The little girl wanted to save Xu Ru'an, but she couldn't swim. She called Xu Ru'an's name in panic. Seeing that Xu Ru'an was about to collapse, the little girl remembered that she could go in and ask an adult for help.

But she didn't expect that when she turned around and wanted to run, she was also pushed into the water by the black shadow.

Now both of them were in danger.

Just when the two were about to sink, the old naughty boy appeared.

He jumped into the water, picked up one with each hand, and finally rescued the two children without any danger.

After the old naughty boy took a breath and recovered, he immediately shouted inside:"Hurry up! A child fell into the water."

The first to hear the sound were Xia Chuling and Xu Ru'an's brothers who were looking for Xu Ru'an.

They ran out and found Xu Ru'an lying on the edge of the swimming pool, dripping wet. They were immediately shocked and ran over shouting An An's name.

"Don't worry, both kids are fine. They just drank some water and choked and fainted temporarily. Please help them change their clothes quickly.���Wet their clothes, then make some ginger tea for them to drink."

Xu Wanyu and Xu Zerui recognized the old naughty boy and thanked him immediately.

"If you are worried, you can also find a doctor for them."

Li Yanru happened to be at the birthday party. She ran out from the crowd and carefully checked Xu Ru'an and the little girl. After confirming that there was no problem, the Xu brothers were relieved.

The little girl's parents also ran out from the crowd. Seeing their daughter soaked and lying motionless on the ground, they were all shocked.

Fortunately, they also heard what Li Yanru said just now, and they were not so panicked when they knew that their daughter was fine.

This little girl is Zhao Ya, the daughter of real estate tycoon Zhao Youting.

Zhao Ya did know Xia Chuling, because Zhao Youting was Xia Yifan's friend, and the two of them had a lot of contacts, so Zhao Ya and Xia Chuling would occasionally meet.

"How did my daughter fall into the water? I wonder if the Xu family should give me an explanation?"

After hearing the noise, Xu Qingfeng and He Youtong, who came from behind, were also worried about Xu Ru'an, but they still had to consider the overall situation.

"Of course, our Xu family will definitely give Mr. Zhao an explanation. After all, our An An also fell into the water like Ling Qianjin. We also want to know what happened."

"Yes, we have installed surveillance cameras at our swimming pool. I have asked the housekeeper to find the surveillance records. I believe we will know what we want to know soon."

Five minutes later, the housekeeper projected the surveillance content in the banquet hall.

Xu Ru'an and Zhao Ya were sent to the room, and Li Yanru and Xia Chuling were taking care of them.

The others were watching the surveillance video below. In the video, Zhao Ya and Xu Ru'an were seen standing by the swimming pool and talking. There was no dispute, and they were talking very calmly. It was not until a figure appeared at the back that everyone understood.

Then everyone cast incredulous eyes at Luo Yiyi who was standing next to Luo Aihua.

Luo Yiyi's face was pale. She did not expect that she would be discovered.

Luo Aihua was even more furious. Originally, he did not want to bring Luo Yiyi to Xu's house for the birthday party, because since the last time Xu Ru'an was kidnapped, he had doubts about Luo Yiyi. He found that Luo Yiyi seemed to have hatred for Xu Ru'an..

He was afraid that Luo Yiyi would cause trouble again, but she pestered her grandparents and acted like a spoiled child. Luo Aihua was asked by her parents to bring Luo Yiyi with her.

Luo Aihua had no choice but to bring Luo Yiyi with him. He repeatedly told Luo Yiyi not to cause trouble, otherwise she would suffer.

Originally, seeing that she had been very well behaved and quietly beside him, Luo Aihua was somewhat relieved.

Unexpectedly, when she said she wanted to go to the bathroom, she was actually going to cause trouble for Xu Ru'an again. You said you wanted to cause trouble for others, but she almost killed someone! She even dragged Mr. Zhao's daughter into it. Now, not only did she offend the Xu family, but she also offended the Zhao family.

Now, the Luo family is going to be in big trouble!

Luo Aihua regretted it! He shouldn't have brought Luo Yiyi out, no! It should be said that from the beginning, he shouldn't have brought Luo Yiyi home, even if she was his only blood!

""Luo Yiyi! It's you again!"

Xu Zerui was the first to jump out. He walked quickly to Luo Yiyi and stretched out his big hand to pull her out.

Luo Yiyi was so scared that she grabbed Luo Aihua's thigh,"No! It's not me! I didn't do it! That person was not me!"

""Humph! What a joke, that person is not you, could it be a ghost!"

Xu Mochen was also very angry. Luo Yiyi had attacked An An again and again, and almost killed An An every time. She was simply insane. Luo Yiyi was not like a normal child at all.

The old naughty boy glanced at Luo Yiyi from the side, shook his head expressionlessly, and muttered softly:"This kid is full of resentment, and his life will not be long."

After muttering, he no longer paid attention to the farce and went upstairs to find his little apprentice.

Xu Ru'an had woken up, and after being fed a large bowl of ginger tea, he was sweating all over.

Li Yanru was helping him change into new clothes, and the old naughty boy had come in at this time.

"My little disciple, my little disciple, how come you have become so unlucky after not seeing you for a few days?"

""Master! You're here!"

Xu Ru'an was also puzzled. Today was clearly his birthday, but he was a bit unlucky. What did that mean?

"Fortunately, you are blessed with luck and can turn even the most dangerous situations into good ones, otherwise it would be terrible!"

"Ah? Really? Master, then I'm not that great!"

"Yes, that's right. To some extent, the indestructible cockroach is indeed very powerful."

Xu Ru'an was very unhappy when he heard his master's description.

"Master, how can you be like this? Who would describe their apprentice as a cockroach?"

"Haven't you seen it now? Your master is like this."

Forget it, destroy it! Xu Ru'an turned his head away, no longer wanting to pay attention to his master.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Here, this is for you."

Xu Ru'an took a small bell from the old naughty boy.

"Master, what is this?"

"This is your birthday gift from your master. This little bell was made by your senior brother with special materials. When you are in danger, it will make a sound to warn you and let you be mentally prepared for the danger."

""Wow! So awesome! Thank you, Master."

The old naughty boy smiled but said nothing. He knew that the little guy must not have fully understood what he meant.

The dangers he just mentioned were not just simple ones, but other dangers. However, the little guy was still young, so he didn't need to say too much, for fear of scaring him.

"How are you reading the book I gave you?"

"Master, I have only read less than a third of it. Some of the meanings are too profound. I don't understand them."

"It's okay, take your time to read it. You are still young and have plenty of time."

"Okay, I understand."

Xia Chuling didn't know when Xu Ru'an found a master. He listened to the conversation between the two without interrupting them.

At this time, the old naughty boy seemed to notice something. He turned his head and looked at Xia Chuling.

"Hmm? Strange... Oh, that's how it is, interesting, so interesting!"

Xu Ru'an didn't understand what the master was talking about, so he asked:"What's wrong? Master"

"It's nothing, I just saw some interesting things. As expected, no one around you is normal."

"Huh? What does this mean?"

"The secret of heaven cannot be revealed. When you grow up and learn more from me, your master, you will naturally know it."

Xu Ru'an could only nod and say he understood. Then he suddenly thought of the black energy he saw on Zhao Ya. It happened that his master was here, so he could ask him what was going on.

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