"Well, let's pay the bill and go home."

"Oh, OK."

Li Yanru certainly had no objection. She wanted to leave as soon as possible. Ouyang Shanshan's shamelessness made her sick.

However, she did not expect Xu Xingyi to be so disrespectful to a beauty like Ouyang Shanshan.

"Ah, why are you leaving? Mr. Xu, the food I ordered hasn't arrived yet?"

""Miss, please eat the dishes you ordered yourself. Yan Ru and I have already finished eating. If you don't leave, do we have to wait for you to finish eating and then pay for you? No way, I don't think you are short of money."

Ouyang Shanshan blushed,"No, I have my own money, I don't need Mr. Xu to pay for it."

"That's good, we'll leave first."

After leaving the restaurant, Li Yanru thanked Xu Xingyi.

"Thank you Mr. Xu for helping me out."

"It's okay, I just don't like to bother people who are too familiar with me."

Looking at Xu Xingyi's handsome face, Li Yanru plucked up the courage to say:"Mr. Xu, can I exchange contact information with you? In fact, I am your junior schoolmate. I have admired you for a long time. You are my idol."

Li Yanru said this with a red face. After all, today's blind date was not smooth. She was thin-skinned and felt embarrassed.


Xu Xingyi did not refuse. He had a good impression of Li Yanru. Judging from some small details, she should be kind. Even if they could not be lovers, they could be friends.

After exchanging contact information with Xu Xingyi, Li Yanru's smile never faded.

"Thank you, idol, don't worry, I won't disturb you. If I have any medical questions I want to ask you, you wouldn't mind, right?"

"Sure, I'll get back to you as long as I have time."

""That's great, thank you."

Li Yanru may not have realized how many times she said thank you along the way. Xu Xingyi saw her happy like a child because of a little thing, and he actually thought she was cute.

After sending Li Yanru and her sister home, Xu Xingyi found that An An had fallen asleep when he returned to the car.

When Xu Xingyi returned home with Xu Ru'an in his arms, he found that his mother was still awake and reading a magazine in the living room. It seemed that she was waiting for him to come back.

"Are you back? An An is asleep?"

He Youtong took over Xu Ru'an and continued to ask:"How is it, are you satisfied with the girl tonight?"

In fact, on the way back, Xu Xingyi had his own ideas. He didn't like boring things like blind dates. He might as well do more operations with this time.

So this blind date is enough once, but there is only one way to make his mother stop.

"Mom, you don't need to arrange blind dates for me anymore. I'm quite satisfied with Li Yanru."

"Hmm? You mean you two are attracted to each other? Are you sure about it so quickly? Don't you want to go on a blind date, so you're just trying to fool me?"

I have to say He Youtong is very perceptive and guessed most of the facts.

"No, she is very nice and we have common topics. I have exchanged contact information with her. If your mother doesn't believe me, you can ask her."

"Are you sure you don't want to see more? There are still four people you haven't met yet. Maybe there are better ones. Why don't you meet everyone before making a decision?"

Although the second brother has already chosen the people, He Youtong still has some doubts.

"No, I'm sure, could it be that my mother is not satisfied with her?"

"Of course not. Since you said so, then it’s up to you. Since you think that person is suitable, then try to get along with him/her. Do you understand?"

"Got it, Mom, I'm going back to my room, good night."

Xu Ru'an was awakened by abdominal pain in his sleep. He covered his stomach and sweated profusely.

He Youtong, who had already woken up and was doing skin care, found that something was wrong with Xu Ru'an.

"An An, what's wrong with you?"

"It hurts! An An's stomach hurts so much, Mom, An An wants to go to the bathroom."

He Youtong immediately carried Xu Ru'an to the bathroom when she heard it.

Back and forth like this, Xu Ru'an went to the bathroom five or six times, but still felt uncomfortable in her stomach.

He Youtong looked at Xu Ru'an, who was already exhausted from diarrhea, with heartache,"An An, Mom will take you to the hospital!"

Because of her anxiety, He Youtong completely forgot that she had a son who was a doctor. She only thought about finding a doctor to see Xu Ru'an immediately, so she drove Xu Ru'an to the children's hospital closest to her home.

Li Yanru was a doctor in this children's hospital.

Li Yanru didn't expect that the second time she saw Xu Ru'an was in her own hospital, and she was the doctor who treated him.

"Are you Li Yanru?"

He Youtong obviously recognized Li Yanru. After all, she was the one who picked her son's blind date and had seen his photos.

"Yes, Auntie.

If An An's situation did not allow it, He Youtong would really like to ask Li Yanru what she thinks of her son.

"Auntie, An An must have eaten something unclean that caused her diarrhea."

Li Yanru thought of the restaurant where the blind date took place last night,"I'm sorry, I forgot that children's gastrointestinal digestive system is relatively weak. I should have reminded An An not to eat so many raw and cold foods last night."

Li Yanru felt a little guilty. She preferred Japanese food, so Xu Xingyi must have known this and made an appointment to meet there. However, as a pediatrician, she actually overlooked that An An was not suitable for eating such food. She was really not a qualified pediatrician.

He Youtong sensed Li Yanru's emotions and waved her hand,"You don't have to mind it. If you want to say, you should blame my Xingyi. He is also a doctor. He didn't take good care of his brother. So it has nothing to do with you, kid."

Li Yanru felt better knowing that He Youtong did not blame herself.

"I prescribed some medicine for An An. He is a little dehydrated now. Let him have an IV drip first. After he recovers, he can go back and take the medicine on time and he will be fine."

"OK, I understand. Thank you for your hard work."

After thanking Li Yanru, He Youtong took Xu Ru'an to get an IV drip.

After Li Yanru finished all the consultations, she wanted to take some time to see Xu Ru'an's condition.

"Great, I just happened to meet you, kid."

He Youtong hurriedly pulled Li Yanru,"Excuse me, kid, can you help look after An An here? My husband had a car accident, I need to rush over to see him!"

"Ah! Okay, of course, I will take good care of An An, don't worry, Auntie, do you need me to call a taxi to take you there?"

"No, I drove here."

"Auntie, please drive carefully, and don't worry about An An."

He Youtong nodded gratefully and left in a hurry.

Li Yanru called the director to explain the situation, took an afternoon off, and prepared to take good care of An An.

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