"Fourth brother, Brother Chuling said he will come to visit today."

Last night, Xu Ru'an fell asleep while chatting with Xia Chuling. When Xu Ru'an woke up early this morning, he saw the message Xia Chuling sent him, saying that he would come to visit today and asked Xu Ru'an to send him the address.

"Really? Then he should come with your sixth brother. Your sixth brother also told me last night that he would come to visit the set today."Ah

? Sixth brother is really going to bring brother Chu Ling to visit the set? Xu Ru'an thought that brother Chu Ling was just talking. When did he get along so well with sixth brother?

Sixth brother asked me not to get too close to brother Chu Ling before, but now it is the sixth brother who gets along so well with brother Chu Ling and is willing to bring brother Chu Ling to visit the set.

In fact, this is really Xu Mochen and Xu Ru'an misunderstanding Xia Chuling and Xu Zerui.

These two people did not make an appointment to visit the set together. The fact that they both came to visit the set today was purely a coincidence.

Xu Zerui wanted to come alone.

And this time, Xia Yifan took the initiative to bring Xia Chuling to visit the set. Xia Chuling was very happy. He could finally introduce his beloved adoptive father to Xu Ru'an, his good friend.

So when Xu Zerui came to the crew alone, Xu Ru'an was still wondering why Xia Chuling was not with his sixth brother.

"An An, why are you looking behind me? Sixth Brother is so big and standing in front of you, why don't you even look at him?"

"Sixth brother, didn't you come to visit the set with Brother Chu Ling? Why didn't I see Brother Chu Ling?"

"Huh? Xia Chuling? He's coming to visit too? But why should I come with him?"

Xu Zerui was unhappy,"An'an, Sixth Brother, I'm so sad. You and Sixth Brother haven't seen each other for so long, don't you miss Sixth Brother? Why do you only think about that Xia Chuling!"

"Huh? Sixth brother, that's not true. I miss you too, but Chu Ling said before that he would come with you to visit the set, so I thought he was with you."

Although Xu Zerui heard An An say that he missed him too, he was still unhappy that An An asked about Xia Chu Ling.

"An An, what's so good about Xia Chuling?……"

Before he finished speaking, he heard An An cheering and calling out Xia Chuling's name.

"Brother Chu Ling! You are here!"

""An'an, I'm here to visit you!"

Xia Chuling quickly ran to Xu Ru'an and hugged her.

"An An, I miss you so much"

"Brother Chu Ling, An An misses you too."

Xu Zerui looked at the two people hugging each other with an unhappy face.

"By the way, An An, it was my uncle Xia who brought me here today. I want to introduce him to An An."

After saying that, Xia Chuling pointed to the man standing behind him.

"An An, this is the Uncle Xia I always tell you about."

Xu Ru'an was surprised. It turned out that the male lead Xia Yifan brought Xia Chuling to visit the set today.

【Oh my god, I'm finally going to meet the hero, Xia Yifan! 】

Xu Ru'an's eyes lit up and he looked up at Xia Yifan.

"Hello, An'an, I'm Uncle Xia from Chu Ling's family. Uncle is very happy to meet you. Thank you, An'an, for being good friends with our Chu Ling."

As expected of the male lead, he is handsome, but to be honest, Xu Ru'an thinks his brothers are more handsome.

【I finally met the male lead Xia Yifan. I was looking forward to it before, but after we actually met, I seemed a little disappointed.】

【Although Xia Yifan looks good, to be honest, he is not stunning to me. On the contrary, I think the brothers are more handsome.

Xu Zerui also agrees with this. Xia Yifan is not as handsome as himself, so why should he be the male lead!

Moreover, this man wants to mess up their Xu family. Just for this reason, he just doesn't like this little guy Xia Chuling. He doesn't know if it's his illusion, but Xia Yifan always feels that Xu Ru'an and Xu Zerui look at him with a little disappointment.

Xia Yifan took a beautifully wrapped gift from the secretary and handed it to Xu Ru'an.

"Come, An An, this is a greeting gift from Uncle Xia to you. It’s just a small token of my appreciation. I hope you like it. Uncle Xia also hopes that you can take good care of Chu Ling in the future, continue to make friends with him, and have fun together."

"Thank you, Uncle Xia. I will."

After giving the gift, Xia Yifan asked the secretary to stay, and then he said he had work to do and went back first.

Xu Ru'an didn't have any scenes arranged today, so he took Xia Chuling to walk around the crew and told him about the interesting things he encountered during the filming.

Xu Zerui followed them like a sticky candy, and occasionally interrupted to express his dissatisfaction.

None of them noticed that the secretary that Xia Yifan left behind did not follow them, but walked in another direction as if looking for something. It was half an hour later when Xu Ru'an and the others found that the secretary had disappeared.

"Brother Chu Ling, the secretary brother is missing, what should we do?"

"It shouldn't be a problem. Secretary Guan is my Uncle Xia's right-hand man. He's very capable. Maybe he just went to the bathroom and will be back soon."

"Well, Brother Chu Ling, are you tired? Why don't we go back to the lounge and rest for a while. I'll take you to watch my fourth brother and his friends filming later. It's very interesting."


Xu Zerui wanted to stay, but the alliance's military advisor called him and said that he had found some news about the matter he had asked them to investigate, and asked him to go back to the base to check.

"An An, Sixth Brother has to go back to work. You can only come next time if you have the chance."

Xu Zerui was reluctant to hold An An in his arms.

Xu Ru'an patted Xu Zerui on the head,"Sixth Brother, it's okay. The director uncle said that An An's play is about to be finished. Sixth Brother can come and pick me up at that time."

After the two brothers stayed together for a while, Xu Zerui left reluctantly.

Xu Ru'an took Xia Chuling to the direction of the lounge.

When they were about to reach the lounge, Xia Chuling stopped.

"Brother Chu Ling, what's wrong?"

"An An, I think I saw Secretary Guan just now"

"Where is it?"

Xia Chuling felt that he was not mistaken. He just saw Secretary Guan disappear around the corner.

"Forget it, let's not bother with him. An An, let's go back to the lounge first."

Xu Ru'an nodded and just took a few steps forward, but this time it was Xu Ru'an who stopped.

"An An, what's wrong?"

"Brother Chu Ling, I think I saw Sister Jing Wen"

"Sister Jingwen?"

"Well, let's go and take a look. I'll introduce Sister Jingwen to Brother Chuling. She's my fourth brother's future wife, and An'an's future fourth sister-in-law!"

Xu Ru'an pulled Xia Chuling and walked quickly to the left corner.

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