"Mom, what are you doing? Didn't I tell you I don't want to go to the supermarket with you?"

""Mo Yaoyao, shut up! I'm not taking you to the supermarket, it's your dad who wants to see you, I'm taking you to see him!"

Wen Yan had no choice but to tell the truth.

When she heard the word"dad", Mo Yaoyao was stunned.

Of course she knew her biological father, Mo Hua. She had met him two or three times before. She had asked her mother at that time why they didn't live with their father.

Her mother always said that her father was a pauper and an irresponsible bad man. He couldn't afford to support them and didn't want them anymore. Now her mother actually said that she would take her to see her father. Wasn't her mother angry with her father anymore?

But after Mo Yaoyao knew that her mother was going to take her to see her father, she stopped making trouble and followed her mother quietly.

Xu Ru'an, who was following behind, heard their words clearly.

Sister Yaoyao's father? If that's the case, why didn't Aunt Wen Yan say it directly? Is she on guard against him? Sure enough, he was right to run out. He always felt that there was something fishy about it.

Wen Yan brought Mo Yaoyao to the door of the small supermarket, only to see Mo Hua walking up to them with a strawberry-flavored lollipop.

"Yaoyao, Daddy finally sees you, here, this is what Daddy bought for you."

Mo Yaoyao took the lollipop and said thank you softly.

"Mo Hua, Yaoyao, you have seen me too, remember what you promised me, okay, Yaoyao and I are going back."

Wen Yan was about to pull Mo Yaoyao away, but Mo Hua picked her up.

"Wait a minute, this meeting time is too short, I still need to spend more time with my daughter"

"You! Forget it, I'll give you ten minutes at most. After ten minutes, Yaoyao and I must go back!"

I knew that Mo Hua was not so easy to deal with, but for now I could only follow his wishes.

Xu Ru'an was shocked when he saw Mo Hua's appearance. Wasn't this man the man who took Sister Yaoyao away in his nightmare?

Is his nightmare going to come true at this time?

Xu Ru'an looked at them uneasily, wondering if the same thing as in the nightmare really happened later, what should he do?

"Wait, where are you taking Yaoyao?"

Wen Yan grabbed Mo Hua's arm, but was immediately thrown away by Mo Hua.

""Wen Yan, let me tell you, Yaoyao is my, Mo Hua's, daughter. You don't think I will let my own daughter live with you in another man's house, and then let my daughter call another man dad!"

Mo Hua's face was ferocious,"I tell you, I will never let this happen. You, a fickle, vain woman, don't care, but my precious daughter Yaoyao can only follow me as a father."

After that, he slapped Wen Yan fiercely. Wen Yan was hit so hard that his eyes were shining and he felt dizzy.

Mo Yaoyao was frightened by this scene and cried,"Mom! Dad, how can you hit Mom!"

At this moment, Mo Yaoyao realized that her mother was right, Dad was a big bad guy!

Mo Yaoyao struggled to find Wen Yan, but Mo Hua held her tightly and would not let go.

Wen Yan knew that she could not let Mo Hua take her daughter away, otherwise she would have no way to explain to Xu Wuping. At this point, Wen Yan only thought about the Xu family instead of the safety of her daughter.

"No! You can't take Yaoyao away, give Yaoyao back to me!"

Wen Yan wanted to grab Yaoyao from Mo Hua's arms, but as soon as he got close, he was kicked away by Mo Hua.

This scene was exactly the same as what Xu Ru'an saw in his dream. Seeing that the situation was getting more and more serious, Xu Ru'an didn't care about anything and rushed out directly.

"Bad uncle! Let go of Sister Yaoyao! Otherwise I will tell the police uncle!"

Xu Ru'an's words reminded Wen Yan. Oh, yes, she could call the police!

So Wen Yan took out her cell phone, and just as she was about to make a call, Mo Hua snatched the phone away.

""Fuck! You still want to call the police? No way!"

But they seemed to have forgotten that they were at the entrance of the supermarket.

Their quarrel had attracted many people and also attracted the supermarket security guards.

""Sir, please let go of the child. We have called the police. You'd better not do anything stupid!"

It was obvious that the two security guards in the supermarket thought Mo Hua was a man who had snatched a child in the street.

Mo Hua then realized that they were surrounded by people,"What are you doing! Why are you calling the police! The one in my arms is my own biological daughter. I want to take her home. What law have I broken?!""

"No, this man wants to take my daughter away. Please help and don’t let him escape!"

Wen Yan seized the opportunity and spoke quickly. She couldn't care about anything else now. The most important thing was to save Yaoyao.

Xu Ru'an also nodded,"Sister Yaoyao is An An's sister, you can't take An An's sister away!"

Mo Yaoyao also cried and said intermittently:"Woo... I don't want to go with you! I want my mother! I want my brother An An!"

The onlookers and the two security guards were more convinced that Mo Hua was a bad guy. He wanted to take away other people's children, so they blocked his way and wouldn't let him leave.

Mo Hua was anxious. He didn't want to be caught by the police. It seemed that he couldn't take Yaoyao away today. Wen Yan, this bitch, was too much!

"Humph! Wen Yan, since you have done such a ruthless thing, don't blame me for being unfair to you, just wait for me! I, Mo Hua, will not let you go easily! I want you to pay the price."

After saying that, he gritted his teeth, threw Yaoyao to the two security guards, and then took advantage of the commotion to run away.

Fortunately, Mo Yaoyao was caught steadily by the two security guards and was not injured.

Xu Ru'an and Wen Yan both breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, Wen Yan wanted to take Yaoyao and An'an home, but the police had already arrived, and they had to go back with them to take a statement.

And An'an immediately notified his parents, uncle and several brothers.

So after taking the statement, it was the Xu family who came to take them back.

""Wen Yan, what's going on with that man?"

Xu Wuping asked Wen Yan in confusion, but Wen Yan found it difficult to speak. After hesitating for a long time, he slowly explained:"His name is Mo Hua, and he is Yaoyao's biological father. He called today and said he wanted to see Yaoyao for the last time. I agreed, but I didn't expect that he actually wanted to snatch Yaoyao back, so……"

Wen Yan secretly glanced at Xu Wuping's face, and after finding that nothing was wrong, she continued,"Mo Hua is not a good person. I was deceived by him before. He has a wife and children, and he deceived me into being a mistress. After I found out, I immediately cut off contact with him, but Yaoyao is his daughter after all, so I couldn't bear to stop him from meeting Yaoyao."

Wen Yan knew in her heart that if she didn't explain the matter clearly, Xu Wuping would definitely have doubts about this matter, so she could only tell everything. Anyway, she was not wrong. She was indeed deceived by Mo Hua, but she concealed the key point.

Sure enough, after listening to Wen Yan's explanation, He Youtong, who is also a mother and a woman, was the first to show sympathy for Wen Yan.

""Brother, the victims of this incident are Wen Yan and Yao Yao. They are indeed pitiful. Mo Hua actually wanted to forcefully take Yao Yao away. It is obvious that he is not a good person. In my opinion, it is too dangerous to keep Mo Hua."

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