At this time, the paper butterfly folded by Xu Ru'an had already flown near Xu Wanyu.

He and his men hid in the dark, observing several spies not far away. Each of them held a black briefcase in his hand, which should contain the secret documents they had stolen from their respective units.

Xu Wanyu made a gesture of preparation for action, and at this moment, the paper butterfly landed on his finger.

At first he just thought that a butterfly happened to land on it, but soon he found something wrong. He noticed that it was a butterfly made of paper, and if he looked closely, there were traces of ink on it.

Xu Wanyu grabbed the paper butterfly and spread it out. There were words on it.

The words on it were crooked, but they clearly wrote five words: There is a traitor, be careful.

Xu Wanyu was shocked. Who wrote this, and what does it mean to have a traitor?

Suddenly he thought of a possibility, that is, there was a traitor in his team.

Inexplicably, Xu Wanyu had a natural sense of trust in this strange information that suddenly appeared.

He put the note away and put it in his pocket, then carefully observed the subordinates around him. He had no way to determine which one of them was the traitor, so he had to be alert.

Back to Xu Ru'an, his mind was full of his fifth brother. He didn't know if he had seen his paper butterfly, and he didn't know if he had found the hateful traitor.

When he got closer and closer to the light, he heard a noisy sound. He carefully stuck his head out to look ahead and found that the bad guys were running around, and those who were wearing camouflage uniforms and chasing the bad guys should be the subordinates of the fifth brother.

When all the bad guys were caught, Xu Ru'an didn't see the figure of the fifth brother, and he was a little worried.

At this time, Xu Wanyu was still inside. After he issued the order to arrest people, he was always careful and alert. Sure enough, a subordinate named Wen Ye standing behind him suddenly stabbed him with a knife.

Xu Wanyu dodged alertly, then kicked the man to the ground. The man wanted to draw his gun to deal with him, but was knocked down by Xu Wanyu's adjutant with a punch. Soon the man was controlled by several other subordinates. The spies on the other side were also annihilated and captured, and all the secret documents were successfully recovered.

Xu Wanyu took a look and made sure that nothing was missed, then he said loudly:"Very good, we can call it a day, the mission is accomplished, everyone has worked hard."

But when the subordinates were about to take the traitor out, the sharp-eyed Xu Wanyu saw the traitor make a small move, he felt something was wrong, and wanted to go forward to check.

【Fifth brother, stop the traitor, he is going to detonate the bomb here!

Xu Wanyu raised his pistol and shot the traitor in the head, but it was too late, he had already pressed the switch before he was shot in the head.

Without caring about anything else, Xu Wanyu shouted:"Run! Run out!"

Everyone ran out desperately, only to hear a loud bang, and at the same time as the explosion, waves of heat came, and everyone saw that they were already in a sea of fire behind them.

Fortunately, everyone had already run out and no one was injured.

Xu Wanyu realized it belatedly and thought of just now. He seemed to have heard Xu Ru'an's voice. It was because of this voice that Xu Wanyu was able to get everyone out of the world in time.

But isn't An An sleeping at home? How could she appear here?

No! Xu Wanyu thought of the paper butterfly again. He took out the paper with words on it from his pocket. The more he looked at the words on it, the more familiar they became. Could it really be An An?

Xu Wanyu looked around anxiously,"An'an! An'an, are you here?"

Hearing his fifth brother calling him, Xu Ru'an knew that he had been exposed, but he didn't understand why he was exposed. He clearly didn't show up and didn't make any sound.

"An An, are you here? Are you okay? Don't scare Brother Wu! Did you make that butterfly?"

【Huh? Fifth Brother actually knew that I was the one who created that butterfly? How could it be?

Hearing An An's voice again, Xu Wanyu was sure that An An was nearby, which meant that An An was fine, and he was relieved.

"An An, thank you for your help. Please come out quickly. Fifth Brother's mission has been completed. Let's go home together, okay?"

Xu Ru'an originally wanted to save Fifth Brother and then go home safely, so he obediently crawled out of the bushes.

""Fifth brother, An An is here."

Seeing An An coming out from the bushes, Xu Wanyu suddenly realized that An An was hiding in such a place. No wonder he was not found for a while. This little guy is quite good at hiding.

Xu Wanyu hugged An An in his arms,"You, shouldn't you be sleeping in Fifth Brother's room? When did you run out with Fifth Brother?"

Xu Ru'an scratched his head embarrassedly,"I secretly climbed onto Fifth Brother's car, but Fifth Brother was so stupid that he didn't notice it."

"You, you actually deceived Fifth Brother. What about that paper butterfly? And how did you know that there was a traitor among Fifth Brother's subordinates?"

【Oh! Why does Fifth Brother have so many questions! I don't know how to answer him! Do you want me to tell him that I had a nightmare and saw these things in the nightmare, so I was afraid that he would be in danger, so I followed him secretly? 】

Xu Wanyu didn't need An An to answer, he already knew the answer.

He didn't expect An An's ability to be so amazing that he could even have such a predictive dream.

"Fifth brother, that paper butterfly is a kind of magic. I learned it from the book that my master gave me on my birthday. Isn’t it magical?"

"Well, it’s magical. An An actually learned magic. That’s great. An An is so awesome!"

"That is, An An will be even more powerful in the future! The master said that after I learn the spells in the book, I will teach An An other more powerful skills. At that time, An An will definitely work hard to learn, so that An An can help his brothers in the future."

"Okay, but An An, Brother Wu is still angry."

"Huh? Why?"

【Why is Fifth Brother so angry? It was An An who saved him!】

"An An, do you know that this is very dangerous? An An is worried about Fifth Brother, but does Fifth Brother not worry about An An? If something happens to An An, do you think Fifth Brother will not be heartbroken?"

"And mom, dad and other brothers, if they knew that An An was in trouble, what would they do?"

Hearing this, Xu Ru'an was also sad, and said in a baby voice,"I'm sorry, An An will be careful next time."

【Humph, An An, you dare to do that again in the future. Master said that An An is a blessed person with great abilities! An An will be fine. Dad, Mom, brothers, and Sister Yao Yao will all be protected by An An from now on! 】

Xu Wanyu's heart softened and he was moved. He tightened his grip around An An.

An An will also be protected by him. He will never let An An get into danger!

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