Yaoyao was indeed very tired. She fell asleep soon after Wen Yan carried her back to her room.

Wen Yan looked at Yaoyao's sleeping face, a little absent-minded.

The Xu family should be able to solve Mo Hua's problem, but she felt a little uneasy.

During this period of time staying in the Xu family, Wen Yan had become accustomed to this comfortable life of having everything provided for her, so she didn't want to lose this kind of life.

"It seems that we have to get one of them quickly."

Wen Yan secretly planned in his mind and set a time for himself.

As for An An, he was carried back to his room by Xu Zerui.

"An An, don't do such dangerous things next time, okay?"

"Sixth brother, An An knows that today, because sister Yao Yao was about to be taken away by that bad uncle, An An rushed out in a hurry."

Xu Zerui tapped An An's nose. He certainly knew how kind this little milk ball was. If someone around him was in danger, he would always rush out at the first time, even if he was a little milk ball who needed protection from others.

When Xu Zerui wanted to give a few more instructions, An An suddenly shouted

"Ah! It was Brother Chu Ling who called me via video. Sixth brother, you go out first. An An wants to video chat with Brother Chu Ling!"

What! An An actually kicked out his sixth brother just to video chat with that Xia Chu Ling?

Xu Zerui was angry! He wanted to stay here and see what these two little guys said during the video chat!

"If Sixth Brother doesn't want to go out, you can video chat with Xia Chuling, and Sixth Brother will be watching from the side."

Xu Ru'an couldn't do anything about him, so he could only let him stay by his side.

"An An, I miss you so much"

"Brother Chu Ling, An An misses you too."

Xu Zerui rolled his eyes. It was only the first day of summer vacation, and these two little guys were already thinking about it. It was too exaggerated.

"An An, you have such a long vacation, has your family planned any itinerary?"

"Um... no, but I have discussed it with sister Yaoyao, we both have places we want to go."

"Really? Then An An, do you want to come and play with me? I plan to go to the aquarium to watch a show tomorrow. I heard from Uncle Ouyang that there will be a dolphin show tomorrow."

"Wow, really? An An wants to go. An An has never seen a dolphin show!"

"Okay, then An An, ask your family if they agree. If they agree, we can see what time we can go together tomorrow."

Xu Ru'an was about to agree when Xu Zerui next to him spoke.

"No! An An's brother disagrees!"

This Xia Chuling really has no good intentions. She is already on vacation at home, and she still wants to seduce their An An. No way!

"Sixth brother! Why don’t you agree? An An wants to go!"

"An An, Sixth Brother is free tomorrow, he can take you there, you don't have to go with Xia Chuling"

"Why? But An An wants to go with Brother Chu Ling and Sister Yao Yao!"

Xia Chu Ling on the other end of the phone was also puzzled. Why didn't An An's sixth brother agree to go to the aquarium with An An?

"Brother Zerui, did I do something wrong? Why don't you agree to let An An go with me?"

【That's right! I don't know what Sixth Brother is going crazy about. Brother Chu Ling kindly asked me to go play with him, but Sixth Brother actually refused! I don't care. I want to go with Brother Chu Ling anyway!】


Xu Zerui was stumped by the question. How could he explain this? Should he say that he just didn't like Xia Chuling? If An An heard this, she would hate him to death.

Otherwise, should he say that Xia Chuling had bad intentions and actually wanted to abduct An An in front of him!

"Sixth brother, An An doesn't want to ask for your opinion. Humph, An An will go to his parents, they will definitely agree."

【Stupid Sixth Brother, An An is angry now, and decided not to talk to you or pay attention to you for the next hour! 】

What! Xu Zerui panicked, this time An An was really angry, otherwise how could this happen!

"An An, I am Sixth Brother……"

Before Xu Zerui finished speaking, An An ran out of the room.

Before An An ran out, Xu Zerui could still hear him say to Xia Chuling:"Brother Chuling, don't worry, An An's parents will definitely agree to An An. Wait a minute, I'll go find them now."

Xu Zerui ran out with tears in his eyes, cursing Xia Chuling for this stinky brat several times in his heart.

"Mom and Dad, An An has something to ask you."

Xu Qingfeng held An An in his arms and sat on the sofa,"Baby An An, what do you want to ask mom and dad?"

At this time, Xu Zerui also caught up and spoke before An An

"An An, Sixth Brother knows he was wrong. Please forgive him, okay?"

"Humph! No! Sixth brother is bad, An An has just decided that he will ignore you and not talk to you within an hour, well, the time starts from the moment An An finishes saying this."

After An An finished saying this, he immediately turned his head away and didn't look at Xu Zerui.

He Youtong looked at Xu Zerui with amusement,"Sixth brother, what did you do? Why did An An ignore you?"

Xu Qingfeng also looked like he was watching a good show,"An An, did your sixth brother make you angry? He deserves it, we don't need to pay attention to him!"

"Well, Mom and Dad, I'm on a video call with Brother Chu Ling now. Look, this is Brother Chu Ling."

Xu Qingfeng and He Youtong certainly knew Xia Chu Ling. After all, their sons had not hidden anything from them about Xia Yifan and Xia Chu Ling.

"Hello, uncle and aunt, I am An An’s good friend in kindergarten. My name is Xia Chuling."

"Uncle and aunt know that you helped our An An at An An's birthday party before."

""Mom and Dad, just now Brother Chu Ling wanted to ask An An to go to the aquarium to watch the dolphin show tomorrow, but Sixth Brother disagreed and said that he would not let An An play with Brother Chu Ling, so An An got angry!"

So that's how it is. He Youtong glared at Xu Zerui. This Sixth Brother was really something. How could the friendship between children involve the affairs of adults!

It was obvious that He Youtong had misunderstood. When Xu Zerui saw the look in his mother's eyes, he knew that she must have thought wrongly. What she thought was definitely different from what he thought, but he couldn't refute it. He was afraid that after he expressed his thoughts, his mother would beat him, and he couldn't fight back.

"An An, it's his business if Sixth Brother disagrees. Mom has agreed. You will go to the aquarium with your brother Chu Ling tomorrow."

"Yeah! I knew my mom would agree. I love my mom the most!"

"And Dad, Dad also agreed"

"Yes! Dad is the best, and An An loves Dad the most!"

Then An An glanced at Xu Zerui,"An An also likes eldest brother, second brother, third brother, fourth brother, fifth brother, sister Yaoyao, aunt Wen Yan, and uncle the most!"

Okay, Xu Zerui heard it, after mentioning so many people, he was not among them!

"An An, Sixth Brother is wrong.……"

But An An pretended not to hear,"Brother Chu Ling, we have agreed that I also want to bring Sister Yaoyao with me, is that okay?"

"Of course, as long as An An is happy, I'll ask the housekeeper to drive to An An's house at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning to wait for An An."

"Yeah, I got it, Brother Chu Ling, see you tomorrow."

After hanging up the video call, Xu Ru'an kissed his parents and went to find his sister Yaoyao, leaving behind Xu Zerui, the sixth brother who looked like he had lost all hope in life.

He Youtong and Xu Qingfeng looked at their sixth son's horrible appearance and laughed without giving him face.

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