As a big v with more than two million fans, the number of fans and the popularity of Weibo represented by the family background class.

More than most of the new trainees offered by entertainment companies.

The home class representatives will have so many fans’ attention, it depends on the home class representatives who will be mixed in the microblogs of major Internet celebrities and celebrities.

Analyze the daily necessities of celebrities and Internet celebrities through selfies and selfie videos.

Mark the brand and price.

At this time, the family class represents the spirit of twelve points.

It can already be foreseen how many netizens will be shocked after this news is sent.

In the video, the man looks shameless, and he doesn’t know how to appreciate his family lessons.

The talent is not talented, compared to piano music, listening to the song, is it not fragrant to say a few words?

But the man in this video is really fucking rich!

And this kind of money is not pretended.

It permeates every detail of life.

Ji Heya’s custom pajamas are not difficult to identify.

Water light silk fabric is also one of Ji Heya’s patented fabrics.

Except for pajamas, all quilt covers and pillows are made of water-shine silk.

When did Ji Heya Studio still make household items for others?

The brand is not visible on the side of the bed where half of it is exposed.

But when you look at the materials used for the headboard, you can see it is the best in the golden nanmu.

The pattern is fine and magnificent, the color is slightly purple,

The gold threads in the wood texture are as dense as cow hair.

This level of golden nanmu tree is at least six hundred years old.

The golden nanmu tree is more than a hundred years old, and it is very easy to be gnawed by insects.

This top-quality golden nanmu, turned into beads over ten millimeters, are already rare treasures.

Someone used it to make a bed!

Six auspicious patterns are carved on the part that leaks from the head of the nanmu bed.

Happy bats and longevity patterns, meaning Hongfu Qitian.

The snake life pattern implies transparency.

The pine deer longevity pattern means the spring of the pine deer.

The golden longevity pattern implies that the longevity blooms a hundred sons.

Zhilan longevity pattern, implying longevity of Zhilan.

The ginger wushou pattern means longevity without borders.

These six auspicious patterns, at first glance, are the style of the old court.

With such a fine carving, one cut is wrong.

The whole piece of golden nanmu top-quality wood is destroyed.

This kind of fine carving craftsman, one knife is pressed against one knife.

There is no chance to remedy the mistakes.

When the old carpenter is eighty years old, he can no longer carve hard golden nanmu.

Even if he was fifteen years old, he learned carpentry work and worked hard for fifty years.

When engraving such a complicated pattern, it is difficult to avoid mistakes.

So there is no such thing as a one-off.

It’s hard to imagine how much it took to carve out the headboard of this bed, which is now out of production, the golden silk old nanmu that is more than six hundred years old.

Just revealing a piece of the headboard, it’s so wonderful.

It’s hard to imagine the whole picture of this bed, what it looks like.

There were rumors before that the Sui husband was very rich.

In the beginning, the representatives of the homework class didn’t believe it.

As long as a female celebrity gets married, there is no need for anyone to talk about the rich.

But now, the representative of the family lesson has a letter.

Sui’s husband is indeed very rich!

And this level of wealth is not what I can imagine at all.

Even if the rumors that Suyes are the inspirational muse of Ji Heya’s studio, it is true.

Ms. Lu admired the Sui people very much and gave them a lot of special treatment.

Even the husband of Sui people can wear the tailored fabrics of Jiheya Studio.

Pajamas made of water-shine silk.

But the Sui people just go out and pick up performances every day, making 365 piano solos a year, earning ten years.

Only then can I buy the exposed part of the headboard.

How long did Suyi talent debut?

The representative of the big v family class took a deep breath and paid attention to the Sui people’s Weibo.

Be prepared to focus on following up with the Sui in the future.

Then commented below the small video posted by the Sui people.

v Family Class Representative: [A total of four items appeared in the video, pajamas, duvet covers, pillowcases and bedside…][Pajamas, quilts, and pillowcases are all made of water-shine silk fabrics unique to Ji Heya Studio. The price is not easy to estimate. Pricing opinion: none. 】

[This bedside, which does not reveal the whole picture, I would like to call it a rare treasure! The price is not easy to estimate, pricing opinion: none. 】

The comments made by the representatives of the big V family class have always been sharp and sharp.

Some trainees and fashion bloggers set up by the rich second generation, high imitation watches, high imitation bags, and other fakes appeared in the video to decorate their own people.

It is often revealed by the representative of the family background.

It can be said that the homework class represents a change in the entertainment industry and the proportion of rich second generations.

Most of the fans represented by the family class come from this way.

Pricing opinions are a highlight of the family background class representatives.

Let a lot of over-packaged rich people set up, revealing their true colors.

It also allows many really low-key rich people to show themselves in the public’s field of vision.

So that the celebrities fight for the members of the group, have specific goals.

But in the impression of everyone, in the comments of the representative of the big v family background.

There has never been a time for not writing pricing opinions.

Although most people can’t see the doorway at the head of the bed, there are many people who really understand the goods.

At the same time, Ji Heya’s studio is well-known in the entertainment and fashion circles.

The three words Ji Heya are enough to advertise a person’s life, fashion taste, and economic strength.

The customization of Ji Heya’s studio appeared in the video, so that everyone could not help but pull Suyen and Ji Heya’s studio together again.

Let Ji Heya’s studio praise the old popularity of Sui Weibo, which is rekindled again.

Regarding all this, the sleeping Sui and Li Yuan had no idea.

Early the next morning, Li Yuan opened his eyes.

It was discovered that the Sui people actually entangled themselves in the quilt.

The sleeping Suy couldn’t get rid of the shackles, and wrinkled his faces together.

Li Yuan sighed secretly.

How dishonest it is when my wife sleeps at night!

Fortunately, I sleep soundly, otherwise I am afraid that my wife will wake up in the middle of the night.

As soon as he got out of the bedroom, Li Yuan saw the little white tiger lying on the door of the bedroom honestly.

Li Yuan knelt down, slapped Xiao Baihu twice, and said.

“Go, Li Bai, run with me!”.

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