At this time Xu Mochen spoke up,"I think An An is really talented in acting. Since An An likes it, we should support him in having his own interests. Besides, don't I still have me? I will definitely protect him."

It would have been better if Xu Mochen hadn't said this. As soon as he mentioned this, the others immediately lost their good looks.

"How dare you say that? Look at how those people on the Internet are scolding our An An!"

"No! I can't stand it anymore. How can those people be so hateful? Boss, quickly find someone to remove all those trending searches for me!"

"No need for that, big brother. I'll do it. Just leave it to me."

Xu Zerui is a hacker, and the Internet is his specialty. He took out his phone, and a minute later, all the news searches on the Internet about Xu Mochen helping his brother to get in through the back door disappeared.

"Look, that's it, but it's only a temporary solution. This wave has subsided. If someone still doesn't give up, there will definitely be another wave."

"Lao Liu is right. Lao Si, your studio should know how to deal with these things, right?"

"Well, I have asked Brother Hao to do it. You will see the announcement from my studio soon. Director Ampere will also cooperate with us."

"Well, since An An likes her, then you should take better care of her, Lao Si. I only ask one thing from you, and that is to protect An An from any harm."

"I know, Mom."

Xu Ru'an was very happy. He never dreamed that he would become a star.

But Xu Zerui was right to worry. There will be a next wave of this matter.

Xu Mochen's studio and director An Pei's studio both issued a clarification announcement.

The content of the announcement clearly explained the cause and effect of the matter, and also issued a warning to Yang Lele.

Xu Mochen not only forwarded the announcement, but also said in a domineering manner that if anyone else led the rhythm without reason and spoke ill of his An An with false remarks, then he and the Xu family would take legal action to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. As soon as this series of statements came out, many people immediately shut their mouths and dared not forward or comment at will.

On Yang Lele's side, his mother Yao Wanting was furious and was throwing a tantrum in the room. Yao Wanting is a full-time mother. After her son was born, she has been taking care of Yang Lele at home. Her husband is a manager of a listed company. Originally, their family of three lived a happy life.

But... When Yang Lele was two years old, Yao Wanting discovered that her husband had cheated on her. In a rage, she divorced her husband and raised her son Yang Lele.

Later, Yao Wanting asked her son to help her friend shoot a milk powder commercial. Her son Yang Lele became famous with this commercial, and then took on a lot of print advertising work and debuted as a child star.

Yang Lele's excellence made Yao Wanting very proud, and it also soothed her pain of being divorced due to her husband's betrayal. She put more energy on Yang Lele.

It was precisely because Yang Lele became more and more popular and had more and more fans that Yang Lele experienced unprecedented popularity, which made him more and more arrogant. He always felt that he was much better than other people of the same age.

He began to be arrogant. He would not shoot if it was not the best play, he would not play if it was not the most outstanding role, and he would not go on if it was not the most profitable program. In short, he became much more willful.

As a mother, Yao Wanting not only did not educate him, but thought that Yang Lele was right and should be done this way.

"Mom, why! I am so outstanding, why didn’t that director choose me, and even criticized me for that person who got in through the backdoor!"

Yang Lele was very angry after reading the statement issued by Director An Pei.

"Lele, be good, you are the best. It's the director who has no vision and his play is nothing great. If we don't shoot this play, we won't shoot it. Mom will find a better play for you."

"But, doesn’t that mean I really can’t compete with that movie star’s younger brother? I won’t accept that!"

"It’s definitely not my baby Lele who lost. Don’t worry, mom won’t let this matter go!"

Yao Wanting is not only Yang Lele's mother, but also his agent. She found all of Yang Lele's resources. She was an advertising planner before she got married, and she has a very flexible mind. Having been in this circle for so long, she knows very well that public opinion can be very useful if it is operated properly.

So, she first asked Yang Lele to shoot a short apology video. This video was only a little over a minute long, and there was only one sentence from beginning to end, which was"I'm very sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have wanted to play this role."

According to Yao Wanting's request, Yang Lele used his acting skills to pretend to be as pitiful as possible. He finished this sentence while crying, and he finished this short sentence in a discontinuous manner.

Yang Lele's eyes in the video were red, and his thin body was trembling, as if he had suffered a great injustice. Anyone who saw it would feel pity.

After this video was sent out, Yao Wanting bought water troops to bring heat, rhythm and reputation, and portrayed Yang Lele as a poor person who had suffered a lot of grievances but could only succumb to the oppression of capitalists and considered himself unlucky.

【Oh my god, how old is Lele, and he has to endure all this! Everyone knows that the Xu family is the richest family. If they just say that they want my son to play this role, it will be a matter of minutes!】

【What an evil capitalist! He always says he will take legal action and use the law to pressure others. Lele is still so young, how can he bear it? It's too much!】

【My Lele is so miserable! What's the use of good acting skills? He still lost to someone who got in through the backdoor and had a backer. It's so unfair】

【I heard that the young master of the Xu family is only three years old. At such a young age, he knows how to ask his brother to help him snatch other people's things. You can tell at first glance that he is not a good person!】

【Boycott, must boycott! I originally thought that Director Ampere was an internationally renowned director who would not be in cahoots with capitalists, but I didn’t expect that they were all the same. The movie he shot must be boycotted!

More and more netizens were led by those water armies, and the balance of public opinion was seriously tilted.

More people were inclined to the"weak" Yang Lele, while Xu Mochen and Xu Ru'an were the evil capitalists who needed to be boycotted.

It must be said that Yao Wanting played this hand very beautifully. Looking at those who boycotted and scolded Xu Mochen and others, she felt relieved.

"Humph! This is what happens when you offend us!"

Xu Ru'an was completely unaware of the farce on the Internet. He was sleeping soundly.

This caused trouble for Wang Haoyang, who was working overtime in the studio, and the hackers at the Hacker Alliance Base.

Wang Haoyang was busy trying to figure out how to deal with this public opinion storm, while the hackers were busy trying to find the mastermind behind the Internet trolls.

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