The next day, Xu Ru'an did not stay in bed, but got up early to wash up.

""An An, you got up so early today. I was going to wake you up."

After hearing what Mo Yaoyao said, Xu Ru'an shyly scratched her head,"Well, because Brother Chu Ling said he would come to pick An An up today, An An can't sleep in, otherwise Brother Chu Ling would see her and laugh at her."

Although Xu Ru'an knew that according to Xia Chuling's personality, he would not laugh at him, he still wanted to give Xia Chuling a good impression.

Xu Zerui, who also stood up, looked unhappy. It was this Xia Chuling again. He didn't understand what was so good about this bad boy, and why An An had a special liking for him.

Isn't Xia Chuling Xia Yifan's adopted son? According to An An, he should be a bad guy. An An should hate him!

Originally, Xu Zerui wanted to say a few bad things about Xia Chuling, but when he thought about An An breaking up with him for an hour yesterday, he immediately shut his mouth.

Not long after breakfast, Xia Chuling came. Xia

Chuling looked a little different today. It can be seen that he was dressed up specially today.

Xia Chuling's fair skin set off his light pink lips, prominent delicate facial features, and perfect face shape. Especially the sunny smile he showed when he saw An An, he looked particularly handsome and dazzling.

【Why do I feel like Brother Chu Ling is so handsome today? I want to drool, what's wrong?

Xu Zerui immediately pulled a long face, how could this brat be handsome!

Xia Chu Ling walked in front of An An and gently rubbed his head,"An An, good morning, are you ready? We are leaving."

"Yes, An An is ready, and so is Sister Yao Yao."

"And I'm ready too."

Xia Chuling looked at Xu Zerui and bowed to him,"Good morning, Brother Zerui, are you going with us?"

"Nonsense, of course I have to go with them, my brother and sister are still so young, how can they go without adults!"

Xu Zerui said this while staring at Xia Chuling. Xia Chuling also felt his ill will towards him, but he didn't quite understand why Brother Zerui would be like this. If he couldn't figure it out, he didn't think about it. Anyway, his main purpose today was to see An An.

"An An, I also asked Auntie and the others to prepare delicious lunch boxes for us. After we watch the dolphin show, we can go to the nearby grass to eat the lunch boxes together."

"Wow! That's great!"

Xu Ru'an looked at Xia Chuling happily with his big watery eyes, and then he moved his little mouth closer to Xia Chuling.

"Mua! Brother Chu Ling is so good to An An!"

Then An An seemed to be still unsatisfied and moved closer.

"mua Ah! Brother Chu Ling is so handsome today!"

Wow, he gave two kisses in a row. Although they were only on Xia Chu Ling's face, it was enough to make Xu Zerui, who was watching the whole scene, explode.

"Ah! An An, what are you doing!"

Xu Ru'an was startled by Xu Zerui's sudden call and took a few steps back. Xia Chuling quickly hugged him in his arms, patted his back and comforted him softly.

Xu Zerui became even more annoyed when he saw this scene.

"Damn it! Xia Chuling, what are you doing again!"

Xu Qingfeng and his friends who were eating breakfast at the table heard Xu Zerui's loud voice and ran out, thinking that something had happened to An An and the others.

Mo Yaoyao was also frightened by Xu Zerui's loud voice. She moved towards An An and Xia Chuling and decided to stay away from Xu Zerui who didn't look very smart.

"Lao Liu! What are you yelling about, you little brat? It's so noisy! I haven't even finished my breakfast yet."

"Dad, your son is about to be taken away by someone else, and you still have the mood to eat breakfast?"

"Huh? What the hell is that?"

Xu Qingfeng looked at Xu Zerui in bewilderment. Not to mention Xu Qingfeng, even He Youtong and Xu Yufeng and his brothers all looked puzzled.

"Sixth brother, what are you doing? You scared An An!"

"An An, you still have the nerve to ask me what I am doing! You... you just……"

After kissing Xia Chuling twice, Xu Zerui couldn't say this!

"No, Laoliu, what exactly do you want to say?"

"That's right, what's wrong with An An, why are you so excited?"

Xu Zerui hesitated for a long time without getting to the point, but Butler Ouyang couldn't stand it anymore and had to remind him:"Sorry, everyone, it's almost time, let's set off as soon as possible."

"That's right! It's all Sixth Brother's fault. We almost forgot that we had to go to the aquarium. If we're late, An'an won't be able to watch the dolphin show."

So An'an held Sister Yaoyao with her left hand and Brother Xia Chuling with her right hand, followed Butler Ouyang, went out of the gate and got into the Xia family's car.

By the time Xu Zerui reacted, their car had already started and drove away.

Su Zerui's face unconsciously darkened. An'an actually forgot about his Sixth Brother.

"Mom, Dad, brothers, our An An, he forgets his brother when he sees a beautiful woman!"

An An has never kissed his sixth brother so passionately, but today he actually did this to that brat!

"I said, Lao Liu, why don’t you catch up with them? Didn’t I tell you to go to the aquarium with An An and the others today?"

"I suddenly don't want to go. I feel like I have serious internal injuries and I won't be able to recover in a short time."

"What the hell are you doing here? Hurry up and get out of here!"

Xu Qingfeng couldn't help but kick him,"Hurry up and get out!"

Xu Zerui resigned himself to driving his car towards the aquarium.

"Husband, you said that the sixth son and the other sons were all born from my belly, and the other sons are all very smart, so why is it that the sixth son seems to have a little abnormality in his brain?"

"Wife, I also think that the sixth child is a little abnormal. Do you think there is a possibility that the sixth child was taken away by mistake?"

Seeing their parents making fun of Xu Zerui, the brothers of the Xu family smiled helplessly.

Xu Zerui in the car seemed to have sensed something and sneezed twice.

""Oh, my baby An'an! I will definitely protect you today, and I will never let that brat take advantage of you again! So you must wait for Sixth Brother!"

Xu Zerui didn't seem to understand that it was Xu Ru'an who took advantage of Xia Chuling just now.

In Xia Chuling's car, the three children were very excited.

Xu Ru'an and Mo Yaoyao had never been to the oceanarium, let alone seen a dolphin show, so they were full of expectations for the dolphin show that was about to come.

Xia Chuling gave them some knowledge about marine life and introduced them to the itinerary he had specially arranged for today.

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