He Youtong rushed to Xu Xingyi's hospital and breathed a sigh of relief when he confirmed that Xu Qingfeng had only suffered minor skin injuries.

"Oh my god! I was so scared. Fortunately, you are okay."

"Honey, I'm sorry for making you worry."

"It's all Lao Liu's fault. He didn't explain clearly on the phone, so I left An An alone in the Children's Hospital to get an IV drip."

When they heard that Xu Ru'an was in the Children's Hospital, several brothers instantly became upset, especially Xu Zerui.

""Mom, what happened to Little Milk Ball? Why is he in the hospital on an IV drip? No, I have to go check it out!" He was about to run out of the ward, but after a few steps, he was caught by He Youtong.

"What are you going to do! You are not allowed to go, you are so clumsy, An An just had a stomachache and was a little dehydrated because of diarrhea, this is your second brother's fault, let your second brother go and make amends."

He Youtong had selfish motives, she gave An An to Li Yanru to take care of before she left, and now she let Xu Xingyi go, the two of them could meet and spend more time together. What could Xu Zerui do in the past, wasting such a good opportunity

"Huh? What's going on with Second Brother?"

"Mom, could it be the Japanese food we had last night?"

"Yes, that's right. Doctor Li said that children's digestive system is relatively weak and they can't eat too much raw and cold food. You are a great doctor, why don't you pay more attention to it?"

Xu Xingyi admitted that he did make a mistake this time, but when he heard his mother mention Doctor Li, he immediately understood her intention.

""Okay, I'll go over now. Dad doesn't have any major problems, just rest more. I'll take good care of An An, too, so don't worry."

After saying that, he took off his doctor's coat and put it on the table beside him, then left the ward.

He Youtong nodded in satisfaction, then turned to look at Xu Qingfeng and his expression changed instantly, with a serious expression.

""Tell me, what happened? How could someone drive a car and hit you? Did you do something outside? How big is the hatred and resentment?"

Xu Qingfeng shook his head quickly. In fact, he also wanted to know what happened.

Xu Yufeng and his brothers looked at each other, sighed, and told everything.

It turned out that the person who drove the car and hit Xu Qingfeng was Fang Aidu, Fang Yiyi's mother.

Before, Fang Yiyi's pretending to be Xu Qingfeng's illegitimate daughter was exposed.

Xia Yifan did not pay Fang Aidu for doing things for him, so Fang Aidu's father had no money for surgery and died at home in the early hours of yesterday morning.

Fang Aidu's mother was so frustrated that she chose to commit suicide to follow her husband.

Fang Aidu lost her parents all of a sudden, and she was originally well-behaved.

Her lovely daughter Fang Yiyi also blamed her for having an illegitimate daughter.

Fang Aidu couldn't accept all these blows for a while.

After dealing with her parents' funeral, Fang Aidu, who was devastated, drove with Fang Yiyi on the way home. Unexpectedly, she saw Xu Qingfeng preparing to get off the car on the side of the road.

A vicious thought came to her mind. By the time Fang Aidu reacted, she had already accelerated the car and crashed into Xu Qingfeng.

Fortunately, Xu Qingfeng was alert. After realizing something was wrong, he dodged the head-on impact of the car as quickly as possible, but he fell on the flower bed beside him with scratches all over his body.

"Illegitimate daughter? When did this happen? Why didn't your father and I know about this?"

"You and dad changed your flight tickets that day, and the matter will be settled soon. We thought there was no need to tell you, so we didn't tell you."

They all thought that Fang Yiyi's matter was over, but who knew that something would happen later.

Seeing that He Youtong looked unhappy, Xu Hanwen told her everything about Fang Yiyi.

"So the person who instigated the mother and daughter to do this behind the scenes is called Xia Yifan, and you also found out that this person has a grudge against our Xu family, so he did so many things against our Xu family?"

"Yes, this person is not simple. My elder brother and I have recently conducted an in-depth investigation and found that he may be from the official side. We have no way to touch him for the time being."

This is the most troublesome part. Xu Hanwen only understood at this time why An An said that their Xu family was finally destroyed by Xia Yifan.

If he hadn't heard An An's voice, knew what happened, and then went to find out the news in advance, I'm afraid that everyone in their Xu family would be defeated one by one without knowing anything.

It seems that An An's appearance is to save everyone in their Xu family. An An is their lucky star.

"Husband, have you heard of this person? Why don't I have any impression of this person?"

"I don't have any impression either. It's strange. Although our Xu family has always been domineering in the business world, even if we attack our opponents, we will not kill them all. How could we have such a big grudge against someone?"

This is indeed the truth. Maybe in the eyes of many people, the Xu Group has been able to get to where it is now because it is vigorous and resolute, but their Xu family still has its own principles. Unless someone threatens the lives of Xu family members, they will fight back and kill them all.

So this is also an important reason why Xu Ru'an feels that their Xu family is not like a villain.

"My eldest brother and I will continue to investigate the details of this matter. My sixth brother will also help. Mom and Dad, you don't have to worry too much."

"Your father and I have seen all kinds of storms. We just need to be more careful in our daily lives. I am more worried about An An. He is still so young. Do you think Xia Yifan will do something to An An?"

When An An was mentioned, the whole family was silent.

It was normal for He Youtong to worry about this, and this possibility could not be ruled out. After all, An An is not only the young master of the Xu family, but if Xia Yifan wanted to track down An An, he would find that An An is now the treasure of everyone in the Xu family. If revenge is to be taken, what better way is there than to destroy the treasures of everyone in the Xu family?

The answer is yes, this is the best way to take revenge.

If something really happens to An An, it will be a pain that all of them will never forget in their lives.

"Mom, we won't let anyone hurt An An. I will tell my fifth brother about this matter and ask him to secretly arrange someone to protect An An."


Fang Aiduo has been put in the detention center because the person she was going to hit was Xu Qingfeng, and Xu Yufeng also told the police chief that Fang Aiduo must not be let off easily.

So Fang Aiduo will be imprisoned for attempted murder, and jail time is waiting for her. Fang Yiyi is still young and has no relatives around her, so the police contacted the welfare home.

But unexpectedly, Fang Yiyi did not end up in the welfare home, but was adopted by a wealthy family.

Her dream of becoming a rich lady has come true, and she will meet Xu Ru'an again later.

Of course, this is also a later story.

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