"You can actually see the black air, it's not simple."

Xu Ru'an was also very surprised. How could he suddenly see these things? He had never seen this before!

When he thought that he had become a little abnormal, Xu Ru'an felt very uneasy. He nestled in Xu Wanyu's arms and his body shook uncontrollably.

Feeling Xu Ru'an's uneasiness, Xu Wanyu's big hand gently patted his back.

"An An, it's okay, Fifth Brother is here."

Xu Zerui also noticed An An's uneasiness, he turned to look at the old naughty boy,"Grandpa, may I ask why our An An saw those unusual things?"

"The little guy has a talent for that."

"Talent in that area? What does that mean?"

"The little guy is very special. Looking at you and him now, if I am not mistaken, the little guy should not have seen these strange things before, right?"

Xu Ru'an nodded, admitting it.

"Sure enough, it must be that he was suddenly stimulated and influenced by something, so this ability was stimulated."

The old naughty boy remembered that when he was in the garden before, Xu Ru'an inhaled some psychedelic flower pollen, and then the bead

"You don't need to worry, this is actually a good thing."

【How can this be a good thing! This is clearly a bad thing! I don’t want to have such a weird ability! What is this! Is it a superpower?

Xu Ru’an just felt confused. How did the original book write this plot? How could he not remember it at all!

"How can this be a good thing? How old is An An? Can he afford such an ability? Grandpa, is there any way you can help our An An?"

"You guys really don't know what's valuable. He should be laughing at the fact that he has such powerful abilities at such a young age!"

The old naughty boy hummed a few times, and it was obvious that he was envious.

"However, it is normal for you to be worried. He is still young. If no one teaches him how to control and use this ability, he may be in danger."

Hearing that An An might be in danger because of this ability, Xu Wanyu and the others were not calm.

"What should we do? Please help us, old man. Our Xu family will never be able to repay you!"

"Well, how about this, the little guy and I have a strong affinity, so why don’t I accept the little guy as my apprentice, what do you think?"

【Not good! I don’t want this weird ability, and I don’t want to recognize a master! 】

Xu Ru’an was about to go crazy. How could a good group pet article have such an outrageous development!

Seeing Xu Ru’an shaking his head, the old naughty boy was unhappy

"Little guy, you're still unwilling. You know how many people want to be my apprentice, but I haven't agreed to any of them. And you actually want to reject me!"

【Then go and take someone else as your apprentice. I'm really not interested!

Xu Wanyu knew that An An was very opposed to this matter, so he also spoke to the old naughty boy.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, our An An is still too young and doesn't understand anything about this kind of thing. It's normal for him to be scared."

"So I still hope that the old man can help An An eliminate this ability, okay?"

"So do you think this ability is some kind of unwanted garbage? You can just throw it away if you want? I don't have the ability to eliminate this ability of the little guy. You should become my disciple."

【Oh my god! How could this happen! 】

Seeing Xu Ruan's hopeless look, the old naughty boy laughed

"Little guy, do you remember what I said to you in the garden?"

Xu Ru'an raised his head and looked at the old naughty boy,"What did you say?"

"Your fate is destined to be extraordinary, so you will be a blessed person, and the people around you will also be blessed because of you."

He did say this, but Xu Ruan didn't understand why he repeated it again.

"You have to know that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. It is good to be blessed, but it also comes at a price. Everything in this world has its destiny."

The old naughty boy looked up at the ceiling with a serious expression, which made Xu Ru'an nervous.

"Little guy, blessing and misfortune go hand in hand. If you have this ability, you can protect more people, bring more blessings to those around you, and let everyone have a better ending. Don’t you want such an outcome?"

【I want it! Mom, Dad, my brothers, and Brother Chu Ling, they are the most important people to me now, the people I care about the most in this world!】

【Maybe I came to this world to save everyone, so I have this ability now because of everyone, right?

Xu Ru'an suddenly seemed to figure it out. In fact, having this ability is like a golden finger for every time traveler. This setting is the standard configuration, right ?

"Grandpa, after I become your apprentice, can I still live with my family?"

【Generally, people with superpowers like this need to practice, and if they want to practice, they have to live in seclusion in the mountains with their master, but I don’t want to leave the Xu family. 】

Xu Zerui and Xu Wanyu don’t want An An to leave them

"That won’t work, old man. If An An becomes your apprentice and wants to leave us, then we will not agree to let An An be your apprentice!"

"That is, our Xu family is the richest family, and everyone is very powerful. Our Xu family will protect An An and ourselves, so there is no need for An An to sacrifice her own happiness to protect us!"

The old naughty boy was amused and confused by their self-imagination.

"What are you all thinking about! Who told you that the little guy will leave you if he becomes my apprentice?

Even Mr. Chen, who was watching the show, was amused by their imagination.

"Hahaha...you little guys are so funny. The old naughty boy accepted An An as his apprentice, just like a teacher in school, he would arrange the courses and let An An learn systematically."

Xu Ru'an scratched his head embarrassedly, knowing that he had misunderstood.

""Okay, I'll take it as your promise to let the little guy be my apprentice."

The old naughty boy put the box with beads into his cloth bag, and then took out a slightly worn book from another cloth bag.

He patted the dust off the book and handed it to Xu Ru'an.

"Little guy, this book is for you. You are still young and have no foundation, so I can only teach you some theoretical knowledge at the beginning. Take this book home and read it as a story book."

"It will take a while to process this bead, so I may have to wait a while before I can come to see you. During this time, you can try to finish reading the book first, and then understand the content of the book according to your own understanding."

After Xu Ru'an replied that he knew, the old naughty boy left without looking back.

When He Jinnian came downstairs to find the old naughty boy, everyone realized that he had taken the bead away without asking He Jinnian's consent.

This made He Jinnian very angry, but the old naughty boy had already gone far away, and he had no choice but to let the old naughty boy go. The other people in the Xu family never thought that Xu Ru'an just went to someone else's house as a guest with Old Chen and then became a disciple.

Originally, Xu Ru'an was worried that the other people in the Xu family would not be able to accept it and would be afraid that he had such a strange ability.

But the other people in the Xu family were only a little surprised at first, and they quickly accepted it after the surprise. They also thought that Xu Ru'an was very powerful, and asked him to think more about himself even if he had such a supernatural ability, and not always foolishly want to protect his family.

""An'an, mom, dad, and your brothers are not pushovers. We are all adults and can protect ourselves, and of course we can protect An'an."

He Youtong held Xu Ru'an in his arms and said softly,

"So even if An An has a powerful master and has this powerful ability, as long as An An protects himself, we will all be very happy."

Xu Ru'an nodded while crying, and he became more certain in his heart that he would protect them well.

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