The relationship between Xu Mochen and Xu Jingwen was visibly different.

However, the two parties did not say anything, and Xu Ru'an could not ask them in person, so he could only suppress his curiosity and make some guesses in his heart.

【Are the fourth brother and Sister Jingwen in love? So can I call Sister Jingwen the fourth sister-in-law? 】

Xu Ru'an sat in Xu Mochen's arms, giggling.

Xu Mochen rubbed his head and laughed out loud.

"Silly An An, the director said you performed very well. After filming tomorrow's scene, you will be able to finish the filming. Are you very happy?"

"Ah? Am I going to finish? So fast!"

"Yes, but the fourth brother has to stay to continue filming, so An An has to go back first. The eldest brother asked Assistant Bai to come and pick up An An to the company tomorrow."

So the next day, after Xu Ru'an finished filming successfully, she was taken away by Assistant Bai.

After a long time, Xu Ru'an came to the eldest brother's company again.

Xu Ru'an was held by Assistant Bai and sat on the sofa in the eldest brother's office. The two of them stared at the movie on the tablet with relish.

When Zhang Ke'er came in and saw this scene, she thought she was in the wrong place. She stepped out and took a look at the sign on the door, General Manager's Office.

That's right, she didn't go to the wrong place. Did she open the door in the wrong way? Otherwise, why did she see Xu Yufeng's assistant and a child in his office, and they seemed to be watching a drama in the office?

"Hello, Assistant Bai, where is Yufeng now?"

Xu Ru'an and Bai Haochen looked up when they heard the voice.

Xu Ru'an didn't know this woman, so she didn't say anything.

When Bai Haochen saw Zhang Ke'er, his smile disappeared.

"Miss Zhang, the general manager is in a meeting, what can I do for you?"

Xu Ru'an could tell that Assistant Bai's tone was not good, so he became curious about the identity of this Miss Zhang.

"Assistant Bai, this is your fault. As Yufeng's assistant, you can't help him when he's working, but how can you be lazy in his office with a child? You are too ignorant."

"Didn't Miss Zhang claim that you and the general manager are childhood sweethearts? How come you, a childhood sweetheart, don't know who this kid is?"

Childhood sweethearts? Big brother is actually childhood sweethearts with this woman?

"Assistant Bai, what do you mean? Of course Yufeng and I are childhood sweethearts. What is the relationship between this child and Yufeng? I have never seen him, don't try to fool me here."

Zhang Ke'er's family used to live next door to the Xu family, but when she was ten years old, her family immigrated abroad and only recently returned to China.

Zhang Ke'er had a crush on Xu Yufeng when she was a child, and often followed him like a tail.

When she knew that she was going to immigrate abroad and would not be back in a short time, she cried and made a fuss about staying, and the reason was also because she didn't want to leave Xu Yufeng.

When she was abroad, there were many people pursuing her, but there was only one person in her heart, and that was Xu Yufeng.

After finally returning to China, she came to Xu Yufeng's company to apply for a secretary, but Xu Yufeng said that he was not short of people around him.

So she had to settle for the second best and applied for the position of marketing specialist.

In the company, she deliberately pretended to be very familiar with Xu Yufeng, and claimed that she and Xu Yufeng were childhood sweethearts. Whenever she had time, she would run to him to cultivate feelings with him.

"Assistant Bai, who is she? An An didn't know her either."

Alas, why are there so many butterflies around Big Brother? Didn't he and Assistant Bai already get married? Why doesn't he know how to restrain his charm? Look, here comes another childhood sweetheart.

"Assistant Bai, An An is scared. She won't want to throw An An to death like that crazy woman did last time, right?"

After hearing what An An said, Bai Haochen also remembered the last time Fan Jingru hurt An An. In an instant, he also hugged An An tightly.

"Miss Zhang, if you want to see the general manager, you can see that he is not here. Please come back later."

Bai Haochen drove her away directly. He didn't want such a cute and sensible An An to get hurt again.

"Assistant Bai, who do you think you are? You actually ordered me to leave?"

Zhang Ke'er is the youngest daughter in the family. She has been spoiled since she was a child, so her personality is actually similar to Fan Jingru.

"I tell you, I am your general manager's childhood sweetheart. I came back this time to find him to cultivate feelings. I believe that in the near future, I will marry him, and then I will be the general manager's wife."

Bai Haochen was a little unhappy and snorted coldly.

"Miss Zhang is not the first woman to say this to me. I hear other people say this every once in a while.

Bai Haochen put the tablet aside and glanced at Zhang Ke'er casually.

"Do you know what happened to the last person who said something similar to you?"

"how's it going?"

"The general manager gave him a beating and even implicated his family."

And I believe that after today, the Fan family will be uprooted and no longer exist.

"Yes, An An knew about this. That crazy woman was even brought to court by the third brother. It was so embarrassing!"

"What? Sue in court? Third brother?"

Zhang Ke'er remembered that Xu Yufeng's third brother was a lawyer. The child in front of her, who was held by Assistant Bai, called him the third brother?

She took out her mobile phone with some uncertainty and sent a message to her best friend, asking her whether the Xu family had a new son during her absence.

Her best friend quickly replied.

【No, the Xu family only has six sons, and I haven't heard that the Xu family's wife gave birth again.

Zhang Ke'er's best friend is also the daughter of a big family. She has been in the country for many years, so her words are still very credible.

"Who are you calling"Third Brother"? You are just as shameless as Assistant Bai, claiming relatives at random, without any manners."

How come these women have no new ideas? They keep scolding each other with the same few words. Xu Ru'an is tired of hearing them.

"Miss Zhang, you should know what"trouble comes from the mouth", there are some things you can eat carelessly, but there are some words you can't say carelessly, otherwise I'm afraid you will regret it."

"What a joke! How could I not know? I didn't say anything wrong. Just wait. I will tell Yufeng the truth when he comes back. So you'd better apologize to me now. Maybe I can forgive your rudeness to me. When I feel better, I may even beg Yufeng for mercy for you."

Bai Haochen ignored her this time because he felt that this was a waste of his time.

"Ann, let's continue watching."


He was originally enjoying it, and if Zhang Ke'er hadn't suddenly jumped out to interrupt, he would have seen the end long ago.

The biggest difference between Zhang Ke'er and Fan Jingru is that she is not so hysterical, and she did not continue to entangle with Bai Haochen. She sat directly on the sofa on the other side, intending to wait here for Xu Yufeng to come back so that she could complain to him.

Bai Haochen saw her intention, but did not say anything, and let her die.

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