The people around gathered in a circle to watch the excitement. Xu Ru'an and Xia Chuling rarely appeared in the aristocratic families, so few people knew their identities.

"This kid is quite funny, and he is also very good at talking, he can curse people without using any swear words"

"It's no wonder that the kid is cursing, look at that old woman, she is so shameless, I saw it clearly just now, her grandson snatched the kid's things, and now he is lying on the ground throwing a tantrum!"

Hearing more and more guests saying bad things about her, the lady was so angry that her face turned blue, she asked herself that she had never been so angry before, and she was teased by a child whose hair had not even grown out.

The lady was so angry that she forgot where she was, she rolled up her sleeves, walked forward and cursed fiercely:"You bastard! How dare you scold me! I must teach you a lesson today! Your parents will teach you a lesson!" Xia

Chuling protected Xu Ru'an and took a few steps back. When she was thinking about whether to call for help, Xu Yufeng who came over following the sound.���Hearing the lady's words, his face darkened instantly. How could their Xu family's precious An An be bullied by others?

He strode over and kicked the lady aside.

"You still want to teach my brother a lesson on behalf of my parents? Who gave you the courage?"

"You! Who are you! How dare you kick me!"

The lady was kicked and fell to her knees. She pointed at Xu Yufeng and started to curse angrily.

The guests around were all surprised. This lady was really desperate. She didn't even know the eldest young master of the Xu family, and she dared to point at him and curse.

Others were also surprised to find that the white and fat child was actually the young master of the Xu family, the protagonist of today's birthday party!

Xu Yufeng didn't even look at the lady, but called the bodyguards directly,"Kick these two people out, our Xu family doesn't welcome them."

Then Xu Yufeng picked up Xu Ru'an,"An'an, it's okay, don't be afraid, big brother is here!"

Knowing that Xia Chuling was protecting An'an, Xu Yufeng gave him an approving look.

An'an blinked his bright big eyes and said proudly,"Brother, An'an is not afraid. Brother Chuling will protect An'an, and An'an is also very powerful. The old lady was scolded by An'an and couldn't say anything!"

【Haha! So cool, this is how you talk back to someone! Look how domineering my posture is and how good my eloquence is! I don't even need to use a single dirty word to make her feel ashamed! 】

Xu Yufeng smiled and praised:"Well, An An is really amazing!"

After knowing that Xu Ru'an wanted to take the gift from Xia Chuling back to her room and put it away, which led to the incident, Xu Yufeng asked the butler to take the star bottle to Xu Ru'an's room and put it away.

"An'an, the housekeeper will help you collect the gifts. We are going to my parents' place now. They will introduce An'an to the uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters."

Xu Ru'an was led by his father and mother to the center stage of the banquet.

""Everyone, thank you for taking the time to attend my youngest son An'an's birthday party."

Father Xu introduced Xu Ru'an to everyone present, and everyone knew Xu Ru'an's identity at this time.

After introducing An'an, everyone presented the gifts they had prepared and sent their blessings.

Xu Ru'an received so many gifts that his face was full of smiles. Seeing An'an's excitement, the Xu family guessed that his money-grubber nature was back.

【Hahaha! So many! Too many! They are all valuable things. Are all these small coins mine? I shouldn't be dreaming, right? Haha! Even if I am dreaming, I woke up laughing!

Sure enough, after hearing Xu Ru'an's voice, everyone in the Xu family was in tears.

After the gift-giving stage, everyone can do whatever they want.

Xu Ru'an originally wanted to find Xia Chuling, but was stopped by a little girl on the way.

"Hey! I have something to tell you, come with me!"

Xu Ru'an was confused. He didn't know this little girl. What did she want to talk to him about? And if she wanted to talk, why did he have to follow her?

"I don't want it, I don't know you."

The little girl was a little unhappy to see Xu Ru'an not giving her face, but she looked around and saw that there were too many people here, so it was not easy to say those words to Xu Ru'an.

"I know Xia Chuling. Aren't you Xia Chuling's good friend? I have something to tell you about him."

Xu Ru'an frowned. He didn't know why, but when the little girl talked about Brother Chu Ling, he actually saw a black aura on the little girl.

He had read in the book given by the master that if a person has black aura on his body, it often means that there is something like resentment and evil spirit in this person.

This little girl looks a little older than himself, and should be about the same age as Brother Chu Ling. Why does she have black aura on her body?

Oh, and the master, didn't he say that he would meet him at his birthday party? Why hasn't the master appeared yet?

The little girl saw Xu Ru'an in a daze and had no intention of paying attention to her, so she became impatient.

"Anyway, just follow me."

She took Xu Ru'an out of the banquet hall and came to the swimming pool.

It was quiet here and no one would disturb them.

"Let me ask you, what is your relationship with Xia Chuling?"


Xu Ru'an was confused by the question. Didn't she just say that he and Chu Ling's brother were good friends? Why was she asking about their relationship now?

"We are good friends!"

"I don’t believe it, otherwise why wouldn’t Xia Chuling agree to be my fiancé?"

""Ha! What did you say!"

Oh my God! Xu Ru'an was stunned. What was going on? Are children in this world so precocious? How old are they now? Have they already reached the stage of talking about marriage?

"Xia Chuling said that he doesn't want to be my fiancé because he promised you that he would stay by your side forever and protect you well."

Xu Ru'an was so scared that he didn't know what to say. He could understand Xia Chuling's words about protecting him, but what did he mean by"staying by your side forever"? Did Xia Chuling say such a thing? How come he didn't know?

"So my question to you is, are you guys together now? Are you planning to get engaged?"

"No...wait a minute, could you think of such a thing? Do you know what engagement means?"

Xu Ru'an thought that the little girl didn't know the meaning of engagement and being together, so she had such an outrageous cognition.

The little girl was about to reply, but she saw a figure suddenly rushing over from behind Xu Ru'an.

With a splash, Xu Ru'an was pushed into the swimming pool.

Xu Ru'an's small body kept struggling in the water, he couldn't swim!

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