"Boss, this is the result of our hard work all night, please check it."

They checked very carefully, not only did they find the mastermind, but they also dug up the backgrounds of all the water army members, and even their ancestors were dug up.

"Well, very good, you handled this matter and made me very satisfied! I will give you three days off and give everyone an extra bonus this month!"

All the hackers shouted"Long live the boss!"

Xu Zerui went to Xu Mochen's studio with a thick stack of information. They had agreed to meet there today.

Early this morning, Wang Haoyang contacted Xu Mochen and told him about the public opinion storm last night. Xu

Zerui had guessed that things were not that simple, so he had asked the alliance base to keep a close eye on the news on the Internet.

So he knew everything when he got up in the morning, so he told Xu Mochen that he could let his people find evidence to prove that someone was behind it.

Xu Mochen certainly knew his brother's ability, so he made an appointment with him to meet in his studio.���Then everyone discussed how to make the evidence public.

Xu Ru'an, who had not yet woken up safely, was carried by Xu Mochen all the way to the studio.

Xu Ru'an, who fell asleep on Xu Mochen's shoulder, did not know that he had become the object of everyone in the studio scrambling to take pictures.

It was just because he looked so cute when he was asleep.

Because it was still early, Xu Mochen did not have the heart to wake him up, so he let him go out in his little dinosaur pajamas.

It was unknown what Xu Ru'an was dreaming about. He kept smiling sweetly with a rosy face. His chubby little face trembled slightly with his breathing, making people want to touch his chubby little face when they saw it.

"Oh, how cute! He came here in his dinosaur pajamas!"

"Are you trying to trick me into giving birth to a son? But I don’t have a boyfriend, how can I give birth?"

"I can't do that! I can't look at him anymore. I'm afraid his cute face will be all I can think about today and I won't be able to concentrate on my work!"

"Fortunately, I am married. I will discuss with my wife tonight and try my best to give birth to a son like An An."

"Forget it, with your genes, you can't give birth to a child like An An. I think you should ask An An what color sack he likes. I want to steal him home and worship him!"

Xu Zerui heard their discussion as soon as he entered the door, and couldn't help but laugh and cry.

"Do you want me to kindly remind you? Stealing a child is illegal, and you really can't afford to raise our An An."

Hearing the voice, the people in the studio were stunned for a moment. They turned around and found that their boss Xu Mochen's other brother was also here.

""Okay! Stop making noise here. An An is going to be woken up by you."

Wang Haoyang had to speak up to stop this group of chattering colleagues.

"Hmm? Where is An An?"

Xu Ru'an was indeed woken up. He opened his hazy eyes and looked at the unfamiliar surroundings, feeling a little confused.

""An'an, are you awake?"

Xu Mochen took out a wet tissue and gently wiped Xu Ru'an's eyes and face."An'an is in the studio with the fourth brother now. Are you hungry?"

Xu Ru'an then realized that he was still wearing the dinosaur pajamas, and there were many brothers and sisters around him looking at him.

He seemed to realize something, his face turned red, and he shyly buried his head in his fourth brother's arms.

Xu Mochen guessed that he must be shy, so he waved his hand and asked everyone around to go back to their workstations.

"Okay, stop surrounding our An An, he's shy, and I still have to feed An An breakfast, you guys go about your business."

So, the group of people had to disperse.

"Fourth brother, your employees are so funny. They even want to steal An An away?"

"Who said An An is so cute?"

Xu Ru'an looked around and found that the brothers and sisters were gone, so she finally got herself out of Xu Mochen's arms.

"Fourth brother, why am I here?"

【Even if you bring me here, at least you should help me change into some normal clothes! I'm still wearing pajamas! How embarrassing! 】

Xu Mochen and Xu Zerui burst out laughing

"What? Does Little Milk Ball feel embarrassed to be wearing this pajamas?"

"An An, it's okay, those brothers and sisters just think An An is so cute in the little dinosaur pajamas, so they are staring at An An."

This dinosaur pajamas is one of the gifts that He Youtong brought back from abroad for An An. There are also pajamas for the little yellow duck, Mickey Mouse, Doraemon and Little Superman. In He Youtong's words, every pajamas is so cute and suitable for An An to wear. She changes a set every day and wears it in rotation, so it's not a waste at all.

【Well, of course, I am a natural beauty, I look good in anything! Come to think of it, I had a beautiful dream last night, in which I became a big star who was more handsome and famous than Fourth Brother! 】

Xu Mochen patted Xu Ru'an's belly unhappily,"Okay, stop being so conceited, are you hungry? Fourth Brother will make you some milk powder, and there is your favorite steamed buns in the thermos."

"I want to eat xiaolongbao, I'm hungry!"

While Xu Ru'an was eating xiaolongbao, Xu Mochen and Wang Haoyang were looking at the information brought by Xu Zerui.

The information was very complete and contained evidence that could directly defeat Yang Lele and Yao Wanting.

"Yes, this information is very useful. We can just make it all public."

"Mo Chen, these can indeed be made public, but before that, I want you to take An An to do a live broadcast and let An An show his face."

"No, An An he……"

The first person who jumped out to object was Xu Zerui, but Xu Mochen interrupted him and gave him a calm look. Xu Zerui had no choice but to shut up and let Wang Haoyang continue.

"I think since An An has agreed to act in the play directed by An Pei, he will have to show up in front of the public sooner or later, so why not take this opportunity to let him show up in advance."

Wang Haoyang looked at the cute An An with his mouth full of oil, and he was very confident that as long as An An showed up, he would definitely gain a large number of fans.

"On the one hand, it allows An An to adapt in advance and be mentally prepared, and on the other hand, I think An An's cute and innocent appearance can help him attract a lot of fans."

Xu Mochen certainly understood Hao Ge's intention, but he still wanted to see if An An was willing.

"An An, are you full?"

Xu Ru'an nodded after drinking the last sip of milk.

"Then Fourth Brother asks you, are you willing to live broadcast with Fourth Brother?"

"Live broadcast?"

Xu Mochen thought An An didn't understand what live broadcast meant, so he simply explained it.

Xu Ru'an certainly knew what live broadcast was, but he didn't understand why he suddenly wanted to broadcast it.

"Fourth brother, I know about live streaming, but why does An An want to live stream with Fourth brother?"

This time, it was Wang Haoyang who explained to Xu Ru'an.

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