[Another bootlicker like Sixth Brother has appeared. This Meng Fan is actually Sixth Brother’s love rival. No matter how you look at it, Sixth Brother is the winner!】

【The original book said that Meng Fan had some background. He was the illegitimate son of the owner of an entertainment company. Because he was handsome and sang well, he became a little famous when he debuted.】

【Afterwards, after being hyped and promoted by the entertainment company, he gradually became a big hit and became a popular young star.

Xu Mochen also knew Meng Fan and had recorded one or two programs with him, but he didn't have a good impression of him.

Now that he heard Xu Ru'an say that he actually liked Su Lengyan as much as his sixth brother, and was a bootlicker, his impression of Meng Fan became even worse.

【But this Meng Fan flatters Su Lengyan even more outrageously than Sixth Brother. I don't know whether it means that he loves Su Lengyan deeply or he is just a lovesick person.】

【As the saying goes, a dog licks a dog, and in the end he has nothing. Meng Fan is a representative of this. In the end, in order to save Su Lengyan's life, he would rather lose one of his legs.】

【He has become a useless person, but his heart and eyes are full of Su Lengyan. I remember when Su Lengyan married the male protagonist, Meng Fan came to the scene to give them blessings and gifts.

Thinking of this, not only Xu Ru'an admired Meng Fan, but even Xu Mochen was amazed.

Meng Fan, who was playing with his mobile phone, felt that someone was staring at him, so he turned his head and saw that it was a little baby. He was stunned.

"How could there be such a small child in this filming location? Who are you?"

After Bing hung up the phone, he heard Meng Fan's words. He looked at Xu Ru'an, then at Xu Mochen next to Xu Ru'an, and was shocked.

"Meng Fan, stop talking, he is just a minor actor in this drama"

"Huh? Little actor? He looks about three years old, right? How can he act at such a young age?"

Meng Fan was disdainful of this.

Brother Bing was anxious. He knew Meng Fan didn't like to watch the news, so he knew that he didn't know that the news about Mr. Xu and his brother was very popular recently.

"" Meng Fan, what nonsense are you talking about! He is the younger brother of Actor Xu."

As he said that, Brother Bing bowed his head again and again to apologize to Xu Ru'an and Xu Mochen.

Xu Ru'an was very unhappy. He raised his head and said loudly:"An An must know more than you. At least An An was not late for filming! The kindergarten teachers often told us that we should be polite and respect others. An An respects the director uncle very much and came here early to wait for filming."

Xu Ru'an was obviously praising himself, but he was actually satirizing Meng Fan for being impolite, being late for filming and disrespecting the crew.

Director An Pei and staff who were eating nearby, as well as several actors, heard Xu Ru'an's words, and they couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths, and nodded silently to indicate that what Xu Ru'an said was very right.

Meng Fan was not stupid, of course he could hear what Xu Ru'an meant.

"What do you mean, kid? If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. You are rude!"

Xu Mochen will not let others talk about his brother. An An is the treasure of their Xu family. Meng Fan did something wrong and he didn't let his An An say it?

"Mr. Meng, my An An is not wrong, right? You don't reflect on yourself, but you are still arguing with a child. Isn't this a joke?"

Meng Fan only then noticed that Xu Mochen, the big actor, was also there. Seeing that Brother Bing was constantly winking at him, he put away his phone and snorted coldly.

"Humph! Forget it, I'm going to the lounge to rest. Come and call me when the shooting starts in the afternoon."

After saying that, he strode away. Brother Bing apologized to Xu Ru'an and the others and followed him.

"Fourth brother, this guy is so bad, An An doesn’t want to film with him!"

"An An, we should be dedicated to our work and not be a dishonest person like him. You like the director uncle, right? Do you want to make the director uncle sad?"

"Well, An An doesn't want to be as annoying as that arrogant brother."

Xu Ru'an said as he ran to Director An Pei and patted him on the shoulder like a little adult.

"Director uncle, rest assured, An An is very dedicated and will work hard to cooperate with the director uncle to make a good movie. Director uncle, please don't be unhappy."

After being comforted by Xu Ru'an, Director An Pei smiled knowingly and felt much better.

"Haha! An An, you are such a good kid. Uncle is relieved."

The other actors and staff also laughed and praised Xu Ru'an. Zhou Chenmu even gave him some candy as a reward.

I don't know if Meng Fan felt embarrassed after being told that by a little kid like Xu Ru'an. He performed well in the scenes in the afternoon. Director An Pei also praised him a few times.

Meng Fan also found that although Xu Ru'an was a small guy, he could recite the lines quite well and his acting was also remarkable.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to act so well."

Xu Ru'an replied,"Brother Meng Fan, you are not bad either. If you change your bad habits, you will be even better."

Meng Fan was not angry this time, but was amused.

"Are you always like this? You look a lot like your sixth brother Xu Zerui. You two are indeed brothers."

Hmm? Xu Ru'an tilted his head, full of doubt.

【This is strange. Did Meng Fan know Sixth Brother? But the original book didn't mention it? And from Meng Fan's tone, it seems that he knows Sixth Brother quite well?】

【Is there something else I don't know? Is there any other relationship between Sixth Brother and Meng Fan? But the original book said that they both liked Su Lengyan at the same time, so they disliked each other and were not happy when they met.

Xu Mochen also looked at Meng Fan with a puzzled look, feeling that he seemed to understand something different from what he understood.

"But you are much cuter than that annoying guy Xu Zerui. Your name is Xu Ru'an. When I was in the lounge, I went to see the news about you and Yang Lele."

Meng Fan took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket and handed it to Xu Ru'an.

"Here, I give you a reward. You did a good job with Yang Lele. I have been annoyed with that child star Yang Lele for a long time, so since you defeated him, I recognize you."


What the hell? Acknowledge him, what the hell?

Not only was Xu Ru'an confused, but even Xu Mochen was stunned.

Before Xu Ru'an and the others could react, Meng Fan waved to them and strode away.

【Isn't Meng Fan too weird? What's wrong with him? Didn't we agree that he would be a bad-tempered and arrogant person?

Xu Mochen didn't know what to say, so he could only pick up Xu Ru'an and take him back to the hotel to rest.

More than a week passed, and although Xu Ru'an didn't have scenes every day, he would still show up on time every day.

When he had scenes, he would work hard to film seriously, and when he didn't have scenes, he would watch his fourth brother and others film.

Xu Ru'an felt that he had learned a lot, and he felt that filming was really a very interesting thing.

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