After Xu Xingyi got off work at the hospital, he received a series of life-threatening phone calls and messages from his mother, so he had no choice but to resign himself to his fate and go home.

After returning home, he obediently changed into the formal suit that his mother had prepared for him.

"Well, he's really handsome, he's worthy of being my son."

Xu Ru'an had already changed into the same children's clothes as Xu Xingyi, and was now drinking milk while waiting for Xu Xingyi.

"Okay, that's enough. Let's go to the restaurant with An An quickly. Don't be late. The first impression is very important."

The restaurant for the blind date is a Japanese restaurant that the girl likes. He Youtong personally booked the table.

"An An, don't say anything later. My second brother will tell the other party that you are my son, and then wait for them to get angry and leave. We will stay and have a big meal then."

"Second brother, this won't work. Mom said that she has already informed the young lady in advance."

Xu Xingyi was speechless. This was not giving him a chance to live!

Out of politeness, when the waiter came to ask if he wanted to order, Xu Xingyi said that he would wait until everyone arrived before ordering.

However, the other party seemed to have no sense of time. When the agreed time came, the person still did not show up.

Xu Xingyi patiently waited for nearly half an hour, but still did not see the other party.

"Second brother, why hasn't the blind date girl come yet? An An is getting a little hungry waiting."

Xu Ru'an doesn't like people who don't have a sense of time. She's a girl, so it's understandable if she's just a little late, but it's a bit too much to be late for such a long time.

Fortunately, Xu Ru'an drank a small bottle of milk before coming, otherwise he would be even hungrier.

Xu Xingyi was a little angry. He had already deducted points from the first impression of the other party.

"An An, why don’t we go? Now that the other party is not punctual, mom can also make sense. Let’s go to another place to have a big meal. Didn’t you want to eat fried chicken before? How about your second brother taking you to eat fried chicken and Coke?"

Xu Ru’an was indeed craving for fried chicken and Coke before, but if she leaves like this, this blind date will definitely be ruined. Mom’s side...

Just when Xu Ru’an was hesitant, the blind date came.

However, what people didn’t expect was that this blind date also brought a little girl.

"Sorry, I'm late. You must be Mr. Xu. I'm your blind date today, Li Yanru, and this is my sister, Li Xiaochen."

"Hello, I am Xu Xingyi, and this is my younger brother Xu Ru'an.

After introducing each other, the blind date officially began.

""I'm sorry, I met a difficult patient in the hospital and it took me a while to deal with him. Then before I came here, my sister insisted on coming with me, so I wasted a lot of time. I hope you don't mind." After hearing what others said, Xu Xingyi didn't know what to say.

"It's okay, let's order first, the two children should be hungry."

After the ordered food was served, the two children started to eat voraciously, it seems that they were really hungry.

While Xu Xingyi was taking care of Xu Ru'an, he was also observing Li Yanru, and saw that she was also taking good care of her sister eating.

"I heard you are also a doctor?"

"Yes, I am an intern in pediatrics."

Li Yanru looked at Xu Xingyi a little embarrassedly. She was looking forward to this blind date because the blind date arranged by her aunt was her idol.

Li Yanru knew Xu Xingyi for a long time. She was his junior in college.

Xu Xingyi was a star student at the time. He was very outstanding. He was tall and handsome. His family background was also first-class. He was the prince charming and dream lover of all the seniors and juniors.

After graduation, Xu Xingyi entered a large hospital as a doctor. Then, because of his superb surgical skills, he became the youngest attending physician with a national reputation.

Li Yanru has always admired Xu Xingyi, so she attached great importance to this blind date. She was ready to leave work early, but she ran into a difficult patient. It would be fine if she got off work late. After rushing home and dressing up carefully, she was ready to go out. Who knew that her sister clamored to come with her, so she was so late. She was worried that Xu Xingyi would have a bad first impression of her.

"Oh, isn't this Doctor Li? What a coincidence?"

Li Yanru turned around when she heard the voice and immediately frowned. How could she be so unlucky to meet such an annoying person here?

"Yes, what a coincidence, Doctor Ouyang."

Ouyang Shanshan is Li Yanru's colleague and the daughter of the hospital director. Although she is good-looking, Li Yanru can only say that she cannot praise her personality.

"Eh? Who is this? Why does he look so familiar? I feel like I've seen him somewhere before?"

Ouyang Shanshan looked at Xu Xingyi with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

Xu Ru'an had almost finished eating, and when he looked up, he saw a beautiful young lady staring at his second brother.

"Ah! I remember, isn't this Xu Xingyi? Li Yanru, you actually know such a big shot and have dinner with him?"

Ouyang Shanshan was jealous. She didn't like Li Yanru in the first place. In the hospital, Li Yanru's medical skills were better than hers. The director of pediatrics always praised her, while she was often scolded.

Now she knew that Li Yanru knew Xu Xingyi and had dinner with him. How could she, the daughter of the dean, not be jealous?

"Doctor Ouyang, I'm sorry, we are still having dinner. If you have nothing else, can we talk next time?"What a disappointment, I met her on a blind date. Sure enough, she shouldn't have come for a blind date today. I guess Xu Xingyi doesn't have a good impression of her anymore.

"Dr. Li, can I sit down and eat with you? Actually, my friend just stood up for me, so I have to eat alone."

Ouyang Shanshan is really strange. What does her friend's breaking up have to do with her? She is so shameless that she wants to eat with them? Does she really think she is a fool? It is obvious that she recognized Xu Xingyi and wanted to get close to him.

"Sorry, it may not be convenient."

Li Yanru could only refuse tactfully, but she still underestimated Ouyang Shanshan's thick skin.

"It's more fun when there are more people. How about I treat you guys to a meal?" He pulled the stool next to Xu Xingyi and sat down without getting any consent.

"These dishes are too ordinary. It's obvious that Dr. Li doesn't know how to order. Let me add a few more dishes."

Then he called the waiter and ordered dishes like a host.

Li Yanru's face sank and she wanted to say something, but seeing that Xu Xingyi didn't seem to have any objections, she swallowed what she wanted to say.

"Mr. Xu, eat more later. I ordered their special dishes. I am very familiar with the chefs here, so I know that they are all delicious dishes."

Xu Xingyi did not reply. He took a tissue to wipe his mouth, wiped Xu Ru'an's mouth, and then asked Li Yanru:"Have you finished eating?"

Li Yanru was stunned for a moment, then reacted,"I'm done, my sister……"

She lowered her head and looked at her sister,"Xiaochen, have you finished eating?"

"Sister, I'm full a long time ago."

So Li Yanru also helped herself and her sister wipe their mouths, and said to Xu Xingyi:"We are also ready."

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