As soon as the live broadcast started, a lot of people flooded into the live broadcast room. In addition to some of Xu Mochen's fans, there were also some people who came to watch the fun, and among them were the water army arranged by Yao Wanting.

Yao Wanting was also watching this live broadcast, after all, she also wanted to see what Xu Mochen wanted to do.

"Hello, everyone watching the live broadcast, I am Xu Mochen, and next to me is my youngest brother Xu Ruan."

"Come, An'an, say hello to everyone."

Xu Ru'an blinked his big round eyes, smiled and moved closer to the screen, kissed the screen, and then waved his chubby hands and greeted sweetly:"Brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, hello everyone, I am your little cutie An'an."

After saying that, he wanted to wink at everyone, but it was not very successful, and it was out of place, so Xu Ru'an shyly hid in Xu Mochen's arms.

It must be said that Xu Ru'an's actions instantly made the audience watching the live broadcast in front of the screen fall in love with him.

At this time, the barrage of comments emerged crazily, almost covering the entire screen, and they were all praising Xu Ru'an for being cute.

【Oh my god, is this my idol's younger brother? They are indeed a family! They are both good-looking!】

【So cute! My girlish heart is coming out, honey, let's work hard and try to have a baby as cute as An An!】

【I came here originally for my idol, but I didn't expect to be fascinated by his cute brother. Here, I declare that I will become a mother fan of the cute little An An.】

【I'm sorry, I want to stop being a fan first. I want to be a big sister fan of the cute little An An】


Xu Mochen looked at the comments from his fans who said they would temporarily stop being his fans, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Seeing that the comments were all discussing and praising Xu Ru'an, Yao Wanting couldn't sit still anymore, so she sent a message to the group of water army, asking them to start the first wave of targeting.

So the comments gradually became unbearable, all questioning and insulting Xu Ru'an and Xu Mochen.

【Just because you are cute, you can do whatever you want? Being cute cannot cover up the fact that you used your connections to steal the role of my good boy Lele!】

【I really feel sorry for my Lele, what kind of person is this! My Lele is still sad at home, and you guys are broadcasting live here to make me sick!】

【He is not a male god or an idol, but he is a scumbag who helps his younger brother get in through the back door and uses his background to oppress vulnerable groups like Lele!】

【Boycott! Shouldn't this be boycotted? Aren't there people from the relevant departments who can investigate? Such a big star and movie star is basically corrupting the social atmosphere!】


Xu Mochen saw the content of these comments and his face darkened, knowing that there must be some trolls who had sneaked in to cause trouble. Xu Ru'an also saw these infuriating comments and was very angry, but on the surface he pretended to be calm and still had a smile on his face.

"Thank you for liking An An. The reason why An An and I are doing this live broadcast is to make a statement about the public opinion storm online about me giving An An a backdoor and us using the financial power of the Xu family to oppress Yang Lele."

"First of all, there are three points I want to make clear here.

First, Director Ampe's studio has already issued a relevant statement.

An An has indeed confirmed that she will participate in Director Ampe's new play.

This is a decision made by Director Ampe himself after An An's audition.

There is no such thing as me using my own connections to let An An get the role through the back door.

The specific situation will be released in full on the official account of Director Ampe after the live broadcast.

You can take a closer look.


"The second point is about the false public opinion that we used the Xu family's background to oppress and harm Yang Lele, which was spread online after Yang Lele cried and apologized last night. I have in my hand all the evidence that Yang Lele's mother, Ms. Yao Wanting, hired a group of Internet trolls to guide public opinion. Later, these evidences will be posted one by one on the official account of my studio in the form of screenshots. You can go and have a look."

"Third, regarding the actions of Ms. Yao Wanting, Yang Lele’s mother, and the online trolls, I will submit the collected evidence and related claims to the court, entrust a lawyer to sue, and take legal action to safeguard our legitimate rights and interests."

As soon as Xu Mochen finished speaking, he found that the number of viewers in the live broadcast room rose sharply, with more than twice as many people coming in to watch than at the beginning.

The barrage was even more crazy, and the entire screen was densely packed, which made Xu Mochen and Xu Ru'an feel scalp numb.

【Wow, netizens are really powerful creatures. They are powerful terrorists wherever they go!

Xu Ru'an sighed, his eyes were dazzled, but after Xu Mochen put the evidence on the table, he scared away a lot of the Internet users, and the content of the barrage became more normal.

Yao Wanting received a private message from the head of the Internet users. He returned the money to her and blocked her directly.

Yao Wanting was so angry that she almost threw her phone out. She never thought that Xu Mochen would find someone to check her out and find evidence.

Yao Wanting looked in the direction of Yang Lele's room,"No! For Lele, I can't just admit defeat like this!"

So she quickly called that person.

"Hey, I need your help. I want to kill Xu Mochen and his brother."

"Sure, I will cooperate with you completely, as long as Lele can be saved."

"OK, I understand. Thank you for your help."

Xu Mochen saw that the time was almost up and he had said what he wanted to say, so he decided to end the live broadcast.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, our live broadcast ends here. You can go to the official account of me and Director Ampere's Studio to learn more details. Thank you."

"Come, An'an, say goodbye to everyone."

Xu Ru'an nodded obediently,"Brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, bye everyone."

After that, he blew a few kisses, which made everyone in the live broadcast room feel cute.

After the live broadcast, Wang Haoyang helped Xu Ru'an register an exclusive official account.

Originally, I thought it would take some time before this account would have fans following it. Unexpectedly, as soon as the account was registered, before any updates were posted, he just wrote a simple introduction saying that he was Xu Mochen's younger brother. In less than five minutes, it had attracted a large number of mother fans and sister fans.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Haoyang and others witnessed the fan-attracting ability of this little cutie Xu Ru'an.

The number of fans of Xu Ru'an's official account has reached 300,000.

""An'an, uncle underestimated you. You actually have such a strong physique to absorb powder. Uncle thinks you are even better than your fourth brother!"

Xu Ru'an smiled happily in Xu Mochen's arms, with a face full of pride.

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