Tonight, Xu Ru'an didn't want to sleep alone for the first time, so he slept in his fifth brother Xu Wanyu's room.

"An An, why do you suddenly want to sleep with Brother Wu today?"

After all, Xu Ru'an has always slept alone most of the time, and rarely asks to sleep with her family.

【I don't know either. I just don't know why I suddenly had this idea in my mind. It's so strange.

Xu Ru'an felt empty and uncomfortable all day. He always felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. Until he saw that a faint black aura suddenly emerged from the body of the fifth brother.

【Master said that the black energy is usually not a good thing, so I can't leave Fifth Brother alone, I have to be by his side to protect him.】

"Fifth brother, don’t you like sleeping with An An? An An can coax you to sleep."

After saying that, Xu Ru'an really patted the fifth brother's back gently while singing a lullaby.

Xu Wanyu looked at Xu Ru'an with amusement. He had just heard Xu Ru'an's inner voice, so he knew that Xu Ru'an saw something bad in him and wanted to protect him.

But he didn't know that An'an actually sang a lullaby to him to coax himself to sleep.

Xu Ru'an's baby voice was soft and pleasant, which was indeed very healing and hypnotic.

Not long after, Xu Wanyu really relaxed while listening to the song and smelling the milky fragrance on An'an's body, and soon fell asleep.

And An'an also coaxed himself to sleep, and the two brothers fell into a deep sleep.

Two hours later, it was already midnight.

Xu Wanyu's mobile phone, which was placed on the bedside, suddenly vibrated. Xu Wanyu woke up suddenly, took the phone and saw that it was a call from his subordinates in the corps.

Xu Wanyu subconsciously glanced at the sleeping Xu Ru'an, got off the bed carefully, kissed Xu Ru'an's little face, and then took the phone out of the room.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, there is progress on the previous mission. Our people found out that the spies are gathering in an abandoned factory in the suburbs."

"Do you know what they were planning to do there?"

"According to the information sent back by the people who were following them, they seemed to want to escape with the secret information they stole a few days ago. They had already contacted their contact privately and were going to get in the car prepared by their contact in advance and leave my country by private plane after the reunion."

"I understand. You notify the people at the abandoned factory and ask them to stay where they are. Then you and the other brothers will rush over to support them. I will be there in 20 minutes!"

Xu Wanyu returned to his room and changed into clothes that were convenient for him to move around in. He took a deep look at An An and left immediately.

The moment Xu Wanyu walked out of the room, Xu Ru'an, who was sleeping in the room, suddenly woke up.

""Fifth brother! Be careful!"

Xu Ru'an shouted in panic, then turned his head and looked around, and found that the fifth brother was gone.

He quickly climbed down from the bed, feeling extremely anxious.

He had just had a nightmare. In the dream, the fifth brother was carrying out a secret mission in an abandoned factory. Everything was going well, but a traitor suddenly appeared in the fifth brother's team, not only revealing the location of the ambush of the fifth brother and his team, but also stabbed the fifth brother.

The fifth brother was injured and wanted to catch up with the traitor and the bad guys, but he didn't expect that the abandoned factory had been installed with bombs by the traitor in advance. The bad guys and the traitor ran out of the abandoned factory, got in the car, and immediately activated the bomb device.

In this way, a series of explosions occurred in the abandoned factory. The fifth brother and his subordinates failed to escape in time and were left inside forever.

After that, Xu Ru'an dreamed that everyone in the Xu family was very sad about the death of the fifth brother, and everyone appeared at the fifth brother's funeral holding white roses.

But in the original book, the fifth brother did not have such an ending. Could it be that because he had repeatedly led the plot astray, a chain reaction occurred, leading to the change of the fifth brother's ending?

Regardless of What, Xu Ru'an didn't want his fifth brother to leave them, so he struggled to wake up from this nightmare, so there was the scene of Xu Ru'an frantically looking for Xu Wanyu.

Xu Ru'an couldn't find his fifth brother anywhere, and he had to doubt whether the nightmare he had was real.

He hurried back to his room and took out another book that his master left for him at the birthday party. It was the book that his master left for him not long after he left that day, saying that he might need it soon.

Unexpectedly, what the master said was true. Perhaps the master had calculated something that day, so he left and came back, and left this book to him on purpose.

Xu Ru'an had read this book, which recorded the use of some simple spells.

He remembered that there was a spell to find someone in it, which was very simple and the only spell he could use at present. He didn't expect it to come in handy today.

Xu Ru'an took out a piece of white paper, folded a thousand paper cranes, and then used a brush to dot its eyes.

After that, he muttered a spell of the spell, and he didn't know if he was too flustered. He tried several times before he finally succeeded.

"Thousand paper cranes, please take me to my fifth brother."

After hearing what Xu Ru'an said, the thousand paper cranes really moved. They were seen floating in the air, and then came to the gate of the Su family.

Xu Ru'an opened the gate and let the thousand paper cranes float out.

At this time, Xu Ru'an saw his fifth brother holding a box and putting it in the trunk of the car. Xu Ru'an knew that if his fifth brother found out that he followed him out, he would definitely send him back home.

So while his fifth brother was moving another box, he quietly climbed onto the back seat of the car, curled up his whole body, and lay under the back seat.

Xu Wanyu was a little anxious because he was in a hurry. He had just spent time preparing some props and equipment, so he had already wasted some time, so he didn't notice that someone was hiding behind.

More than 20 minutes later, Xu Wanyu finally arrived at his destination, an abandoned factory in the southern suburbs.

As soon as he got off the car, Xu Wanyu asked several of his subordinates to move the two boxes down from the trunk.

"Come on, follow me!"

Hearing the footsteps fading away, Xu Ru'an climbed down from the car.

In front of him was the abandoned factory, and Xu Ru'an's heart was about to jump out of his chest. This was exactly the same scene he saw in his nightmare, where his fifth brother died.

So he was more convinced that everything that happened in the nightmare was true!

The thousand paper cranes were still floating in the air, as if waiting for Xu Ru'an to give another order.

"Thousand Paper Cranes, please take me to find the location of those bad guys."

Thousand Paper Cranes led Xu Ru'an around to the backyard of the abandoned factory. Xu Ru'an hid in a secluded corner overgrown with weeds. Looking in the direction ahead, he could see a flashing light not far ahead.

Xu Ru'an took out another piece of white paper and a brush, which he brought with him just in case before going out.

He wrote five words on the white paper:"There is a traitor, be careful", and then folded the paper into a butterfly.

He chanted a spell to the butterfly again,"Little butterfly, please fly to my fifth brother and let him see the words I left for him on your body. Thank you."

After receiving Xu Ru'an's order, the little butterfly immediately flew to the other side.

"An An will definitely save Brother Wu, come on!"

Xu Ru'an clenched his fists, encouraged himself, and then carefully crawled forward. Because of the cover of the weeds, no one noticed Xu Ru'an's actions.

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