After Xu Ru'an suddenly developed special abilities and became the disciple of the Old Boy, his life didn't actually change that much.

After reading the book given to him by his master, Xu Ru'an gained a certain understanding of some Feng Shui and numerology matters.

He was also able to slowly control himself regarding his abilities.

During this period, the master only contacted him three times.

The first time was to tell Xu Ru'an about the progress of the beads processing.

The second time was to answer some questions that Xu Ru'an didn't understand after reading the book.

The third time was to make an appointment with Xu Ru'an for the next meeting.

The master actually knew his birthday, and said that the Xu family would hold a birthday party for him, and their meeting as master and apprentice would be at this birthday party.

"An An, your birthday is in two days. Mom wants to hold a birthday party for you at home and invite many people to celebrate your birthday. Are you happy, An An?"

【Hmm? It turns out that the master didn't lie to me. The Xu family really wants to hold a birthday party for me.】

"Okay, An An is very happy! Mom, I want to invite Brother Chu Ling to come over"

"Of course, mom will arrange it, you just wait to be the cutest and most handsome little birthday star!"

This birthday party was very grand, because the Xu family wanted to take this opportunity to introduce An An, the young master of the Xu family, to all the people from the aristocratic families.

Of course, the most important thing is to hope that An An can be happy and happy. Every year on An An's birthday, they plan to hold a birthday party for him.

Time quickly came to the night of the birthday party.

The Xu family invited a lot of people to this birthday party, even people from the Luo family came. Luo Yiyi was led by Luo Aihua, with a reluctant look on her face.

Xu Ru'an didn't have time to take care of her because he saw Xia Chuling.

When Xu Ru'an walked to Xia Chuling, he found that the person next to Xia Yifan was Su Lengyan.

【Is Xia Yifan now so blatantly bringing Su Lengyan to such a public occasion?

Xia Yifan's face was not very good when he saw Xu Ru'an.

He remembered what happened at the He family before. Although he could no longer remember the entire plot, he still had some vague memories of wanting to do something to Xu Ru'an.

Xia Yifan remembered that he was sent home by someone sent by the He family. During that time, he had been in a daze and had nightmares for two days.

He had contacted the old naughty boy, who only said that he was affected by the bead and was a little emotionally unstable, but there was no big problem.

But Xia Yifan just felt that something was wrong. He always felt that he seemed to have done something bad to Xu Ru'an. After all, when he saw the bead, a strong hatred suddenly surged in his heart.

Then he seemed to have some bad ideas, but he didn't remember what happened afterwards, so he was afraid that he would be seen by the two brothers of the Xu family who were present.

"An An, happy birthday.

Xia Chuling's words brought Xia Yifan back to his senses.

"An'an, this is my birthday gift to you. I folded all the stars myself, and wrote my best wishes to you on them."

Xia Chuling handed Xu Ru'an a glass bottle filled with colorful hand-folded stars.

"Wow! So beautiful! Thank you, Brother Chu Ling. An An likes this birthday gift very much. I will cherish it."

Xu Ru'an smiled and narrowed her eyes. Her short and fat little hands tightly grasped the glass bottle.

"As long as An An likes it, by the way, these stars are made of fluorescent paper, they will glow in the dark. They will be more beautiful when An An turns off the lights and looks at them at night."

""Wow! Really? That’s so beautiful!"

After Xu Ru’an happily chatted with Xia Chuling for a while, Xu Ru’an thought about taking the gift Xia Chuling gave him back to the room first. After all, it was a glass bottle and he was afraid it might be accidentally dropped. Xu Ru’an left in a hurry because his eldest brother had just told him that his parents would take him to the stage later to formally introduce him to the guests attending the birthday party.

Just when Xu Ru’an was about to reach the stairs, there was a loud"bang" and he was knocked to the ground by a figure.

Fortunately, the bottle was held tightly in his arms and did not fall to the ground, otherwise it would have been broken.

Xu Ru’an touched his sore butt and said,"Fortunately, fortunately, the gift from Brother Chuling is not broken!"

At this moment, a sarcastic voice rang out.

"Whose bastard is this? Doesn’t he use his eyes when he walks? Look how he hurts my precious grandson!"

Xu Ru'an knew that he had bumped into someone, and he didn't care about the pain in his butt, and stood up quickly.

Unexpectedly, before he could stand firmly, he saw a little boy snatching the star bottle from his hand.

Xu Ru'an was immediately angry, he stepped forward to stop the little boy,"Stop! That's a gift from Brother Chu Ling! Give it back to me quickly!"

The little boy was obviously unwilling, and turned his head away and ignored Xu Ru'an.

So Xu Ru'an got anxious, and quickly reached out to grab the thing back.

Of course, the little boy was not happy, and sat down on the ground and started to throw a tantrum.

"Wow... Wow... I want this bottle, this bottle has beautiful stars!"

The lady next to the little boy felt very distressed when she saw her precious grandson crying like this, and hurried to comfort him.

"Oh, my dear grandson, don't cry, it's just a broken bottle. What's so rare about it? Grandma will buy you a bigger and more beautiful one."

"No, I want this! I just want this!"

After saying that, he cried even louder.

The lady had no way to deal with him, so she had to coax him again and said,"Okay, okay, grandma will get the bottle back for you."

She turned to Xu Ru'an and said,"You bastard, why don't you give that broken bottle to my dear grandson!"

Xu Ru'an was speechless. This was obviously his thing. Is there something wrong with the brains of this grandson and grandson? How can you steal someone else's things like this and be so righteous.

Xia Chuling, who was startled by the crying, came over and saw the lady pointing at Xu Ru'an and scolding him. He hurried over and pulled Xu Ru'an behind him

"Brother Chu Ling, they want to steal the gift you gave to An An"

"Don't be afraid, An An, Brother Chu Ling will protect you."

The lady is not afraid of these two little kids. Her son is the director of the largest pediatric hospital. People who come here to attend the birthday party have to give him some face when they see her son.

She brought her grandson and followed her son to attend the birthday party held by the Xu family. How much her friends envy her!

"You two bastards, why don't you hurry up and bring the things to my good grandson!"

Seeing such a shameless person yelling and shouting, Xu Ru'an couldn't stand it anymore.

And he seemed to see that his third brother and the others were coming.

So Xu Ru'an suddenly acted like a drama queen, and grabbed Xia Chuling's arm with shaking hands, looking terrified.

"Grandma, I was bitten by a dog before. You look a bit like the dog that bit me. I'm so scared!" As soon as

Xu Ru'an finished speaking, everyone around laughed.

The lady was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that the damn kid was saying that she was like a dog and bit people randomly!

Before she could finish her words, Xu Ru'an spoke again.

"Grandma, your face is so white, you must have put on a lot of white powder, right? Just like the new wall of our kindergarten, a thick layer, white and thick!"

This sentence is to say that the lady is thick-skinned and shameless for stealing other people's things.

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