"Master, I saw a faint black aura on Zhao Ya, why is that?"

"Oh, you saw the black air? Does this Zhao Ya you mentioned have ill intentions towards you?"

"Probably not, she just wanted to talk to me about Brother Chu Ling, she didn’t do anything extreme to me, and she was pushed into the water just like me."

Speaking of this, Xu Ru’an asked again:"I don’t know who is so hateful that he pushed us all into the water."

The old naughty boy understood this time,"What you saw on Zhao Ya should be bad luck, which means that she will encounter bad things like you, but it won’t be a big problem, so the black energy is light."

The old naughty boy thought for a while and continued:"As for the person who pushed you in, we have found it, and everyone down there should be discussing how to deal with her. I just listened down there, and the person who pushed you into the water was also a little kid, and her name seems to be Luo Yiyi."

Hearing that it was Luo Yiyi who was behind it again, Xu Ru’an was helpless.

"Why is it her again! She teamed up with others to kidnap An An last time, and now she's pushing An An into trouble again. It's too abominable. No, I have to go down and see how everyone plans to deal with Luo Yiyi."

Xia Chuling failed to protect Xu Ru'an this time. He already felt guilty. He knew that An An would be in danger this time, and it was Luo Yiyi's problem again. He was very angry.

"An An, you and your master stay here, I'll go down and take a look"

"Okay, Brother Chu Ling, you don't have to worry about An An, An An is fine now."


After Xia Chuling left, the old naughty boy told Xu Ru'an another thing.

"An An, Luo Yiyi is not a simple person. She also has the dark energy you mentioned, but it is very heavy and full of resentment. It is probably directed at you, so she will attack you again and again."

"Ah? So that's how it is. According to Master, the black energy I saw is related to these grievances. Can I judge whether a person is good or bad based on this?"

"You can also say that this is roughly what it means. I can't explain it to you clearly now. It mainly depends on you to explore and experience it."

"Okay, I'll figure it out."

After all, this is a cheat. Or he can go and see if the male protagonist Xia Yifan has these black auras. If he tries it, he will probably get something.

"Okay, An An, the master is about to go back. You should study the book carefully. If you have any questions, just call the master. Got it?"

"OK, Master, I understand. Take care."

After the master left, Li Yanru came in with someone.

"An An, you actually know the actress Zhou? She said she wanted to come and see how you are doing."

The actress Zhou? Xu Ru'an didn't react for a while, until he saw Zhou Chenmu's figure, he understood.

"It turned out to be Sister Chen Mu"

"An An, are you okay?"

"Sister Chenmu, don't worry, An'an is fine. Thank you for your concern."

"I'm glad you're okay. I didn't expect that the one who pushed you into the water was the daughter of the Luo family. She's so vicious at such a young age. I really don't know how the Luo family educates their children."

Zhou Chenmu couldn't stand it anymore downstairs. Luo Yiyi was so hateful.

The surveillance camera clearly captured her pushing someone into the water, but she kept saying that it was none of her business and that it was An An's fault.

All the bystanders were angry, not to mention the people of the Xu family.

So Xu Qingfeng and the others had already said that they would not let Luo Yiyi go, even though she was just a child.

Luo Aihua was also very disappointed and distressed about what Luo Yiyi had done. His parents didn't come this time, and he represented the Luo family to attend the birthday party. Now that something like this has happened, it will surely spread soon, and by then their Luo family will be completely embarrassed.

"Mr. Luo, your little daughter is really vicious. Is this how you educate your children in the Luo family? Our Xiaoya has no grudges against your daughter, but she can still do this to her. It's terrible!"

Mrs. Zhao didn't give Luo Aihua any face at all, and directly criticized their family style education.

At this time, Luo Aihua dared not speak, holding back his anger, and glared coldly at Luo Yiyi who was clinging to his thigh.

"Mr. Luo, Luo Yiyi almost caused my daughter and the young master of the Xu family to drown. The Xu family and I have the same attitude. We will never spare your daughter for the sake of your Luo family, so Mr. Luo, you'd better express your attitude quickly."

Luo Aihua knew that he could not get over this matter today. He had offended these two families. If he did not hand Luo Yiyi over and let them deal with her, I am afraid that their Luo family would have to bear the consequences.

But Luo Yiyi is his only blood, and his parents value her very much. If they knew that he did not want to save Luo Yiyi, they would probably quarrel with him.

For a moment, he did not know what to do.

At this moment, Luo Yiyi already knew that she had made things worse. She understood that her end would be miserable, and now the only one who could save her was the Luo family, so she hugged Luo Aihua's thighs desperately, fearing that the Xu family and the Zhao family would take her away..

At this time, Luo Aihua's cell phone rang. He glanced at the caller's name and answered the call immediately.

It turned out that there was a person from a noble family at the birthday party who had a good relationship with the Luo family. He was also aware of Luo Yiyi's situation and knew that Luo Aihua was in a dilemma, so he secretly called the Luo family and told Luo Aihua's parents about this matter.

Now it was Luo Aihua's father who called Luo Aihua.

On the phone, Luo Aihua's father first sighed, and then said helplessly:"Aihua, this is your fate. I thought that having Yiyi, your only blood, was a great thing, but I didn't expect Yiyi to cause such a big trouble this time."

Luo Aihua heard the regret of his father, and he couldn't help but guess in his heart.

"Aihua, forget it. Since this incident has become such a big deal, the two families will definitely not let it go. In this case, for the sake of the overall situation, just hand Yiyi over. We can't do anything about it. This is all fate. If you want to blame someone, blame Yiyi for being too ignorant."

"I understand, father, I know what to do."

Since his father has already admitted it, he can hand over Luo Yiyi as an explanation without any scruples.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Zhao, Luo Yiyi is no longer a member of our Luo family from now on. I hand her over to you to deal with. I hope that you two families will not unite against our Luo family for this reason."Everyone was shocked to see that Luo Aihua actually gave in, but then they understood. After all, if the Xu family and the Zhao family united to target and deal with the Luo family, no matter how capable the Luo family was, it would only be a matter of time before they were destroyed.

Luo Yiyi couldn't believe what she heard. She was obviously the only little princess of the Luo family, but now the Luo family was going to give up on her!

"No! Dad! You can't leave me! I'm your only daughter!"

"I just said that from now on, you are not my daughter. If you do something wrong, you must bear the consequences yourself!"

After saying this, Luo Aihua tore off Luo Yiyi's hand and said,"I'm sorry, the elderly at home are waiting for me to go back and explain the situation. I'm leaving first. I hope Mr. Xu and Mr. Zhao will forgive me."

Seeing that Luo Aihua had said this and made his attitude clear, the two families did not make things difficult for him and let him go.

Luo Yiyi wanted to leave with Luo Aihua, but was held tightly by the bodyguards of the Xu family.

Luo Yiyi burst into tears. She knew that she was really going to die this time. She regretted it a lot, but her fate would not change because of her regret.

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