Back to the point, Wang Cuilian and Hu Wancheng were severely beaten by Xu's bodyguards. After being hungry for a day, they were taken to a desolate abandoned factory. Just when the two thought they were going to be killed, Xu Hanwen appeared.

"We were wrong, we won't dare to do it again! Please, let us go!"

Wang Cuilian's red and swollen face was full of tears, and even Hu Wancheng was trembling all over from the torture. The two were really scared at this time, lying on the ground and begging Xu Hanwen.

Xu Hanwen threw a piece of paper on the ground,"Wang Cuilian, please sign this agreement to sever the mother-son relationship. From now on, you will have nothing to do with our An An. Don't come to our Xu family to make trouble again, otherwise it will not be as simple as beating you up and starving you for a day."

"Sever the mother-child relationship?……"

""But what? You just gave birth to An An, but you have never fulfilled your responsibilities as a mother. What qualifications do you think you have to call yourself a mother in front of An An!"

Xu Hanwen threw the pen over,"Hurry up and sign. I'm very busy. If you waste my time, then you can stay here today."

Hu Wancheng didn't want to die, so he yelled at Wang Cuilian,"Hurry up and sign! Are you slow to kill us?"

In the end, Wang Cuilian signed her name.

"I've signed it, can you let us go now?"

"Of course, we in the Xu family always keep our word, but I warn you again, don't even think about appearing in front of our Xu family again, otherwise we won't be so kind next time, so you better take care of yourself."

Xu Hanwen left with his bodyguards after a warning, leaving the two people still in shock.

In a few days, Xu Mochen's new play will start filming, and he should have taken the time to study the script at home and prepare for the new play.

But he was obviously absent-minded, flipping through the script but still stuck on the first page, unable to read it at all.

The reason why Xu Mochen was absent-minded was because he hadn't talked to Xu Jingwen about that matter yet, and now Xu Jingwen had taken a long vacation, and he hadn't seen her for several days.

Xu Mochen sighed, and Xu Ru'an, who was sitting next to him, had counted, and this was his eleventh sigh.

"Fourth brother, what's wrong with you?"

But Xu Mochen didn't seem to hear Xu Ru'an's question and sighed again.

Well, this is the twelfth time.

【It can be seen that the fourth brother is very troubled, but why? Is it related to the assistant sister?】


Xu Mochen replied subconsciously

""Huh? Fourth brother, what did you say?"

Xu Mochen suddenly came back to his senses,"Ahem! Fourth brother was just reciting the lines."

"Oh, but fourth brother you are amazing, you even read the script upside down and still understand the lines."

Xu Mochen then realized that he had held the script upside down, and he put the script aside awkwardly.

【I don't know how the matter between the fourth brother and the assistant sister is going? I really want to ask the fourth brother. 】

Xu Mochen was already troubled by this matter, and now he heard Xu Ru'an's voice, which made him even more annoyed.

At this time, his cell phone rang.

"Hello, Brother Hao, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Looking for my An An?"

"What? You want An An to act in a movie?"

"But... my family probably won't agree.……"

"OK, I'll ask. I can't guarantee it will work."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Mochen turned to look at Xu Ruan.

"An An, do you want to act?"

"Acting? Fourth brother, why do you ask?"

"Because the director uncle who was looking for Fourth Brother to act in a movie wanted to find a young actor, your uncle Hao showed your photo to the director uncle, and the director uncle took a liking to you at first sight and said that you were very suitable."

【Acting? That should be fun. Am I going to be a child star?】

"An An, if you like, I will take you to the director uncle for an audition later."

"An An has never acted before, I don't know if it will work"

"It's okay, An An just needs to do what he can, and An An is so smart, Fourth Brother believes that An An can do it."

Xu Ru'an thought about it and felt that it was worth a try.

"All right, I'll listen to my fourth brother."

In this way, Xu Ru'an followed Xu Mochen to Director An Pei's studio.

"I've already said that your son is not suitable for this role. The director said that he can play another role in the play. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

As soon as they arrived at the office on the second floor, Xu Mochen and Xu Ru'an heard a quarrel.

"How can I be satisfied? I don’t understand, my Lele has such good acting skills and is so cute, why can’t he play this role?"

"Why are you still asking this question? Your son's acting skills are indeed good, but this role is for a three-year-old child, and it would be best if he is chubby, cute and silly. Does your son fit the bill?"


The woman understood, but she still wanted to fight for it, but the staff didn't want to waste time arguing with her anymore.

"You guys should leave quickly and stop making trouble here. If you upset the director, your son's other role will probably be gone."

The woman still seemed unwilling, but in this situation, she could only do this for now.

Xu Mochen walked over with Xu Ru'an in his arms. The staff who had just driven the woman away greeted Xu Mochen with a smile when they saw him.

"Oh, Mr. Xu, you are finally here. I guess this is your little brother. He is so cute. He is indeed the person the director chose at first sight."

"Well, I'm here to see Director Ampere."

"I'll take you in right now. The director is waiting for you inside."

The staff welcomed Xu Mochen and the others into the office and closed the door.

Little did they know that there was a pair of vicious eyes staring at them from behind, and the owner of these eyes was the woman who had just been driven away.

"Humph! No wonder my son was not allowed to play that role. It turned out to be because of Xu Mochen. Director An Pei also said such high-sounding words. I don’t think my son is not suitable for the role, but he wants to leave the role to Xu Yingdi’s younger brother to curry favor with him!"

At this time, her son came to her.

"Mom, how is it going? What did the director say? Will he let me play the heroine's son?"

""Lele, don't worry. Although the director is still reluctant now, he will agree soon, and the role will definitely be Lele's."

The woman comforted her son and promised that she would definitely snatch the role for her son.

Isn't it just an actor? What's so great about it? Her Lele is the most popular child star now, and he has many fans.

The woman took out her mobile phone and posted a dynamic on the official blog.

Soon this dynamic attracted a lot of attention and reposts on the Internet.

For this reason, Xu Mochen's name was on the hot search again, causing an uproar.

However, Xu Mochen and Xu Ruan didn't know all this. They were rehearsing in Director Ampere's office at the moment.

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