"Yaoyao, An'an, you two stay at home and play. I have something to go out for."

Wen Yan finally decided to go out. She had to solve this matter personally as soon as possible.

"Mom, where are you going? Do you need Yaoyao to accompany you?"

"No need, Yaoyao, mom will be back soon, you stay at home with An'an."

Wen Yan ran out in a hurry. Xu Ru'an noticed that the black air on Wen Yan's body came out again. He frowned, wondering what the black air on her body represented.

"An An, what's wrong with you?"

"Hmm... Sister Yaoyao, do you know if Aunt Wen Yan has encountered any troubles recently?"

Mo Yaoyao thought for a while and shook her head.

Xu Ru'an couldn't ask anything, so she could only let Aunt Wen Yan go.

Wen Yan got in a taxi and made an appointment to meet someone in a nearby park.

In the park, people were coming and going. A middle-aged man who looked a little haggard kept looking at the entrance of the park, as if he was waiting for someone.

When he saw Wen Yan, he was very happy.���After the figure appeared, he hurried over

"Wen Yan, you are finally here!"

"Mo Hua, what on earth do you want to do?"

It turns out that the person Wen Yan is meeting is Mo Yaoyao's biological father, Mo Hua.

""Where's Yaoyao? Where's my baby girl? Didn't I ask you to bring her out as well?"

Mo Hua looked around but couldn't see Mo Yaoyao. His face darkened.

"I will not bring Yaoyao out to see you, so just tell me what you want to do!"

"Wen Yan, my wife has divorced me. Now I can marry you. Bring Yaoyao here to live with me. From now on, the three of us will be a family."

"Impossible, I will not marry you."

Wen Yan refused without even thinking about it. What a joke, now she and Yaoyao live in Xu's house, spending Xu's money, very comfortable, how could she be so stupid as to give up such a life and marry this poor guy who cheated her!

"Why! I told you, my wife and I are divorced!"

""Mo Hua, just give up on this idea. Yaoyao and I will not follow you. We can never be a family. I'm going to make it clear to you now. Please don't disturb our lives anymore. Just consider it as a plea from me, okay?"

Mo Hua couldn't accept it. He divorced his wife for Wen Yan and left the house with nothing. Now he could say that he had lost everything, but now Wen Yan told him that she and her daughter could not live with him. What kind of words were these!

"No! I don't accept it. You have to give me a reason, or you can't leave me today!"

Mo Hua grabbed Wen Yan's wrist angrily.

Wen Yan panicked. She couldn't stay out for too long, otherwise when Xu Wuping and the others came home and asked her where she had been, it would be difficult for her to explain clearly.

"Mo Hua, are you crazy? Let me go. What do you want? Money? I can give it to you. Just tell me how much you want!"

"Money? You actually want to give me money? Wen Yan, when did you have money? You used to spend my money, so are you hooking up with a rich man now? Oh, I understand!"After talking to this point, what else did Mo Hua not understand!

"So that's how it is, Wen Yan, oh Wen Yan, how could I have forgotten! You bitch, didn't you think I was a rich second-generation that you pestered me?"

Mo Hua suddenly laughed, and the people around them looked at them with strange eyes.

Wen Yan felt the strange gazes around him,"Mo Hua, I tell you the truth, Yaoyao and I live in the Xu family now. You know the Xu family, that's the richest family. Yaoyao and I are no longer the same now."

Wen Yan broke free from Mo Hua's hand, with a cold face

"Mo Hua, Yaoyao is your daughter. You probably don't want your daughter to suffer with a poor guy like you. For Yaoyao's sake, don't bother us anymore."

Mo Hua stopped laughing and looked at Wen Yan coldly.

"Wen Yan, you are awesome. I have let you get close to the Xu family. Okay, I can stop entangled with you for Yaoyao's sake, but I have a request."

"What request?"

Wen Yan just wanted to solve the big trouble of Mo Hua immediately, and then go back to Xu's house.

"I want to see Yaoyao for the last time, and right away."

"What? But……"

"You have no right to refuse. Yaoyao is my biological daughter. Since I promised you that I will not bother you again, I will definitely keep my word. And this is the only request I have. It is not too much, right?"

Wen Yan was very conflicted. Yaoyao was at home with An An now. If she went back and brought Yaoyao out to meet Mo Hua, An An, the clever little girl, would definitely ask a lot of questions. By then, it would attract the attention of other people in the Xu family, and Xu Wuping would definitely be suspicious of her.

But if she didn't agree to Mo Hua's request, he would definitely not let her go.

After struggling for a few minutes, Wen Yan decided to agree to Mo Hua's request.

"OK, but Yaoyao is at Xu's house now. I can go back and bring Yaoyao to see you."

"No, I want to go with you."

"No, I won't let anyone from the Xu family see you."

"I'll just hide nearby, you can just go in and bring Yaoyao out, who knows if you'll just hide in Xu's house and not come out after you go back alone!"

Mo Hua didn't trust Wen Yan at all, so it was safest to go back with her.

Wen Yan had no choice but to agree.

The two called a car and rushed to Xu's house.

Wen Yan asked Mo Hua to wait in front of a small supermarket near Xu's house, and she walked back to Xu's house.

After returning home, she saw Mo Yaoyao and An An playing Lego. She just wanted to take Yaoyao out, so she wanted to trick An An and separate Yaoyao.

Mo Yaoyao found that Wen Yan was back, and walked towards her happily.

"Mom, you're back. Have you finished everything you wanted to do?"

"Okay, it’s done. Yaoyao, mom wants to go to the nearby supermarket to buy some things. Can you accompany mom?"

"Sure, let's take An An with us, otherwise he will be very bored if we leave him alone at home."

"An An won't go with us. There are too many people in the supermarket and Mom can't take care of two children. Mom is afraid that An An might be lost. Then your uncle Wu Ping and the others will definitely be angry."

"Mom, no, I will hold An An's hand and take good care of him."

"No, you don't listen to your mother?"

Wen Yan pretended to be angry, wanting Yaoyao to be obedient.

"Then I won't go to the supermarket with my mother. I want to stay at home with An An."

This is not the result Wen Yan wanted. She glanced at her phone and saw that it was Mo Hua calling to urge her.

"An An, I'm sorry, Aunt Wen Yan is going to take Yao Yao out for a while, you stay home alone and behave yourself, got it?"

Wen Yan pulled Mo Yao Yao over and took her out the door regardless of her wishes.

Xu Ru'an noticed that the black energy wrapped around Wen Yan had become darker, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

He originally didn't want to care about Aunt Wen Yan's affairs, but Sister Yao Yao followed Aunt Wen Yan, and thinking of that nightmare, Xu Ru'an couldn't rest assured, so in the end he decided to follow them.

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