The adults present seemed to have something to talk about, and it would be inconvenient if there were children around, so Xu Qingfeng asked Xu Ru'an to take Mo Yaoyao to the small garden outside to play.

Xu Ru'an obediently took Mo Yaoyao's hand and went out.

"He is the An An you mentioned. He is really cute."

"Yes, he just had his birthday yesterday, and our Xu family announced in front of all the noble families that An An is our young master. Big brother, let’s not talk about this for now. What happened to all these injuries on your body?"

Usually due to the nature of big brother’s work, none of them are allowed to have too much communication with him, so this time big brother suddenly came back with injuries all over his body, and as soon as he came back, he said that he would never go back to the army.

There were also the mother and daughter he brought back. As a younger brother, Xu Qingfeng didn’t know that big brother was actually married and had a daughter who was almost the same age as An An.

Xu Wuping said very calmly:"Yaoyao is the granddaughter of my subordinate, and Wen Yan is the daughter of my subordinate. He died in a secret mission to cover me to complete the mission."

His injuries were also left at that time. He was lucky to save his life, but his subordinate would never come back. He couldn’t accept this.

"Before he died, he asked me to take good care of his daughter and granddaughter, so I brought them back as well."

Xu Qingfeng finally understood,"So that's how it is. Our Xu family is very grateful to your subordinate. It's our responsibility to take good care of them."

He Youtong saw Wen Yan's tired face and quickly told Aunt Lin to take Wen Yan to the guest room to rest.

"Brother, is your injury serious? Let the second brother arrange for you to have a checkup."

"No, my injury has almost healed. Brother, I have made up my mind. After this incident, I don't want to go back to the army anymore. I may have to trouble you to take care of me next time."

"What are you talking about, brother! We are brothers. It would be best if you come home. Then our family will be complete. It is not a problem for me to take care of my own brother."The

Xu brothers also had the same idea as Xu Qingfeng. Xu Wuping was relieved. He had given the first half of his life to the country and the army. For the rest of his life, he wanted to return to his family, spend more time with his family, and live happily together.

In the small garden,

Mo Yaoyao stood quietly by the side holding a teddy bear and watched Xu Ru'an playing with water happily barefoot.

"Sister Yaoyao, come over and play with An An, the water is very cool!"

"Slow careful not to fall……"

Mo Yaoyao quietly reminded Xu Ru'an, but she had no intention of playing with him.

As soon as she finished speaking, Xu Ru'an slipped and fell.

Mo Yaoyao was startled, and even the teddy bear in her hand was thrown away.

Fortunately, Xu Ru'an stood up quickly, without crying or making a fuss. It seemed that he was not hurt, but most of his clothes were wet.

""Brother, are you... okay?"

Xu Ru'an was a little embarrassed. He just fell flat on his face in front of his sister. It was so embarrassing.

Mo Yaoyao came over, took out a small handkerchief from her trouser pocket, and carefully wiped Xu Ru'an's dirty little face.

Xu Ru'an raised a smile and said to Mo Yaoyao:"Thank you, sister, An An is okay, An An is not injured, and does not feel any pain at all."

Mo Yaoyao was dazzled by the sunny smile on Xu Ru'an's little face, and turned away with a blush.

Xu Ru'an didn't know what was wrong with her. She was very quiet all the way. Except for occasionally saying a word or two to him, the rest of the time she just stared at him quietly.

"Sister, do you think it’s not fun here? Then what do you like to play? Tell An An, and An An will take you to other places to play."

Mo Yaoyao silently picked up the teddy bear. This teddy bear must not be lost. It was a gift from her deceased grandfather.

"Brother, I'll just play with you."

""Ah? Then I'll take you to see the camellias that the flower farmer has just planted. They're so pretty, pink, and fragrant!"

Little girls should like pink, fragrant, and pretty things, right?

Mo Yaoyao still refused.

"How about I take you to see the goldfish that daddy raises. Let me tell you, An An feeds them very well. Every one of them is white and plump, just as cute as An An!"

Xu Ru'an would run over to feed the goldfish after school, and she didn't know how to control herself. She would grab several handfuls of feed and throw them in every time.

And the goldfish would continue to eat even when they were full, so over time, the goldfish were fed a lot fatter by Xu Ru'an.

By the time Xu Qingfeng and the others found out, it was too late. Every goldfish had changed.

Mo Yaoyao imagined those goldfish like An An, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Seeing that she finally laughed, Xu Ru'an thought that she would like to see the goldfish, so he took Mo Yaoyao's hand and took her to the goldfish pond.

"Sister, look, aren't they as cute and white as An An?"

Mo Yaoyao looked over and found that the goldfish were indeed round and fat. To be honest, they looked a little funny.

"An An even gave them names. The white one is called Xiaobai, the golden one is called Xiaojin, the black one is called Xiaohei, and the red one is called Xiaohong.……"

Mo Yaoyao was silent after hearing these names, but Xu Ruan looked at her with an expression asking for praise.

She could only silently say that these names were really good, but she just shouldn't give them again in the future. Such professional matters should be left to professionals.

"Sister, do you want to feed the goldfish? An An can go get you some feed."

Mo Yaoyao glanced at the plump bodies of the goldfish and shook her head.

"It’s better not to eat them. I think they will be too full.

At this time, Xu Zerui came over.

"So you two are here, An An, you didn’t feed Dad’s goldfish again, did you?"

Xu Zerui was troubled by this, these goldfish were bought by his dad and kept here for viewing.

Originally, they were slender and swam happily in the pond, but since they met An An, they became round and stopped moving after swimming for a while. I don’t know if they are too fat to swim. What’s even funnier is that An An gave them all very down-to-earth names, which were named according to their colors, making everyone laugh and cry.

"Sixth brother, I didn't feed them. My sister and I just got here."

"That's good. Dad said you are not allowed to feed them anymore. It's too hard for these goldfish."

【What? You don’t know that goldfish are actually koi, which are good things that can bring good luck to people. If they are not raised to be plump and white, how can they be considered good koi?

Xu Zerui didn’t know what these twisted theories were, but anyway, he would let An An do whatever he wanted as long as he didn’t kill these goldfish.

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