"He is your brother Xu Ru’an?"

"Yes, what does Director Ampere think?"

"Well, after seeing him in person, I am even more certain that your brother is definitely the most suitable candidate."

Xu Ru'an knew that the director was praising him, so he smiled politely and said,"Thank you, Director Uncle, for the compliment."

Xu Ru'an is indeed very cute, especially after he came to the Xu family, he was raised to be white, plump, soft and tender. When he smiled, his white teeth were exposed, and the whole person looked even more adorable.

Several staff members beside Director Ampere were touched by Xu Ru'an's cuteness.

"Then let's start the rehearsal now. Mo Chen, tell your brother about this scene and let him act it out slowly."

""Okay." Xu Mochen took the script, hugged Xu Ru'an and sat aside, and began to explain the lines to Xu Ru'an.

【Wow, I'm supposed to play the heroine's son? Hmm, that seems to be fun and not difficult, right?】

"Fourth brother, I have memorized the lines, and An An knows how to act."

"Really? So fast?"

"Well, isn't An An really amazing?"

Xu Mochen chuckled,"You little guy, are you still showing off? All right, then quickly show the director what you can do."

Director Ampe didn't expect that a child as young as Xu Ru'an could memorize the lines so quickly. Although

Xu Ru'an had no acting experience, he was indeed very smart, and he was not a simple three-year-old child. Had he not eaten pork, had he not seen pigs run?

He had watched a lot of TV dramas, and he was now acting in his true colors, so it was not that difficult for him.

So after a short audition, Director Ampe was generally very satisfied, so Xu Ru'an was really confirmed to play this role.

Suddenly, a staff member rushed in with an anxious look on his face.

"Director, something bad has happened!"

"What's wrong? You look so irritable. Don't you know we are auditioning?"

"Director, something big has happened! Take a look at this first."

He said, and handed the phone to Director An Pei.

The big headline on the page read [Xu Mochen, the big movie star, opened a backdoor for his younger brother and snatched the opportunity for a famous child star to perform】

"What's going on? How could such news get out?"

Director Ampere was furious. His drama hadn't even started filming yet! And such false news came out? Was someone trying to trick him?

"What's up, Director Ampere?"

"Mochen, take a look, this news is also related to you."

Xu Mochen took the phone and looked at it, his face darkened.

Xu Mochen didn't mind being on the news, after all, he was a public figure, and reporters would be watching him every day.

But Xu Ru'an was their baby, and those people shouldn't have targeted Xu Ru'an.

"Director Ampere, do you know who the child star mentioned in this news is?"

"Mo Chen, what do you mean?"

"Isn't it obvious? Once this news comes out, who is the one who is most likely to benefit from it?"

Xu Mochen then remembered the woman they met at the door when they first came here. She seemed to have mentioned that her son was a child star.

"By the way, Director An Pei, when An An and I came to see you, we met a woman at the door. She seemed to be arguing with the staff about wanting to play a role. Could it be that……"

"Ah! Director, what Mr. Xu said is very likely!"

The staff member who was arguing with the woman also reacted, and he quickly told Director Ampere about the argument between him and the woman.

After listening to it, Director Ampere's face immediately turned black.

"Mo Chen, this news must have been made up by that woman."

It turned out that the woman was the mother of child star Yang Lele.

Yang Lele is six years old this year. When he was three years old, he became famous for filming a milk powder commercial.

After that, he starred in many TV series one after another, and the response was good. He was praised by the media for his excellent acting skills and popularity with the audience. He was a popular child star.

Yang Lele originally came to audition for the role of the heroine's son in the play, which is now confirmed to belong to Xu Ru'an.

But Director Ampei felt that Yang Lele was not suitable for this role at all, but was more suitable for another child role in the play, so he arranged that role for Yang Lele.

It's just that Yang Lele himself and his mother were very dissatisfied with the result, and they clamored to find Director Ampei to change roles many times.

Director Ampei didn't have so much time to deal with such unreasonable people, so he kept people stopping him from disturbing him.

"Humph! I thought Yang Lele's acting was okay, so I was planning to give him a role, but it seems that's not necessary."

As Xu Mochen's agent, Wang Haoyang also noticed the news, and he called Xu Mochen immediately.

"Brother Hao, this is how things are. Please see how to deal with it. I only have one request, which is that An An should not be wronged."

"I understand. Don't worry, I will take care of it."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Mochen wanted to take An An back home.

"Mochen, I will also arrange to clarify this matter, and it will not affect our cooperation."

Director Ampe handed a contract and a script to Xu Mochen,"Take the contract back and take a look. If there is no problem, you can help the little guy sign it. If there is any problem, just contact me directly."

After that, he touched Xu Ru'an's head and said kindly:"An'an, director uncle is very sorry, but uncle thinks you are really spiritual and very suitable for this role, so you can ask your brother to study the script for you and memorize the lines well, okay?"

Xu Ru'an nodded,"Okay, director uncle."

After returning home, Xu Mochen saw that his parents and other brothers were sitting on the sofa waiting for them, and Xu Mochen knew that he would definitely be criticized.

After all, the news is still on the hot search list, and there are many netizens who don't know the inside story leaving messages to scold An An.

"Mom and Dad, An An went to meet the director uncle today, and he asked me to act!"

He Youtong hugged An An,"Is An An happy?"

"Well, An An is very happy, acting is fun, An An wants to go again!"

This is what Xu Ru'an said honestly, he really thinks filming should be interesting, and most importantly, it makes a lot of money quickly!

【No wonder everyone wants to be a star so badly, the money is really high. I just read the contract in the car. It's only 150,000 for just a few scenes! Xu Ru'an was very excited when he thought about how much money he could receive, and it was the first time he earned so much money. At this moment, everyone was once again certain that Xu Ru'an was a little money-grubber.

"Of course An An can do what she likes. Mom supports An An. However, An An is still young. Filming is not as easy as An An thinks. It will be very hard. Mom feels sorry for An An."

"Yes, An An, if An An is short of money, dad can give An An a lot of money, An An, don't follow your fourth brother to film."

"Little Milk Ball, filming is not fun, why don't you go to the base with Sixth Brother to play."

Several other brothers also advised Xu Ru'an not to go to film. Xu Ru'an knew that they were worried about him, but he really wanted to give it a try.

"But... An An really wants to go... and An An has already promised the director uncle, An An doesn't want to be a person who doesn't keep his word."

Xu Ru'an pursed his lips, and his aggrieved look made everyone feel sorry for him, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

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