Xu Ru'an saw the male protagonist's secretary approaching Sister Jingwen from a distance. He didn't know what the secretary said to the assistant Sister Jingwen, but Sister Jingwen's face became much uglier.

Xu Ru'an was a little worried when he saw this scene. He let go of Xia Chuling's hand and ran all the way to Xu Jingwen.

Xia Chuling followed closely behind Xu Ru'an. He was also curious about why Secretary Guan was here with the sister that An An mentioned.

"Sister Jingwen, what are you talking about here?"

Secretary Guan and Xu Jingwen were both surprised when they saw Xu Ru'an and the others.

"Secretary Guan, do you know An An's sister Jing Wen?"

Secretary Guan was a little nervous when asked by his young master, but he concealed it well and smiled at Xia Chuling.

"Young Master, I don't know this lady. I was looking for the restroom just now and I met this lady so I asked her where the restroom was."

Then, as if to prove that he was not lying, he asked Xu Jingwen,"You said so, right, Miss?"

Xu Jingwen nodded, admitting it.

But Xu Ru'an's sixth sense told him that Secretary Guan was lying, but he had no evidence.

"Are you here to see me, young master? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"No, it was An An who said she wanted to introduce Jing Wen to me."

"Oh, so that's how it is. Then, young master, can I let this lady take me to the bathroom first? I don't know the way here."


Xia Chuling felt it was a bit strange. If Secretary Guan wanted to go to the bathroom, he could just go. Why did he have to ask for his opinion?

Xia Chuling took An An's hand and squeezed it,"An An, why don't we go back to the lounge and wait for Secretary Guan and Sister Jingwen? I see you are sweating all over. You must be tired."

Xu Jingwen took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off Xu Ru'an's forehead, and also advised:"An An, you guys go first. I'll take this uncle over later."

"All right then."

Xu Ru'an could only take Xia Chuling back to the lounge to wait, but she already had a different opinion of Secretary Guan.

Xu Ru'an's feeling was right, because Xia Yifan had ulterior motives for keeping Secretary Guan here.

After Xu Ru'an and the others left, Secretary Guan put away her smile.

"Miss Xu, let's continue with the topic we were discussing."

"Mr. Guan, I'm sorry, I think I've made my point very clear. I won't agree to this."

"Ms. Xu, I have no ill will towards you, I just want to help you. After all, you are a victim, it is normal for you to be afraid and worried, and I can understand that."

"No, you are wrong. I just said that I am not a victim. I volunteered. You said you wanted to help me, but why do I feel that you want to use me to deal with him?"

The two of them argued back and forth, and Xu Ru'an and Xia Chuling, who were hiding in the dark corner, heard their words clearly.

"An An, why do you want to eavesdrop on their conversation?"

""Brother Chuling, I'm afraid that Sister Jingwen will be bullied by that secretary uncle. You just heard it. This secretary uncle didn't come to ask Sister Jingwen where the bathroom is." Of course Xia Chuling heard it, but he couldn't understand why Secretary Guan said these words to Sister Jingwen.

He couldn't help but think of his adoptive father Xia Yifan. Secretary Guan obeyed his adoptive father. Could it be that his adoptive father asked Secretary Guan to find Sister Jingwen?

Xia Chuling thought of Xia Yifan's abnormality again. This visit was initiated by Xia Yifan, and he also specially prepared a gift and brought it himself. This was different from his usual style. Originally,

Xia Chuling thought he was overthinking, but now seeing Secretary Guan like this, he had to suspect that his adoptive father really had other purposes.

"Ms. Xu, if you have any other requests, just let me know and I will try my best to satisfy you."

"Really, no need. I don't know who you are working for, but please tell the person behind you that I will not sell him out, let alone betray him, so just give up on this idea.

Secretary Guan was helpless when he saw Xu Jingwen was unmoved. It seemed that he could not complete the task assigned to him by the boss this time.

【Betrayal? Could these words mean what I thought? This secretary was brought here by Xia Yifan, so it must be Xia Yifan's doing!】

【Humph! He must have gotten the news and knew about what happened between Sister Jingwen and my fourth brother, so he wanted to use that to threaten Sister Jingwen!】

【Fortunately, Sister Jingwen would not sell out and betray my fourth brother, and I am here this time, I will not let Xia Yifan, a villain who is more like a villain than a villain, succeed! 】Xia Chuling was stunned. An An actually said that his adoptive father was a villain who was more like a villain than a villain?

It was not until now that Xia Chuling realized that An An did not like his adoptive father.

"An An……"

Just when Xia Chuling wanted to ask An An what was going on, she saw An An rushing out.

"You big bad guy! Sister Jingwen belongs to my fourth brother, An An will not allow you to bully Sister Jingwen!"

Xu Ru'an rushed to Xu Jingwen, one hand on his waist, he stretched out the short fat finger of his other hand and pointed at Secretary Guan. His fierce and fierce look did not make people feel fierce, but only cute.

"An An, didn’t you take your friend to the lounge?"

"Sister Jingwen, An An is very smart, you don't have to be afraid, I have just informed the fourth brother, he will be here soon."

An An did secretly send a message to the fourth brother, but the fourth brother was acting with Director An Pei at the moment, and it was unknown whether he would have time to check his phone.

The reason why he said that the fourth brother would be here soon was to scare Secretary Guan and make him retreat.

Secretary Guan secretly cried out that something bad had happened, and he was indeed a little worried about Xu Mochen.

The eldest brother said that this matter must be done secretly and no one else could know about it, especially the people of the Xu family and Young Master Xia Chuling.

"Secretary Guan, what do you want to do? Did Uncle Xia ask you to do this?"

The young master is really smart, but he can't admit it, otherwise if the boss finds out, he will end up in trouble.

"Young Master, I'm sorry, this is none of the boss's business. I acted on my own initiative, and the boss didn't know I would do this."

Although Secretary Guan took all the responsibility on himself, Xia Chuling was not so easy to fool, but he stopped talking.

"Humph! You big bad guy, you bully Sister Jingwen. I'm going to tell my fourth brother and ask the police to take you away!"

Secretary Guan didn't want to make things worse. If too many people were involved, it would be hard to explain to the boss.

It might even affect the plan that the boss had worked so hard to lay. He couldn't be the sinner.

Just as Secretary Guan was thinking about how to get out of this, Xia Chuling, who had been silent, spoke up.

"Secretary Guan, I want to go home, please take me away"

"Hmm? Okay! Young Master."

Secretary Guan didn't expect that it was his own young master who helped him out. Otherwise, the young master would still side with the boss.

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