At this time, the adjutant ran over to report to Xu Wanyu:"Boss, none of our team members were injured this time. Except for the traitor, the spies were not injured either. I have contacted the relevant departments to come and deal with the recovery."

After that, the adjutant noticed Xu Ru'an in his boss's arms.

He looked at Xu Ru'an curiously, and then asked puzzledly:"Where did this kid come from? Didn't we receive news that this group of spies also held such a small hostage?"

Xu Ru'an couldn't help rolling his eyes after hearing what the adjutant said,"My name is Xu Ru'an, your boss is my fifth brother, I'm not a hostage!"

Xu Wanyu shook his head helplessly,"Adjutant, An An is my younger brother, you don't have to worry about him, I will take him home later, you can go back after sending those people away."

The adjutant looked at Xu Ru'an in shock, and asked in disbelief:"Are you our boss's younger brother? Boss, when did you have such a young brother?"

Everyone in the entire corps didn't know,���The eldest son of our family is the fifth son of the Xu family. He has four older brothers and only one younger brother, who is also a hacker. This Xu Ru'an doesn't look like that hacker at all.

"Well, An An is our baby. You go and do your work. I will take An An home."

"Yes! Boss!"

When Xu Wanyu brought An An back to Xu's house, the Xu family was still asleep. Xu Wanyu was very glad that he did not disturb others, otherwise they would definitely be scared.

After returning to the room, Xu Wanyu and An An took a bath together.

The two of them lay on the bed smelling fragrant."Fifth brother, can we not tell Mom and Dad about what happened tonight? An An doesn't want them to worry."

"Well, okay, Fifth Brother thinks so too, let's just keep this as a little secret between us"

""Yeah, yeah, yeah! Fifth brother, this is our little secret, no one of us is allowed to tell anyone."

The two hooked their fingers, and then fell asleep in each other's arms.

After dawn, He Youtong saw that Mo Yaoyao had finished breakfast and was waiting on the sofa for Xu Ru'an to go to kindergarten.

But An'an hadn't woken up yet, so he went to Xu Wanyu's room to see why An'an hadn't gotten up yet.

""An'an, why don't you get up yet? Your sister Yaoyao is waiting for you to go to kindergarten together."

But because of the running around last night, Xu Ru'an still felt very tired and sleepy, so he didn't want to get up now.

He Youtong called a few more times, but Xu Ru'an didn't respond, so she got anxious, thinking he was sick.

Xu Wanyu, who was awakened by He Youtong, shook his head at her,"Mom, let An'an sleep, and take a day off from kindergarten today. An'an didn't sleep well last night and had a nightmare. He probably doesn't want to get up now."

Hearing Xu Wanyu say this, He Youtong was relieved, as long as he was not sick.

So today only Mo Yaoyao went to kindergarten.

When Xu Ru'an woke up after a good sleep, it was already time for lunch.

After lunch, Xu Wanyu took Xu Ru'an out, and they planned to take a walk in the nearby park.

In the park, they found a place where they could feed rabbits. Xu Ru'an thought it was quite interesting, so he clamored to buy something to feed the rabbits.

Xu Wanyu, the brother who was obsessed with his younger brother, must have obeyed unconditionally, so he let An'an play with the rabbits on the spot, and then he went around to a small store at the back to buy something suitable for the rabbits.

Who knew that the enemy would meet on a narrow road, and Xu Ru'an met the noble lady and her grandson at the birthday party before.

"Grandma, look who that is!"

The lady looked in the direction of Xu Ru'an and found that it was the little bastard who had embarrassed her last time.

""Grandma, I hate him. Please help me teach him a lesson!"

The noble lady also hated Xu Ru'an, but after what happened last time, she knew that Xu Ru'an was the young master of the Xu family, and that was someone she couldn't afford to offend.

After being kicked out of the birthday party last time, her son already had a lot of opinions about her, thinking that she, as a mother, had lost face. Even her daughter-in-law, who had always been filial to her, had complaints about her.

So now that her grandson asked her to teach Xu Ru'an a lesson, she was unwilling in her heart.

"My dear grandson, forget it. He is the young master of the Xu family. We can’t afford to offend him. Otherwise, if your parents find out, they will definitely blame us again."

When he heard that his grandmother was unwilling to teach Xu Ru'an a lesson, he immediately became unhappy, so he set his sights on his sister who was walking behind him.

"Sister, come here quickly. I've been bullied. You have to help me teach someone a lesson."

I didn't expect that the child's sister was someone Xu Ru'an had met before. She was the daughter of the director of the children's hospital that Li Yanru had met before, Ouyang Shanshan.

""Who is it that could actually bully a little bully like you?"

Ouyang Shanshan was a little bit unconvinced. After all, her brother was fat and strong. In the past, he was the only one who bullied other children. Now, there were actually people who could bully him. It was really strange.

And with her grandmother who loved her grandson like her life by her side, Ouyang Shanshan was even more unconvinced. She knew very well how strong her grandmother was, especially when it came to matters involving her precious grandson. Her grandmother’s fighting power could be fully increased.

Her brother pointed at Xu Ru’an who was playing with the little rabbit in front and said,"Sister, it was that bad boy. Not only did he steal the things I liked, he also wanted to hit me. Oh, and he also scolded grandma!"

Ouyang Shanshan's face darkened when she saw that the person her brother was pointing at was Xu Ru'an.

Before, Xu Ru'an and Li Yanru had been against her, but they were the young masters of the Xu family. She also heard that her grandmother and brother were kicked out of the Xu family's birthday party. She was out of town for an assessment at the time so she didn't attend, so she didn't know the details.

However, because of this incident, the Ouyang family lost face, and because of the Xu family's revenge, their hospital also had a lot of problems. Her father was very angry and troubled by this matter. Fortunately, her mother helped, so that the hospital would not be too difficult.

"Grandma, you don’t have the same idea as your brother, do you? I advise you not to do anything stupid. The matter of father’s hospital has not been completely resolved. If we provoke them again, father’s hospital may not be able to be saved."

Ouyang Shanshan was not confused this time, and she was still clear-headed.

When Ouyang Shanshan’s grandmother heard that her son’s hospital might go bankrupt, she quickly shook her head and said,"That’s definitely not possible! Grandson, let’s not provoke them. Grandma will take you to eat fried chicken. Let’s go quickly."

It was obvious that the child didn’t understand the intrigues between the adults at all. He only wanted to teach others a lesson and vent his anger. So when he saw that his sister and grandmother didn’t help him teach Xu Ru’an a lesson, he decided to do it himself.

So, he ran directly to Xu Ru’an.

His suicidal behavior made Ouyang Shanshan very angry.

"Ouyang Qiqi, come back here!"

But Ouyang Qiqi ignored her and rushed to Xu Ru'an.

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