"Ms. Fan, who are you calling a bastard? Didn't I tell you not to show up in the company, especially in my office?"

Xu Yufeng had just finished the meeting and walked into the office when he heard Fan Jingru's scolding.

Seeing that the little boy was crying in Assistant Bai's arms, he asked with a gloomy face,"What's going on? Why is he crying!"

"General Manager, I'm sorry, I'm not sure either. I saw the young master fell to the ground when I came in."

Xu Ru'an covered her head and said with tears in her eyes,"It hurts... my head hurts.……"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Ru'an felt nauseous and started to vomit.

This scared Assistant Bai and Xu Yufeng.

Xu Yufeng took Xu Ru'an from Assistant Bai and patted him on the back gently. With his sharp eyes, he soon noticed the red marks on Xu Ru'an's arm and instantly became furious.

He pointed at the red marks on Xu Ru'an's arm and asked loudly:"What's going on! Why did his hand become like this?"

Following the direction pointed by Xu Yufeng, Assistant Bai also noticed the red marks. He was also shocked and turned to look at Fan Jingru.

Fan Jingru turned her face away with a guilty look on her face,"What are you doing! I didn't mean it, and I didn't use any force. Who told him to roll his eyes at me!"

""Ms. Fan Jingru, children are all delicate and tender. Don't you, as an adult, have any common sense?"

Assistant Bai was really speechless about this young lady. She took her anger out on a child. What on earth was she thinking?

"Assistant Bai, I have to take the little one to the hospital. Please push all the rest of the work to me. Also, tell this to old man Fan and ask him to discipline his daughter. If he doesn't know how to educate his daughter, our Xu family doesn't mind helping him discipline her."

"Yes, General Manager"

"Brother Yufeng, come back here! What do you mean? Are you doing this to me just because of this bastard?"

"Who told you he was a bastard! Miss Fan, you'd better pray that nothing happens to him, otherwise you'll have to wait for the wrath of our Xu family!"

After Xu Yufeng finished speaking, he no longer looked at Fan Jingru, and left the company with Xu Ru'an in his arms.

In the car, he called his second brother.

"Second brother, are you in the hospital now? Something happened to Little Milk Tuan. I am taking him to your place now. Please prepare."

"What? What happened?"

"Let's talk when we meet. I'll be there in about 20 minutes."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Yufeng patted Xu Ru'an's body with his big hands. At this moment, he was lying quietly on his body. Although he was no longer crying, his pouting brows told Xu Yufeng that the little guy was still feeling uncomfortable.

"Be good and bear with it. We will see your second brother soon, and then we can ask him to help you."

Even Xu Yufeng himself didn't know that he looked so gentle that he could turn into water.

Xu Yufeng thought about it and sent a message to his sixth brother. After all, he was the one who brought the little guy here to take care of him. Now that the little guy has become like this, he feels a little guilty.

Xu Zerui was discussing something with the members over there. When he saw that it was a message from his eldest brother, he clicked it. This made him jump up from his seat.

His jump scared the members next to him, thinking that something had happened to him.

"What's wrong? Boss"

"Shit! Wait until I get back to talk. I need to go to the hospital. Something happened to Little Milk Ball!"

After saying that, he ran out without paying attention to how shocked the other members were.

"No, what did the boss just say? What the hell is a little milk ball?"

"I don't know. I've never seen the boss so panicked as he is today. Maybe something really big happened.……"

After Xu Ru'an was sent to the hospital, Xu Xingyi immediately arranged a detailed examination for Xu Ru'an after listening to what his elder brother said.

"The results of the examination came out. There was a swelling on his head and some bruises. He felt nauseous and wanted to vomit. He must have had a concussion. There were also some bruises on his two arms. Overall, it was not too serious. However, the little boy had been malnourished before and had injuries on his body. He was not in good health and needed to be well taken care of."

Xu Xingyi put down the report in his hand,"Brother, who did this?"

"Fan Jingru."

When Xu Ru'an was having a physical examination, Xu Yufeng had asked Assistant Bai to forward him the surveillance video in his office.

The whole process was recorded clearly in the video, and he also asked Assistant Bai to pass a copy of this video to Old Man Fan.

Xu Yufeng handed the phone to Xu Xingyi and asked him to watch the video.

After watching the video, Xu Xingyi was furious,"Is this woman going to die? Who allowed him to say that Xiao Naitian is a bastard!"

Xu Zerui, who had just arrived, happened to hear Xu Xingyi's words. He grabbed the phone and saw the video,"Brother, what are you going to do with this woman? Not only did she scold Xiao Naitian, but she also hurt Xiao Naitian. She must pay the price for this!"

Everyone in their Xu family has a different personality and focuses on different areas, but there is only one thing that is very consistent, that is, they are extremely protective of their own shortcomings.

Now that this little kid Xu Ru'an has been adopted by their Xu family, he has become a member of their Xu family. If someone outside hurts him, they, as brothers, certainly can't let that person who hurt him go easily.

Xu Yufeng looked at the little guy who was already asleep on the bed with an IV, nodded and said,"Of course, we can take this opportunity to deal with those self-righteous old people in the company."

On the other side, after watching the video, Mr. Fan asked Assistant Bai,"Assistant Bai, who is this kid?"

"Mr. Fan, this is the general manager's younger brother"

"Brother? Aren't there only six brothers in the Xu family? The youngest, Xu Zerui, is already an adult, so how come there is another one so young? Is this a mistake?"

""Mr. Fan, this is what the general manager said himself. Miss Fan didn't listen to the general manager, sneaked into the office, and did this to the general manager's brother. The general manager is very angry now. Before he took the young master to the hospital, he asked me to tell you a message, saying that if Mr. Fan doesn't know how to discipline Miss Fan, then the Xu family is happy to serve you."

Mr. Fan's heart skipped a beat, and his face suddenly turned bad. He looked at his daughter with a look of disappointment and sighed secretly.

"Then please ask Assistant Bai to tell Yufeng that my daughter was wrong in this matter. I will definitely teach her a lesson. In a few days, I will personally bring my daughter to apologize."

After saying that, Mr. Fan took the useless Fan Jingru away from the company.

"Father, you don't really want me to go to the Xu family to apologize to that bastard, do you? I don't want to, I didn't mean to do that.……"

"You shut up! Don't you think the matter is not big enough? What do you know! You just make trouble for me!"

Although he is a shareholder of the company, in recent years, Xu Yufeng has become more and more powerful and capable. Xu Yufeng has always wanted to drive them out of the company.

This incident will probably be used by Xu Yufeng as an excuse to get rid of him.

It seems that he needs to find someone to investigate the matter of the child, and he also needs to speed up the implementation of the plan, otherwise he will lose both his money and his people.

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