"Everyone, I'm so sorry. We have something else to deal with. Today's birthday party ends here. I'm really sorry for the poor reception. Please forgive me."

Everyone else said they understood and left consciously.

After the Xu family cleared the place, only the Xu family, the Zhao couple and Luo Yiyi were left.

"Mr. Zhao, I wonder if this Luo Yiyi can be handed over to our Xu family to deal with. Don't worry, we will not let her go so easily. We will definitely teach her a lesson."

Mrs. Zhao glanced at Luo Yiyi. She originally thought that Luo Yiyi was still so young, still a child, and she felt a little bit sorry for it. But Luo Yiyi was wrong and not only did not repent, but also pushed the responsibility onto others and insulted her daughter. Now she felt that the girl deserved it.

Mrs. Zhao nodded to her husband, which was considered as agreement.

So Zhao Youting also nodded in agreement.

""Okay, no problem. I know you won't let her off easily."

After all, he just found out that this Luo Yiyi wasn't the first time to hurt the young master of the Xu family. According to the Xu family's style, they would definitely not let Luo Yiyi off easily.

Xu Qingfeng gave the bodyguard a look, and the bodyguard immediately understood what he meant and took the crying Luo Yiyi away.

The Zhao couple carried their daughter Zhao Ya, who had fallen asleep, into the car, and then said hello to Xu Qingfeng and left.

At this time, An An's bed was surrounded by people from the Xu family. Everyone was concerned about Xu Ru'an, fearing that Xu Ru'an might have some problems. Comfortable.

Only after Xu Ru'an repeatedly assured that she was really fine did the Xu family members breathe a sigh of relief.

Mother Xu was already very tired from arranging the birthday party, so Father Xu and the others asked her to go back to her room to rest, while Father Xu and the eldest and fifth brothers went to the bodyguards to deal with Luo Yiyi's affairs. The second brother went to send Sister Li Yanru home, and the fourth brother had to rush back to film overnight. Now only the third and sixth brothers and Sister Zhou Chenmu were left at An'an's place.

Xu Ru'an looked at Sister Zhou Chenmu, then at the third brother, and felt that they were a perfect match, handsome men and beautiful women.

"Sister Chenmu, this is the third brother of the great lawyer An An that I mentioned. By the way, my third brother is allergic to mangoes just like Sister Chenmu.

Zhou Chenmu smiled and nodded to Xu Hanwen.

"Hello, I often hear An An mention you on the set."

"Hello, Miss Zhou. I often hear An An mention you."

"An An, I am leaving too. I wanted to go with your fourth brother, but I still want to say hello to you before I leave."

"Huh? Is your sister going back to film too?"

"Yes, so I can only wait until next time when I am free to come and see An An."

Xu Ru'an nodded obediently. Yes, Sister Chen Mu is the heroine, and she and her brother have a lot of scenes. This time it was because of his birthday, so the two of them asked for leave from the director uncle, and now they must rush back.

Xu Ru'an looked at her third brother, seeing that he was motionless and didn't know how to see Sister Chen Mu off.

【Third brother, hurry up!]


Xu Hanwen looked at Xu Ruan in confusion, not understanding what he meant.

【Ouch! Third brother, why are you like a piece of wood? Hurry up and move! Sister Chenmu is about to leave the door!

Xu Ru'an was almost irritated by Xu Hanwen's lack of understanding of romance.

He pushed his third brother's arm and said,"Third brother, Sister Chenmu is a girl. It's so late, it's dangerous for her to be alone. Go and see her off.""

"Oh? No need for that?"

"No need for that, Third Brother, you are a boy, you should have some manners!"

【Really, Third Brother, hurry up! Sister Chenmu is the wife that An An found for you, I am counting on Third Brother to let Sister Chenmu be An An's third sister-in-law! 】

Xu Hanwen, who had already taken a step to send Zhou Chenmu off, suddenly stopped. What the hell did he just hear?

【Huh? Why did the third brother stop again? Sister Chen Mu has already come downstairs, why is he so slow? An An is getting anxious for him! 】

Xu Hanwen looked at Xu Ru'an helplessly and walked out of the room quickly.

"Miss Zhou, it's too late now, let me take you there."

Xu Hanwen caught up with Zhou Chenmu,"An An is worried about letting you go back alone, so please let me take you there."

""Ah? But my agent is here and waiting for me outside, so it's okay, Mr. Xu, don't bother you."

It turned out that an agent came to pick her up, so An An's wishful thinking didn't work. Let's make it clear first, it's not that he doesn't want to send people off.

"Okay, Miss Zhou, please do as you please. Thank you for taking the time to come to An An's birthday party today."

"Well, you're welcome. I like An An as well. I treat him like my brother. As his sister, I must attend his birthday party."

Xu Hanwen sent Zhou Chenmu out of the house, watched her get in the nanny car, and then returned to An An's room.

The whole process took less than five minutes, so when Xu Ru'an saw him come back so quickly, she was also stunned.

"Third brother, why did you come back so soon? Didn't I ask you to send Sister Chen Mu back? You didn't do that, did you?"

"You can't blame me for this! Your sister Zhou Chenmu has an agent coming to pick her up, so there's no need for me to send her off. I just sent her to the door and only came back to find you after seeing her get on the car safely."

【Huh? Why is that? I thought I could create an opportunity for Third Brother and Sister Chenmu to be alone together, but I don’t know if there will be another good opportunity like this.

Xu Hanwen really doesn’t understand why An An must put him and Zhou Chenmu together. Is there going to be any relationship between him and Zhou Chenmu in the future?

"An An, Third Brother only wants to focus on his career now. Romance between men and women is not suitable for Third Brother. Please don't mess around with him, okay?"

Xu Hanwen still pointed it out directly, so that An An would not become addicted to being a matchmaker.

"Third brother, how do you know that I want to bring you together with Sister Chen Mu?"

【Is the third brother so smart? Can he guess this?】

"An An, Third Brother is very smart. You, little guy, still want to hide it from Third Brother. You want to be a matchmaker at such a young age. Then you can go find your Fifth Brother and Sixth Brother, but don’t come to Third Brother. Do you understand?"

【What? It’s because of Third Brother’s condition that no one is around him. If he hadn’t been killed by the male protagonist first, he would have ended up living alone sooner or later!】

【How can I not worry? Otherwise, when the male protagonist is no longer an obstacle, the third brother still hasn't found a wife. Seeing that other brothers have wives, won't they just envy him?

Xu Ru'an doesn't want his beloved third brother to die alone and become an old man that no one wants!

After Xu Hanwen knew Xu Ru'an's idea, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"An An, you are still young and don't understand that feelings can't be forced. Brother San likes to let nature take its course."

【That sounds nice, but it's because you have a cold personality. The fox said he could pick up girls by himself, but you, a cunning old fox, can only work silently without any romance.】

【I don't know if Sister Chen Mu will like the third brother. Otherwise, in addition to Sister Chen Mu, it's better to find a few more backups for the third brother, so that it's safer. 】

Xu Hanwen was speechless, because he found that he might not be able to win the argument with An An, which was a great shame for him, a golden lawyer who had never lost!

An An would not really find a few backups for him, if this was known to other people in the family, wouldn't they laugh at him?

"An An, Third Brother will talk to you about this. Third Brother can consider your sister Chen Mu, but you have to promise Third Brother that you will not cause trouble for him anymore, okay?"

"All right, then An An will reluctantly agree to your request, Third Brother."

Xu Hanwen breathed a sigh of relief, covered An An with a blanket, and left the room after seeing that he had fallen asleep.

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