An An agreed to the live broadcast. He was still upset about the controversy caused by Yao Wanting.

He decided that after the live broadcast, he would ask his sixth brother to take his phone to check the comments online to see how those Internet trolls slandered him and his fourth brother.

"Great, I'll have someone prepare it right away and send out a live broadcast preview."

Wang Haoyang was very happy. He was finally going to fight back. He hoped that some people would take care of themselves and stop being stubborn. Otherwise, given the Xu family's protective attitude towards their children, they would probably be slapped in the face for more than just a simple matter.

However, not long after the studio sent out the live broadcast preview, even more explosive news broke out on the Internet.

"Mochen, it's bad, something's wrong again. This time they say you're having affairs with other men and women, and you're taking advantage of the staff around you!"

Wang Haoyang rushed into Xu Mochen's office with his phone in hand, looking nervous.

【According to an insider, they once encountered Actor Xu with his female assistant in a hotel. The female assistant was obviously drunk and was helped upstairs by Actor Xu. The next morning, they saw the female assistant running out of a room in a panic. It was hard not to wonder if Actor Xu had done something bad to her.】

"Those marketing accounts and entertainment video accounts are all saying this, it's too outrageous, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it's made up!"

But those netizens already had a bad impression of Xu Mochen because of Yang Lele's incident, so now this incident has been exposed, it's simply adding fuel to the fire!

"It's really one thing after another. We can disclose the truth about Yang Lele's matter, but this matter is not easy to handle."

Xu Ru'an took the phone from Xu Zerui and started reading it. Somehow he always felt that the plot in this explosive article was a bit familiar.

【Hmm? The female assistant mentioned in this article is not the assistant sister, right? But shouldn't the drunk person be the fourth brother? How did it become the assistant sister? 】

Xu Mochen was awakened by Xu Ruan's words.

The key to solving this problem is here. He had heard Xu Ruan's voice before that someone had drugged his hangover soup, and the person who drugged it was Tang Wan'er, who had starred in a TV series with him before.

"Brother Hao, can you contact Xu Jingwen?"

"Huh? Why do you suddenly want to contact Jingwen?"

"I suspect that the assistant mentioned in this revelation is Xu Jingwen."

Wang Haoyang reacted instantly,"You mean what happened on the night of the celebration banquet?"

Thinking about it this way, Wang Haoyang understood, isn't this just a case of switching the dragon for the phoenix? This is completely nonsense!

"Mo Chen, Jingwen has taken a long vacation. I called her yesterday, but she didn't answer. Do you think it's her?……"

What Wang Haoyang wanted to say was, could it be that Xu Jingwen was bribed by someone, and then this information was leaked by Xu Jingwen?

"No, Xu Jingwen is not that kind of person. Call her again. If no one answers, just leave her a message."

Xu Mochen believed that Xu Jingwen would not betray him. After all, how could someone who had sex with him dare not say anything about it dare to betray him?

And Xu Ru'an mentioned in his heart that Xu Jingwen should like him, so Xu Mochen was very confident that Xu Jingwen would not betray him. He was worried that someone might be targeting Xu Jingwen.

What Xu Mochen was worried about was also what Xu Ru'an was worried about.

【The assistant lady should be okay? This is really strange. It’s obviously not the time to expose the matter between the fourth brother and the assistant lady. How come it was exposed now?】

【Could it be that the male protagonist knew about this in advance? That would be troublesome. He didn't catch the assistant girl, right? What if the male protagonist used the assistant girl to threaten the fourth brother?

Xu Ru'an was very worried. He obviously wanted to match the assistant girl and the fourth brother to avoid the male protagonist threatening the fourth brother. Could it be that he was really one step too late?

"It's connected, Xu Jingwen's call is connected."

But Wang Haoyang was only happy for a second, and then he hung up the phone.

"Brother Hao, are you looking for me?"

Xu Jingwen's voice came from behind

"Um, Jingwen, why are you here? Aren't you on vacation?"

"I just arrived, and I saw a lot of bad news about Brother Mo on the Internet. I was afraid that the studio would be too busy, so I ended my vacation and came back to see if there was anything I could do to help."

Seeing Xu Jingwen appear, Wang Haoyang and the others were relieved

【Great, the assistant is fine. No, I was lucky this time, but it doesn't mean the hero won't make trouble again. I still have to speed up and match the assistant with the fourth brother!

Xu Mochen was helpless. He hadn't talked things out with Xu Jingwen yet. An An always wanted to tie herself and Xu Jingwen together. Is that really okay?

"Jingwen, you came at the right time. Brother Hao wants to ask you, on the night of the celebration banquet, did you notice any suspicious people when you left the hotel?"

"Suspicious person?"

Xu Jingwen felt a little guilty. She left the next day and was indeed a little flustered. She also saw the article that broke the news when she came to the studio.

She knew that someone must have seen her when she left, but at that time she was only concerned with escaping and didn't pay attention to her surroundings.

"Jingwen, or rather, did you meet anyone who made you feel strange on the night of the celebration banquet?"

Xu Jingwen was stunned for a moment after hearing Xu Mochen's words, and a figure suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Tang Wan'er? That night, she knocked on the door, but she said she went to the wrong room, and then left in a hurry, along with the bowl of hangover soup.……"

Xu Wen suddenly paused when she spoke here, as if she realized something.

"What's wrong with the hangover soup?"

Wang Haoyang asked when he saw that she didn't want to talk any more, but Xu Mochen immediately changed the subject.

"Lao Liu, can you ask someone to check on Tang Wan'er and see if they can find out who leaked the information?"

"OK, no problem, but I let those people have a holiday. Forget it, let them work overtime first, and then compensate them after everything is done."

So, Xu Zerui made a phone call, and there was a protest from the other end.

"Triple bonus, one extra week of vacation."

The other end fell silent again, and after a long while, Xu Zerui hung up the phone with satisfaction after hearing the word"deal".

"Fourth brother, wait, we should be able to find out soon."

After all, they all want to get their bonus and take a vacation as soon as possible.

"Okay, Brother Hao, let's follow the previous arrangement. First, we will present the evidence on the live broadcast to deal with Yang Lele's matter. We will see how to deal with it after my sixth brother's people find out what's going on."

"Okay, I'll do as you say."

So, Xu Mochen carried An An to the live broadcast room and prepared to start the live broadcast.

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