Chapter 98

Speaking of the world’s top medical institutions, the most powerful is the Mayo Clinic.

But the Mayo Clinic is a non-profit group medical institution.

The main direction lies in the exploration of medical frontiers.

Its educational significance is greater than its practical significance.

The Cleveland Clinic is second only to the Mayo Clinic.

The research direction of the Cleveland Clinic is much more practical than the research direction of the Mayo Clinic.

The Cleveland Clinic is able to provide effective treatments for diseases caused by various organic diseases.

In tumor resection, coronary artery bypass graft, and various transplant operations.

The Cleveland Clinic is the absolute authority.

It can be said that the Cleveland Clinic is committed to taking the lives of patients back from the hands of death.

In addition, the Cleveland Clinic’s Department of General Surgery, Rheumatology, Orthopedics, and Respiratory Department are all of the best in the world.

The achievement of such a high level is due to the huge medical team of the Cleveland Clinic.

In the one hundred years since the Cleveland Clinic was established, it has been committed to discovering and cultivating talents in the medical field.

A large number of top physicians gathered in the entire Cleveland Clinic.

Old doctors basically have several world-class medical awards.

Heart transplants, full face transplants and other extremely risky operations are in the Cleveland Clinic.

The risk has fallen below ten percent.

This is also due to the rigorous risk assessment of medical personnel.

The fundamental reason why the Cleveland Clinic’s medical standards are so high is that it receives a large amount of research funding every year.

As a public medical structure, the Cleveland Clinic only serves individuals.

Therefore, all expenses of the Cleveland Clinic are also borne by individuals.

The Cleveland Clinic cannot be managed like a group due to its particularity.

Those who contribute funds to the Cleveland Clinic are collectively referred to as Cleveland directors.

Every Cleveland board member provides a large amount of medical funds to the Cleveland Clinic every year.

At the same time, it can only hold one percent of the Cleveland Clinic’s shares.

In other words, the Cleveland Clinic’s largest shareholding ratio is one percent.

The Cleveland Clinic released a total of 50% of the shares.

The remaining 50% of the shares were donated to the International Charity Foundation.

Committed to curbing the spread of major diseases and seeking well-being for all mankind.

In other words, the Cleveland Clinic is fully budgeted and only serves fifty directors.

As the director of the Cleveland Clinic, he has the right to mobilize all the medical resources of the Cleveland Clinic.

Serve your relatives and friends.

There are only so many countries in the whole world.

Counting down, the number of directors of the Cleveland Clinic’s services is much smaller than the number of countries.

Some of the rich in the world, especially the rise of the Internet industry.

Internet giants often hold hundreds of billions of assets in their hands.

But it’s no use having money alone. To become a director of Cleveland requires qualifications.

The identities of the fifty directors of the Cleveland Clinic are often from veteran nobles who have passed on for hundreds of years.

With the status of Li Yuan in his previous life, even in the country, the turmoil is flourishing.

But still not qualified to know the director of the Cleveland Clinic.

Li Yuan’s father had a serious illness.

If you can get treatment from the Cleveland Clinic, you can hardly take any risks.

But in the end, because there is no such relationship, treatment can only be carried out in the best public hospitals.

But even in the best public hospital, Li Yuan’s father was treated for his illness.

Also bear more than 50% of the risk.

In the face of the safety of loved ones, even if it is a one percent risk.

It’s also hard to bear.

Fortunately, Li Yuan’s father survived in the end and everything went well.

At that time, Li Yuan’s father suffered from congestion of the heart valves.

Four brackets must be built at the same time.

Such an operation has a 50% risk in the best public hospitals.

Li Yuan remembered clearly that the doctor said at the time that if the heart’s arterial valve was congested one more place.

The risk of surgery will increase by another 20%.

But it is rumored that as early as thirty years ago, the Cleveland Clinic had performed several successful heart exchange operations.

The people served by the Cleveland Clinic are either rich or noble.

Willingness to accept the treatment of heart exchange surgery, which proves the technology of heart exchange surgery at Cleveland Clinic.

As early as thirty years ago, it was very mature.

That was the level of medical care 30 years ago.

It is difficult for Li Yuan to imagine how high the medical standards of the Cleveland Clinic are now.

Since the establishment of the Cleveland Clinic a hundred years ago.

Members of the veteran aristocracy with a life span of more than one hundred years are beginning to increase.

Much higher than the average life span of human beings.

There can be no credit for the Cleveland Clinic.

The older a person is, the more likely it is to get cancer.

It fits the research direction of the Cleveland Clinic.

It shows that the Cleveland Clinic has been more and more sophisticated in the treatment of cancer over the past 100 years.

Can let a terminally ill person, Chen Ke fade away.

It can extend a person’s limited life span by 20 to 30 years.

This is the meaning of the board of directors of the Cleveland Clinic.

The identity of the director of the Cleveland Clinic may not be as effective as the elixir in Xianxia novels.

But it represents the highest medical level in the world that Li Yuan is in.

Putting it in the past, Li Yuan will have money no matter what.

Facing the terminally ill people around him, he can only do nothing.

But now Li Yuan, who is now a director of the Cleveland Clinic, has the qualifications to snatch the lives of relatives and friends from the hands of death.

Seeing the information sent by the system, Li Yuan understood.

About 1% of Cleveland’s shares, the delivery has been completed.

I only need to go to the Cleveland Clinic to verify the identity of the director.

As for the medical funds injected into the Cleveland Clinic every year, for Li Yuan, who has a system.

It’s just a trivial matter.

Before that, Li Yuan signed in at Disneyland and acquired 5% of Disneyland.

Both Disney’s shares and the certification of Cleveland’s identity require Li Yuan to travel abroad.

The Sui people have been busy recording songs recently and making fashion films from Ji Heya Studio.

Time has been lined up by Li Man.

Simply Li Yuan happened to go out and get things done by himself.

Now Li Yuan’s industrial layout has expanded from domestic to overseas.

After that, Li Yuan had to run abroad.

So Li Yuan felt that it was time for him to get a private jet.

At the same time, another private airport will be built.

Although Sining Mansion has a large green belt, it can be transformed into a private airport.

But as long as Li Yuan is not stupid, he will not build an airport in Sining Mansion.

No matter how good an airplane is, it will make a huge noise when flying.

As long as Li Yuan builds an airport in Sining Mansion, the industrial value of Sining Mansion will immediately depreciate.

The Sui were woken up by his mobile phone.

The confused Suyi picked up the phone and heard Li Man say helplessly on the opposite side.

“¨”Iren, after you marry Li Yuan, you can just spread dog food with me every day. (Denuo Zhao)”

“Why did you spread dog food on Weibo?”

If it were before Li Yuan acquired Shengyang Entertainment, it was for the development of the Sui people’s career.

Li Man will definitely persuade the Suyi people to try not to show affection on the Internet.

Obviously with such a beautiful face, is it true that you don’t rely on your face to attract fans on the Internet?

But now, Liman’s mentality has become salty.

As the proprietress of Shengyang Entertainment, the Suyi turned over with herself.

From the silver broker of Shin Kong Media, a small company, to the gold broker C of Shengyang Entertainment.

The resources of the entire entertainment circle, as long as the Sui people think.

Li Yuan can arrange for the Sui people.

Sui people have their own confidence and capital in whatever they are willing to post on the Internet.

I just think of what netizens say about the Sui and the new hot search on the Sui.

Li Man couldn’t help reminding.

“Iren, take a look at your Weibo.”


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