"An An, my uncle Xia dragged me home last night, so I didn't go to see you later. I'm sorry."

"Brother Chu Ling, it's okay. It's so late now. Brother Chu Ling must be going home to sleep."

Xu Ru'an thought of Zhao Ya. He was about to ask Xia Chu Ling about him and Zhao Ya when he heard the teacher asking everyone to be quiet.

The teacher appeared in the classroom with Zhao Ya.

"Dear children, today the teacher wants to tell you two pieces of news. One is that there is a new child joining our class. This is Zhao Ya. Please applaud and welcome her."The sparse applause sounded, and Zhao Ya introduced herself generously and elegantly. Then, without waiting for the teacher to arrange, she sat down in the empty seat next to Xia Chuling, which originally belonged to Luo Yiyi.

The teacher was embarrassed for a few seconds before continuing to tell you another piece of news:"Luo Yiyi has dropped out of school due to family reasons, so from today on, Luo Yiyi will not come to kindergarten."

Xu Ru'an already knew that Luo Yiyi would not come to kindergarten. After all, the Luo family had given up on her because of what happened last night when Luo Yiyi pushed him and Zhao Ya into the water.

She is now in danger, and Xu Ru'an can guess without asking that she must be in the hands of the Xu family. As for what she will become in the end, Xu Ru'an does not know, but it will not end well.

Compared with Luo Yiyi, Xu Ru'an is now more concerned and interested in the relationship between Zhao Ya and Xia Chuling.

"An An, I should be able to call you that, too. I heard Brother Chu Ling call you that too."

Xu Ru'an didn't object, and tacitly agreed with her way of addressing him.

"Brother Chuling, are you happy to see me? I specifically asked my father and mother to transfer me here. I really want to see Brother Chuling every day."

Xia Chuling pretended not to hear what Zhao Ya said and did not react at all. Instead, she carefully tidied up the things on the small table for Xu Ru'an and prepared the brushes for the next class, because the next class was art class. Zhao Ya was unhappy. She tried to get Xia Chuling's attention, but Xia Chuling seemed not to want to pay attention to her. Xu Ru'an noticed that Zhao Ya's eyes were red and she looked like she was about to cry.

【Why doesn't Brother Chu Ling pay any attention to Zhao Ya? Zhao Ya told me last night that she is Brother Chu Ling's fiancée and they will get married in the future.

Hearing this, Xia Chu Ling frowned.

"Zhao Ya, why were you with An An last night? Did you say something to An An?"

Zhao Ya thought Xia Chuling was finally willing to talk to her, but she didn't expect that he would question her as soon as he opened his mouth.

Zhao Ya turned her head away in dismay, not wanting to answer Xia Chuling's question at all.

""An'an, why did she come to you last night? Did she bully you?"

Zhao Ya was nervous. She was afraid that Xu Ru'an would really tell Xia Chuling that she bullied him. Xia Chuling didn't like her very much in the first place, and she didn't want to be hated by Xia Chuling even more.

"Brother Chu Ling, no, she didn't bully me, she just talked to me for a while, the only one who bullied others was Luo Yiyi."

Seeing that Xu Ru'an didn't say anything bad about her, Zhao Ya looked at him gratefully and decided not to argue with Xu Ru'an that he had taken away her brother Chu Ling, but there was only one hour, not even a second more!

【Alas, it seems that Zhao Ya is wishful thinking. Brother Chu Ling's beauty is harmful. He has made people fall in love with him at such a young age. When he grows up, who knows how many young girls will fall into his trap. 】Xia Chu Ling didn't quite understand what An An said. He decided to find a time to make it clear to Zhao Ya that he would not get engaged to her. Not to mention that they were still children, more importantly, he didn't like Zhao Ya.

After school, Xu Ru'an, who had just got in the car, heard the sixth brother say,"Uncle is finally back."

Xu Ru'an was shocked. Uncle?

Who is this person? Why didn't he remember this person in the original book?

"Sixth brother, who is your uncle?"

"An An, uncle is our father's eldest brother. He was invited to be an instructor by the national special forces because of his outstanding strength when I was born. After that, he stayed in our country's border for a long time to train special forces."

Xu Zerui said that he had never seen uncle in person, only in photos. If you want to say who sees uncle in person most often, I'm afraid it's only the fifth brother.

"Speaking of which, the fifth brother also practiced martial arts because he admired his uncle, and then formed a mercenary. Because of work, he occasionally met with his uncle."

"Why did the uncle come back this time?"

According to Xu Ru'an, the so-called national special forces are considered to be a relatively high-level military force in the country. Each special force soldier needs to undergo extremely rigorous training and perform high-level confidential tasks of the country.

So according to what the sixth brother said, a person like the uncle would definitely not be able to leave the team casually, and now the uncle came back at this time, there must be something important.

"Sixth brother really doesn't know. I also heard it from your fifth brother. He originally wanted to come and pick you up from school, but after receiving a phone call, he asked me to come and said that uncle was coming back."

Xu Zerui also thought of the same thing as Xu Ru'an. It seemed that his uncle's return at this time was not a good thing. The atmosphere in the car was a little heavy for a while.

Soon, Xu Zerui and Xu Ru'an returned to the Xu family.

As soon as they walked into the living room, they saw that everyone in the living room was there.

There was also a strange man with a lot of bandages wrapped all over his body. The man's bronze complexion and cold expression made him look extremely majestic.

Next to the man was a woman with long hair and a white dress and a little girl who looked about the same age as Xu Ru'an.

The little girl was holding a teddy bear in her hands, with a peaceful look.

After noticing someone coming in, the little girl looked at Xu Ru'an, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she soon lowered her head again.

Xu Qingfeng walked over and picked up Xu Ru'an.

He pointed at the man and introduced him to An An,"An An, come here, this is your uncle, this is Aunt Wen and her daughter Mo Yaoyao. Yaoyao is three months older than you, so An An should call Yaoyao sister."

He Youtong also smiled and said,"Yes, An An, An An will have a sister to accompany him in the future. Is An An happy?"

【Hmm? Does he have another sister? So is Sister Yaoyao the daughter of my uncle? Is Aunt Wen my uncle's wife? But why did Dad and the others ask me to call her Aunt? Shouldn't I call her Auntie?

Although Xu Ru'an was a little confused, she still said sweetly that she was happy.

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