"An An, I'm sorry, I suddenly want to go home, I'll ask Secretary Guan to take me back."

【What happened to Brother Chu Ling? Why does he look like he's about to cry?

Hearing that An An was still so concerned about her, Xia Chu Ling felt even more uncomfortable.

"Secretary Guan, please wait for me outside for a while. I'll talk to An An and then go out to find you."

""Okay, young master."

After Secretary Guan left, Xia Chuling bowed his head and apologized to Xu Jingwen:"I'm sorry, Sister Jingwen and An'an."

Xu Jingwen was startled and quickly straightened Xia Chuling.

"Hey, kid, what does this have to do with you? You don't have to be like this."

Xu Ru'an was also stunned, but he seemed to have guessed what Brother Chu Ling meant.

【Brother Chu Ling is so smart, he should have figured out that it was his beloved adoptive father who asked Secretary Guan to do this. Brother Chu Ling must be very sad now, right?】

【Although Chu Ling's adoptive father is a bad guy, he will kill our Xu family. I really don't like him, but Chu Ling is different. He treats me very well, so I don't want Chu Ling to be sad.】

【What should I do? Will Brother Chu Ling break up with me because of this? Will he alienate me because of his adoptive father?】

Xu Ru'an was immediately puzzled when he thought of such a consequence. He had finally conquered Xia Chu Ling, and now his efforts were in vain!

He was going to lose a lot!

Understanding Xu Ru'an's thoughts, Xia Chu Ling quickly went forward and hugged him.

"An An, I will not break up with you, and I will not hate you. I know you really want to be friends with me, so don't worry."

The reason why he asked Secretary Guan to take him back at this time was that he didn't want him to continue to harass Sister Jingwen and An An here.

In addition, he didn't want to go home, he wanted Secretary Guan to take him to find his adoptive father, he wanted to figure out some things

"Brother Chu Ling, can you stay? Didn't you come here to visit? You also promised An An that you would accompany An An for the whole day."

For some reason, An An always had an uneasy feeling, as if if Xia Chu Ling left this time, she would never see him again.

"An An, be good. Brother Chu Ling will go back to do some things first. He will come to visit us again when he has the chance, or we can meet again in kindergarten."

Seeing that Xia Chu Ling was determined to leave, Xu Ru'an had no choice but to nod and agree.

"Well, let's make a pinky promise so that Brother Chu Ling can't lie to An An. If he regrets it, he's not a good kid."


The two of them made a promise and hugged each other for a long time before they separated.

Xu Jingwen, who was watching from the side, had a smile on her face. She felt that the two of them seemed to be experiencing a life-and-death separation, which was very cute.

When Xia Chuling walked outside, he directly asked Secretary Guan to take him to find Xia Yifan.

"Young master, the boss is busy. Is there anything you want to talk to him about?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just take me to find him."

The aura that Xia Chuling showed now made Secretary Guan shudder. In Xia Chuling, Secretary Guan seemed to have the illusion that he saw the boss in front of him.

In the end, Secretary Guan chose to take Xia Chuling to find his own boss.

It was the first time for Xia Chuling to come to Xia Yifan's company building. He entered Xia Yifan's office and stayed in it for three hours before slowly walking out.

During these three hours, no one knew what they talked about except the two parties involved.

But later, Xia Chuling was arranged with many courses by Xia Yifan, and except for kindergarten as usual, Xia Chuling had to follow Xia Yifan's arrangements for the rest of the time.

Of course, this is a later story.

When Xu Mochen saw the message Xu Ru'an sent to him and rushed to the lounge, it was already time for the crew to have lunch at noon.

Xu Jingwen was feeding An An with rice and soup.

""An'an, Jingwen, are you okay?"

Xu Mochen opened the door breathlessly, rushed to the two of them, looked left and right, and collapsed to the ground after making sure that they were both safe.

God knows how anxious and worried he was when he saw An'an send him a message saying that he and Xu Jingwen were bullied by a bad guy.

"Mo Chen, don't worry, An An and I are fine."

"Then...what about An An being bullied by bad guys in the news?"

Xu Jingwen didn't know how to explain it. She originally wanted to continue to conceal what happened with Xu Mochen that night.

But Secretary Guan didn't know how he knew about this matter. He suddenly ran to her and said that he sympathized with her situation. He also said that as long as she was willing to stand up and identify Xu Mochen, saying that he had promiscuous relationships with men and women, touched people around him, and was irresponsible, then he could help her get justice.

I don't know if the news that was exposed before was also related to Secretary Guan.

Seeing Xu Jingwen's gloomy face and silence, Xu Mochen became more worried.

""An An, you are the best. Come and tell your fourth brother what happened."

An An glanced at Xu Jingwen, then at Xu Mochen, and thought of Xia Chuling. For a moment, she was a little tangled.

【How can I say this? The male lead Xia Yifan brought Brother Chu Ling to visit the set, and then asked his secretary to come and secretly threaten Sister Jingwen, and then Brother Chu Ling and I saw it. If this thing is told, the fourth brother will definitely be very angry.】

【And if Fourth Brother asks that secretary what she threatened Sister Jingwen with, how should I answer? I haven't succeeded in bringing them together yet, what if Sister Jingwen gets angry and runs away?】

【Fourth brother, this is going to turn into a funeral procession for you to chase your wife! Then I will be guilty! 】

Xu Mochen almost went berserk. He thought that when he had time, he would have a good talk with An An and ask him to change his habit of saying shocking things all day long.

Listen to what he just said! Run away with the baby? Chasing a funeral procession for your wife? What kind of lewd words are these!

"Fourth brother, we are fine now. The bad guys have been chased away by me and brother Chu Ling. Look, isn't An An very powerful?"

Looking at Sister Jingwen's expression, she probably couldn't open her mouth to explain, and Xu Ru'an didn't want to explain too much, so she decided to just pass it over.

If Xu Mochen hadn't heard An An's voice and knew the truth of the matter, he would really be fooled.

"Mochen, I want to talk to you alone, is that okay?"

Xu Jingwen had made up her mind and planned to talk things out with Xu Mochen straight to the point.

Xu Mochen of course readily agreed.

So Xu Ru'an was asked to leave, and Xu Mochen asked a makeup artist from the crew to take Xu Ru'an to find Zhou Chenmu.

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