After they had eaten and drunk their fill, Xu Hanwen spoke up,"My parents are flying abroad. There are some problems with their overseas business. My eldest brother is helping to handle the affairs there at the company. My fourth brother is filming a movie, and my fifth brother is on a mission. If you want this little guy to meet people, it probably won't work in a short time.""

"Third brother, isn't it just adopting a child? Our Xu family can afford to raise the child. Just hand over the adoption procedures to you as a lawyer. Letting this little guy meet other people is just a formality to let them know about this. When the time comes, just take a photo and send it to the group to let them know."

After Xu Xingyi finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone to take a photo of Xu Ru'an and sent it to the group.

I guess everyone was busy with their own things. No one had read the message yet. The group was quiet.

"When did my second brother start to like troublesome creatures like children?"

"I have never liked it, but I found this little guy quite interesting, so I don't mind it."

"Third brother, this little guy is very smart. He has the same last name as us, Xu, so we don’t even need to change his name. It’s a lot easier."

The implication was that he also agreed with the idea of adopting Xu Ru’an.

""Okay, I'll get the adoption procedures done as soon as possible."

Xu Hanwen looked at Xu Ru'an meaningfully and left the living room and went upstairs.

Xu Ru'an heaved a sigh of relief when he saw him leave. You really can't be lax when dealing with a big boss.

The Xu family's status and strength are there, and Xu Ru'an's adoption procedures were quickly completed, which also meant that Xu Ru'an officially became the young master of the Xu family.

After dark, Xu Ru'an was taken to take a shower by Aunt Lin and then returned to the room. Because Xu Ru'an was brought back temporarily by Xu Zerui, there was no special room prepared, so he could only be temporarily arranged in the guest room.

"Young Master, I'm sorry to bother you to stay in the guest room for a few days today. The Sixth Young Master said that he will renovate a room for you in a few days."

Because Xu Zerui had told the servants at home that Xu Ru'an was the adopted son of the Xu family, the servants of the Xu family now called him Young Master.

Xu Ru'an looked at the huge room and wanted to complain about what Aunt Lin said about making do. The Xu family was worthy of being the richest family, and even the guest room was super luxurious.

Lying on the soft big bed, Xu Ru'an felt a little bit of reality, and slowly fell asleep.

The next day, after waking up and having breakfast, Xu Ru'an was told by Xu Zerui that he would take him to the Xu Group

"Little Nai Tuan, I'll take you to see Big Brother. I have something to do today and I have no time to look after you. I'll let Big Brother take care of you for a day."

Xu Ru'an was upset when he heard Xu Zerui asked Xu Yufeng, the eldest son of the Xu family, to take care of him.

"Sixth brother, I can stay at home by myself, no need to trouble eldest brother to take care of me."

"How can that be? I'm worried, and you'll be bored at home alone."

Actually, Xu Zerui did it on purpose. Aunt Lin and the others are at home, and Xu Ru'an is now the young master of the Xu family, so they will definitely take good care of him.

The reason why Xu Ru'an was sent to his eldest brother was not only to let his eldest brother get to know Xu Ru'an, but also to play a little prank on Xu Zerui's part. He just wanted to see how his eldest brother, who always treated people with an icy face, would look when he met Xu Ru'an, a little kid.

Seeing Xu Zerui's face that looked like he wanted to see a joke, Xu Ru'an couldn't help but secretly complain about him in his heart.

【I knew it was no good when I saw this love-brained guy. Not only did he want to kill himself, but he also wanted to drag me down with him.】

【Alas, Xu Yufeng is very methodical in his work, and has no fun at all. It is said that he particularly hates children. It would be strange if he could take good care of me! Xu

Zerui laughed secretly in his heart. Yes, his elder brother is like this. Little Milk Ball really understands his elder brother.

"Okay, it’s a happy decision. You have to stay by Big Brother’s side and be a good boy. Do you understand?"


【I made a happy decision, but I'm not happy at all! 】

With a nervous mood, Xu Ru'an followed Xu Zerui to Xu Yufeng's office.

"Sixth Young Master, the general manager is in the conference room right now, having a meeting with the shareholders. It will probably take some time. I wonder what Sixth Young Master wants to talk to the general manager about?"

"Oh, nothing. I brought my younger brother to see my elder brother. I'll wait here for a while. Assistant Bai can go and do something first."


Fortunately, Xu Zerui and the others didn't have to wait for long. About ten minutes later, Xu Yufeng walked into the office with a stern face.

Even the dumbest people could clearly feel Xu Yufeng's low mood at this time, which was very creepy.

""Brother, is there something wrong with the company?"

Xu Yufeng rubbed his brows, his voice slightly tired,"Recently, several important investment information of the company has been leaked in advance for some reason. We have been investigating for several days, but we have not found the cause or the person who leaked it."

Xu Yufeng has not been home for several days because of this matter. When he is tired and sleepy, he just takes a nap on the sofa in the office for an hour or two.

"How could this happen? The important information was leaked, and it was obviously someone inside the company who did it. After checking and screening the people who had access to these things, couldn't we find any clues at all?"

Xu Yufeng nodded. This was also what he found strange.

【It would be strange if they could find out, because the person who leaked the information is a master hacker, and he is the least likely to be discovered and suspected.

Xu Yufeng raised his head and looked at Xu Ru'an in Xu Zerui's arms, frowning,"Who is this child? Sixth brother, why did you bring a child to my office?"

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot something. This is the little kid I mentioned in the group that we want to adopt. His name is Xu Ru'an. He will be our little brother from now on."

"Adopt? Little brother?"

Xu Yufeng had been busy these days and didn't pay attention to the information in the family group.

He took out his phone and checked the records, only to find that Xu Zerui had indeed said this in the group.

"Forget it, if you want to adopt, just adopt. We in the Xu family can afford to raise him anyway."

"Right? So today, I'll ask you to take care of my little baby."

"What? You want me to take care of this little baby? Sixth brother, are you sure you are not kidding me?"

Just when Xu Zerui opened his mouth to explain, Xu Zerui's cell phone rang.

Seeing that the caller was the military advisor of the alliance, he jumped up and said,"No! They called to urge me. There is no time. Big brother, I have something important to do in the alliance. Come, let me hold the baby. I'll leave the baby to you." Xu Yufeng was forced to take Xu Ru'an. Xu Zerui was really anxious. He turned and left without saying a word, leaving Xu Ru'an and Xu Yufeng staring at each other.

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