The phone rang for several minutes, and Xu Ru'an was about to give up. The next second, it was finally connected.

"Hey, Master, are you asleep?"

"An An, my good disciple. Even if the master is asleep, he will be woken up by you. Tell me, what important matter is there that makes you call me so late?"

"Master, An An had a nightmare"

"Huh? You're going to call your master just because you had a nightmare?"

The old naughty boy turned over in bed helplessly. What should he do if he suddenly felt disgusted with his apprentice?

""Master, didn't I tell you last time that An An's nightmares will come true?"

After An An's reminder, the old naughty boy also remembered that An An dreamed that his fifth brother was killed last time, so he became serious.

"Then tell me, what did you dream about this time?"

Xu Ru'an told the master everything he dreamed about, and also told him about the looming black energy he saw on Aunt Wen Yan.

"Well... it's indeed a little unusual. The master has never encountered such a thing, so I can't answer your question right away."

After a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, the old naughty boy said,"Well, An An, the master will think about it carefully and check the relevant information. You don't have to be so anxious. You are with your sister. If you pay more attention, nothing should happen."

"Well, I understand, Master. Then please think about the black energy carefully."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Ru'an lay on the bed and fell asleep while thinking about things. She slept until dawn, and when she saw Sister Yaoyao, she said good morning to her sweetly.

""Sister Yaoyao, I heard from Aunt Wen Yan that you couldn't sleep last night. Did you fall asleep after drinking the hot milk that Aunt Wen Yan gave you? Did you sleep well?"

Mo Yaoyao was puzzled when asked by Xu Ru'an.

She didn't have trouble sleeping last night, and her mother didn't prepare any hot milk for her. Why would An An say such a thing?

Although she didn't know what happened, Mo Yaoyao didn't want An An to think that her mother was lying, so she just nodded slightly as an answer to An An.

In the kindergarten, Mo Yaoyao was absent-minded all day because she learned from An An that her mother lied in the morning.

After returning home, Mo Yaoyao took her mother back to the room.

"Yaoyao, why did you pull your mother to the room as soon as you came back?"

""Mom, what did you do last night? Why did you lie to An An?"

Wen Yan was stunned, but soon reacted.

"What? Did An An tell you something? Did he come to you to complain?"

"Mom, can you answer my question honestly? What did you want to do last night?"

"Yaoyao, what's your attitude? I'm your mother. Are you questioning your mother now? Just because of what An An said?"

Wen Yan was very unhappy. She originally thought that she could easily take down Xu Yufeng with her appearance and figure, but Xu Yufeng's attitude last night told her that Xu Yufeng was no longer possible.

So she was thinking about changing her target. The next target was Xu Hanwen. She didn't believe that she couldn't take down any of the six brothers.

""Mom, I just think it's not good for you to lie to An An like this. Grandpa always teaches us to be honest and treat people sincerely. Mom is an adult, so she should take the lead and set a good example."

Facing her daughter Yaoyao's preaching, Wen Yan felt a little irritated. She couldn't figure out who Yaoyao's personality resembled.

She herself was not a qualified mother. In fact, it was her father, Yaoyao's grandfather, who often educated Yaoyao.

"Okay, I know. What bad thing could I do? I just wanted to drink milk and happened to meet An An. I was afraid that An An would think it was embarrassing for your mother, such a grown-up, to like drinking milk like a child, so I lied."

"Oh, so that's how it is, mom, it's okay, Yaoyao doesn't think mom is embarrassed."

No matter how sharp Mo Yaoyao's mind is, she is still just a child, still a little naive.

The matter was turned over, and Mo Yaoyao and Wen Yan went downstairs to have dinner with the Xu family.

I don't know if Wen Yan was unlucky, or the young masters of the Xu family were really busy. Anyway, for a period of time, Wen Yan couldn't implement her seduction plan. The young masters of the Xu family either went on business trips, did not come back at night, or fell asleep very early. In short, there were things like this that prevented her from carrying out her plan.

As for the old naughty boy, based on Xu Ru'an's description of the black air, he looked up a lot of relevant information and finally got a more satisfactory answer.

He told Xu Ru'an his guess and understanding.

"An An, there are many possibilities for the formation of black gas. The fact that it appears vaguely is probably because it is affected by the fluctuations of a person, which means that the energy in that person to form black gas is not sufficient."

"In addition, your ability to predict dreams is too amazing. Master is not sure whether this kind of dream will have any impact on your body, so Master wants to tell you to pay more attention to your own physical condition. If you find something wrong with your body, remember to report it to Master in time. Got it?"

Xu Ru'an nodded and agreed,"Okay, Master, I have had nightmares twice, and I don't feel any discomfort in my body."

"That's good. Anyway, it's better to pay more attention. By the way, the master will go on a long trip in a few days, so it may not be convenient to contact you. If you have any questions, you can handle it yourself first."

"Oh, okay."

The master is really unreliable. How can he teach his apprentice like this? He is really careless.

Days passed by, and Xu Ru'an and his friends welcomed their children's favorite summer vacation.

"Sister Yaoyao, it’s finally vacation time. Anan can sleep until he wakes up naturally every day. It’s great that he doesn’t have to get up early to go to kindergarten!"

"Yeah, my sister is happy too."

"Sister Yaoyao, is there any place you want to go? We will tell Dad and them and ask them to take us there!"

"Okay, but I don't have any place I want to go. What about An An? An An decides. Wherever An An wants to go, I will go with her."

"So, An An needs to think about it carefully!"

The two little guys were sitting on the sofa, discussing where to go.

They didn't notice Wen Yan's nervous expression at all. She was holding her phone tightly, as if she was holding back something, and she seemed to be afraid of something.

Wen Yan bit her lip, staring at a message on her phone, feeling flustered.

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