Xu Yufeng, who hated children and didn't know how to take care of them, threw Xu Ru'an on the sofa. Yes, that's right. This man threw a three-year-old child!

Fortunately, he didn't throw him on the ground, but on the sofa. The sofa was very soft, otherwise Xu Ru'an felt that he would be killed.

"Assistant Bai, please come in for a moment.

As soon as he finished speaking, a man came into the office. Xu Ru'an recognized that this man was the one who had just received him and Xu Zerui.

"Assistant Bai, I have a meeting to attend next. Please help take care of this child. He is the young master of the Xu family, my youngest brother. Please pay attention."

"Got it, General Manager."

Xu Ru'an actually wanted to tell him that it didn't matter if he was alone here, but Xu Yufeng didn't give him a chance at all. He handed himself over to Assistant Bai and went to the meeting.

Assistant Bai took some milk and snacks and put them on the sofa,"Young Master, these are for you. You can eat them. If you need anything else, you can tell me. I'll sit outside."

After that, Assistant Bai turned on the tablet, clicked on a cartoon, and asked Xu Ru'an to watch it.

After Assistant Bai walked out of the office and closed the door, he immediately turned off the cartoon and opened the web search page.

"What the hell, I'm not one of those childish kids who want to watch cartoons for me!"

Xu Ru'an felt that he was going to stay in this world, so he should learn more about the things in this world.

Just as Xu Ru'an was looking at the information carefully, a figure sneaked into the general manager's office while Assistant Bai was not paying attention.

"Hmm, what the hell is this? Why is there a child in Brother Yufeng's office?"

Hearing the voice, Xu Ru'an looked up and found that a woman had come into the office at some point.

""Hey, who are you? Who asked you to be here?"

Xu Ru'an rolled her eyes and didn't want to pay attention to her, so she didn't answer.

The woman saw Xu Ru'an rolling his eyes at her and looking down on her, and she immediately got angry.

She snatched the tablet and threw it on the ground, pointed her finger at Xu Ru'an and started cursing:"Who the hell are you! This is Brother Yufeng's office, you are not a bastard brought here by some vixen, are you?"

The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was possible. She was the daughter of one of the company's major shareholders. Ever since she followed her father to the company to meet Xu Yufeng when she was a teenager, she fell in love with Xu Yufeng at first sight.

Since then, she has been pestering her father to take her to see Xu Yufeng from time to time. After graduating from college, she ran to Xu Yufeng and confessed to him.

But Xu Yufeng rejected her directly and kept avoiding her. Even after she came to the office to find him several times, he put her on the blacklist and did not allow her to appear in the company.

She asked her father for help, but her father could do nothing about it.

Today is her birthday, and she really wanted to see Xu Yufeng, so she used some connections and finally got into the company. After avoiding the assistant secretary outside, she entered Xu Yufeng's office.

"My name is Xu Ru'an, I'm not a bastard! And it was Xu Yufeng who asked me to stay here, who are you?"

This woman is really rude. From what she said, could it be that this is Xu Yufeng's romantic debt?

"Your name is Xu Ru'an! Your last name is Xu too? Sure enough, I knew it! No wonder Brother Yufeng has never accepted me, it turns out that he has been secretly with another woman, and they even have a child!"

Xu Ru'an was confused, what the hell, how did he become Xu Yufeng's son again?

"No, you misunderstood, I'm not……"

Before Xu Ru'an could finish his words, the woman with a shocked face grabbed Xu Ru'an's arm and asked him,"Tell me! Who is your vixen mother? Where is she now!"

The woman's sharp nails dug into his tender skin, leaving a deep red mark on his arm in just a short while, which stung a lot.

Xu Ru'an pushed the woman away in pain, but the woman did not intend to let him go and grabbed his arm. As the two were pulling each other, Xu Ru'an lost his balance and fell off the sofa, landing on his head.

Although the sofa was not very high from the ground, there was no carpet on the ground. With the body of a child, Xu Ru'an was really hit hard and his head was throbbing with pain.

Xu Ru'an covered his head and felt a lump on the painful part of his head. Now, Xu Ru'an was panicked. Could he have a concussion?

The woman on the other side was not much better. Because of the inertial reaction force, she did not stand firm but fell backwards. However, when she was about to fall, she grabbed the corner of the table, and the things on the table were brought to the ground with a loud noise.

The loud noise alarmed Assistant Bai outside. He was afraid that something happened to the general manager's brother inside, so he pushed the door open immediately.

At this time, Xu Ru'an also cried loudly, mainly because his head hurt too much, he felt dizzy and wanted to vomit, and when he thought of himself inexplicably coming to this world through a book, he was frightened and inexplicably bullied by a crazy woman. The grievances of several days in a row burst out in an instant.

Assistant Bai looked at Xu Ru'an who was crying on the ground and Miss Fan Jingru who had slipped into the general manager's office at some point, and he knew something big had happened.

Everyone in the company knew that Miss Fan Jingru liked the general manager and often pestered the general manager, so the general manager issued an order strictly prohibiting Miss Fan Jingru from appearing in the company.

Now Miss Fan Jingru not only appeared in his office, but also looked like she had done something bad to the general manager's brother.

""Little Master, what's wrong with you? Stop crying, okay?"

Assistant Bai hurriedly picked up Xu Ru'an and coaxed him softly.

However, when Fan Jingru heard Assistant Bai calling Xu Ru'an"Little Master", she was more certain that Xu Ru'an was Xu Yufeng's son.

"Assistant Bai! I order you to kick this bastard out right now!"

Fan Jingru was furious, completely forgetting her identity and the warning Xu Yufeng had given her before.

""Ms. Fan Jingru, please leave the general manager's office immediately. The general manager has said that you are not allowed to appear in the company."

Assistant Bai did not hide his disgust for Fan Jingru at all. This woman relied on her father being a shareholder of the company. Not only did she come and go in the office at will, but she also acted superior and often pointed at other colleagues and lost her temper, which seriously affected their work.

If it weren't for the general manager finding out, these employees would have to continue to swallow their anger.

"What! Who do you think you are? You are just a small assistant, not even worthy of carrying my shoes. What qualifications do you have to chase me away?"

""Ms. Fan Jingru, you sneaked into the general manager's office first. There are many confidential documents in the general manager's office. You cannot enter or leave without the general manager's permission."

If Xu Ru'an observes carefully now, he will find that what Assistant Bai said is actually meaningful.

"What's more, you made the young master cry. If the general manager knew about this, Miss Fan Jingru would probably have a hard time explaining herself!"

"It's hard to explain? Isn't it just a bastard? What's there to explain?"

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