"An An, do you think that assistant lady just now is a good match for your fourth brother?"

"Well, the assistant lady and the fourth brother are the best match!"

Xu Ru'an also gave a thumbs up to show that he agreed.

【Mom, you really hit the nail on the head. I like you. It's better to take action to match them up. In this way, you will not only have a daughter-in-law, but also a pair of twin grandchildren! He

Youtong didn't expect that there was such a surprise waiting for her. An An was right. Those two people must be together. The fourth child is really unreasonable. He made the girl pregnant, but he didn't know how to be responsible for her!

"An An, in this case, your brothers are not young anymore. Mom and Dad were married and had children of their age."

Before, she and Xu Qingfeng were too busy, and the sons all had their own ideas, so she and Xu Qingfeng did not interfere too much in their family life.

Now that the fourth son is in this situation, she feels that it is necessary to intervene. Otherwise, her sons will not know when they will get married and give birth to grandchildren.

"An An, mom has decided to arrange blind dates for your brothers. I will go and ask my sisters to send me photos and information of suitable unmarried women."

As she said that, she took out her phone, opened a chat group called"Dating Sisters", and sent a message on it.

"At that time, An An will also help mom to carefully select and see if there are any suitable young ladies for your brothers."Xu

Ru'an was confused. He just wanted He Youtong to help match up his fourth brother and the assistant young lady.

How come he suddenly became a person who selected blind dates for his brothers?

【Mom, is this really okay? You'll easily lose your brothers.】

【And you have to arrange blind dates for the brothers, depending on whether they want it or not! You have to know that the eldest brother doesn't like girls, he likes boys. Do you want the eldest brother to abandon Assistant Bai who is willing to die for him?】

【And there is the third brother. A sinister and cunning fox like him, if he wants to escape the blind date, he must have thousands or even tens of thousands of ways. Believe me, Mom, you can't beat him!】

【As for the fifth brother, I have been in the Xu family for such a long time, but I have only met him once, and he was the kind of person who appeared and disappeared mysteriously. Can you guarantee that he will come to the blind date?】

【Finally, there is the love-brained bootlicker Liu Ge. I don’t know if he still has feelings for the heroine Su Lengyan.】

【Well, after analyzing it this way, it seems that only the second brother can give it a try.

He Youtong, who was originally excited, was immediately disappointed after listening to all of Xu Ru'an's thoughts.

As a mother of sons, she didn't understand them as well as An An, the little girl.

And the eldest son actually likes boys? It was really unexpected.

But she didn't mind. For her, her son's happiness was more important. One was enough to carry on the family line.

Assistant Bai? Isn't that the Bai Haochen, his junior brother mentioned by the eldest brother before? She had met the kid once and had a good impression of him.

Well, the third brother is indeed in trouble. He is the most difficult one among the brothers. He should handle his own lifelong affairs by himself.

Where is the fifth brother now? As a mother, she really doesn't know. She remembers that the last phone call was before she went abroad, which was three months ago. The sixth brother, this stinky boy, is really out of tune. He is actually a love-brained and licking dog? Don't keep this child!

After she re-analyzed it, it was just as An An had analyzed. The second guy was the only one who was a little reliable. Why not arrange a blind date for the second guy first and then see how the others perform when the time comes?

"An An, Mom just thought about it and decided that we should take it slow. As the saying goes, you can't get fat in one bite, so Mom decided to arrange a blind date for your second brother first."


Xu Ru'an was confused again. His second brother actually became the first cannon fodder? He silently prayed for his second brother in his heart.

【Do you want to give second brother a tip-off first?】

"An An, don’t tell your brothers about this in advance, otherwise mom will be angry!"

【Well, don't blame me, brother. I don't want to make mom angry because I am a good kid.】

"OK, Mom, I get it."

"Well, really good, An An is a good child."

Not long after, He Youtong received a lot of photos and information of the blind date she wanted. She asked Xu Ru'an to look at it with her.

Finally, after careful selection by the two of them, five people were selected from a bunch of people.

"An An, Mommy has a very important task for you. You have to accompany your second brother to his blind date. On the one hand, you have to supervise him and make sure he doesn't mess up the blind date on purpose. The most important thing is that you have to help him judge. I don't trust your second brother's judgment, but I do trust little An An's judgment."

Xu Ru'an looked at He Youtong's serious expression and was about to cry but had no tears.

【Mom, are you sure you didn't make a mistake? I'm just a three-year-old child. I can understand that you don't trust your second brother's judgment, but why do you trust mine? 】

Second brother, second brother, I really didn't mean it. I hope you don't blame me. I also hope your blind date goes smoothly!

""Mom, isn't this a good idea?" Xu Ru'an wanted to struggle,"I'm afraid those girls will misunderstand the relationship between me and my second brother."

Yes, if the second brother says An An is his son, wouldn't that scare the girls away?

"It doesn't matter, mom will tell them in advance, so there won't be any misunderstandings."

It seems that there is no escape, Xu Ru'an can only accept it.

That night, when everyone was having dinner, He Youtong announced this explosive news to everyone.

Xu Xingyi never thought that he would be the first to be infected.

"Mom, this shouldn’t be happening. After all, shouldn’t my eldest brother come first?"

"Your elder brother hasn't dealt with the company's affairs yet. When he has dealt with the company's affairs, it will be his turn."

He Youtong said confidently. Anyway, no one can object.

"You start first. I have already arranged an appointment with the first person for you. He is also a doctor and has common topics with you. You can take An An with you tomorrow night. I have already told him."

Xu Xingyi wanted to say something else, but He Youtong did not give him a chance."You must go. There is no chance to refute. Anyway, as long as you are not in love, I will continue to arrange blind dates for you."

Xu Xingyi suddenly lost his appetite.

"The same goes for the rest of you. If you have someone you like or are dating, please confess to me as soon as possible, and I will not arrange a blind date for you. Otherwise, just wait for me to arrange a blind date for you. Do you hear me?"

The others looked at each other, thinking.

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