It was another day off. When Xu Ru'an and He Youtong were enjoying dessert in the garden at home, Xu Mochen came back with his agent and assistant.

"Mom, I want to discuss something with you."

"What's wrong?"

"I took on a play directed by Ampe. The background of this play is during the Republic of China. Ampe wants to find a house with the style of that era. Mom, I want to borrow the house in my hometown."The house in my hometown that Xu Mochen mentioned is actually the old house of He Youtong's mother's family.

The two elders of the He family have passed away. He Youtong is the only daughter of the He family, so all the property under the name of the two elders belongs to He Youtong.

And one of the old houses located in the suburbs is a typical design style of the Republic of China period. It is said that because the old man of the He family likes this style of design very much, some of the furniture and small decorations inside are bought completely according to the style of the Republic of China.

Although He Youtong doesn't go back often now, the house will still arrange people to maintain and clean it regularly, so the house has always retained its original flavor.

Xu Mochen thought of this, so when Director Ampe was worried about not finding a suitable venue, he suggested that he could borrow the place from his mother.

"Of course you can, but after all, that is the home where your mom, me, and your grandparents lived. You won’t make it a smoky mess while filming, right?"

""Mrs. Xu, don't worry. Director Ampe is a perfectionist. He will definitely make good use of it."

Wang Haoyang quickly spoke for Director Ampe.

You should know that the play that Director Ampe is going to shoot this time is for an international award.

The reason why he can find Xu Mochen as the protagonist is because they have a good relationship in the previous cooperation.

If he can help Director Ampe this time, maybe Director Ampe will give more guidance to Xu Mochen in this play because of this favor, or there may be more opportunities for cooperation in the future.

The adults were chatting over there, but Xu Ru'an noticed the little sister standing aside without saying a word.

"Sister, are you my fourth brother's assistant?"

Xu Jingwen didn't expect to be addressed by the young master of the Xu family. She was stunned for a moment and then nodded.

It really is! When Xu Ru'an first saw the person, he was guessing whether it was

【This assistant lady should be the one who is pregnant with the fourth brother's child. She looks pretty good.

He Youtong, who was drinking tea, paused. What did she just hear? She must have heard it right, right? She is pregnant with her fourth son's child?

"Mom? What's wrong with you?"

Xu Mochen was on the phone with Director An Pei just now, so he didn't hear Xu Ruan's voice.

"Ahem...son, that...why did you let a little girl stand there and not ask her to sit down?"

Although He Youtong didn't quite believe that someone was pregnant with the fourth son's child, he still had to be careful.

"Huh? Oh, that's my assistant, Xu Jingwen."

Xu Mochen waved and called Xu Jingwen over, and asked her to sit down and have some tea.

【It seems that the fourth brother still doesn’t know that the assistant lady is the one who had sex with him that night. 】

Xu Mochen heard it this time. Where did this little guy An An learn the term"having sex"?

He glanced at Xu Jingwen guiltily. He actually wanted to talk to Xu Jingwen about what happened that night, but Xu Jingwen was obviously avoiding him recently.

Every time he was about to say something, Xu Jingwen would suddenly find an excuse to leave or change the subject.

And according to Brother Hao, Xu Jingwen wanted to change her position because she wanted to learn one more skill?

Brother Hao also teased him, saying that maybe it was because he was too difficult to serve that people didn't want to be his assistant. He Youtong saw Xu Mochen's little action, and he couldn't help but trust what Xu Ru'an mentioned a little more.

【Alas, now is a rare opportunity, how can I remind Fourth Brother? Although it will take some time for the assistant sister to find out that she is pregnant, will Fourth Brother be regarded as a scumbag by then?

Xu Mochen really wanted to tell Xu Ru'an that he was not a scumbag!

However, he had to admit that if he continued to remain silent and did nothing, Xu Jingwen would probably choose to leave alone and give birth to the child secretly without letting him know.

Moreover, he has now accepted a play directed by Ampere, and the filming of this play will start soon. Once he gets busy, he and Xu Jingwen will have even less time to talk.

But now that his mother and Brother Hao are here, it is really not the time to talk about such things.

【No! Fourth Brother can't be a scumbag, I won't allow it! 】

Xu Ru'an decided to cut the Gordian knot. Anyway, he is just a little kid now. It is said that children speak without restraint. If it really doesn't work, he can just pretend that he doesn't understand.

After making up his mind, Xu Ru'an began his performance.

"Miss sister, do you like my fourth brother?"


Xu Mochen held his forehead. Damn it, An An is too direct, isn't he? No, he suddenly had a bad premonition!

"An An, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Miss, my fourth brother is tall, handsome, and very caring. He especially loves An An. No, that's not the point. The point is that my fourth brother is definitely not a scumbag, so don't worry, miss."

Yes, don't worry that he won't admit it. He will be responsible for you!

Xu Jingwen stared at Xu Ru'an blankly. She didn't know why he said that. She always felt that this young master said that to her on purpose.

Even Wang Haoyang looked at Xu Mochen with a strange look. Xu Mochen laughed dryly and tapped Xu Ru'an's little head.

"You little guy, I'll tell you not to watch so many bloody TV dramas. Look at what you have learned!"

Xu Ru'an was about to refute, but Xu Mochen covered his mouth and picked him up.

"Okay, be quiet. Fourth brother and the older brothers and sisters are all going to work. You stay here with mom."

【Why won't Fourth Brother let me continue? I feel like I'm about to succeed! Fourth Brother, you're such a stinky man who doesn't understand romance! 】

Xu Mochen said he didn't want to listen anymore, and he quickly pulled Brother Hao and Xu Jingwen towards the front door.

""Mom, we're leaving first. I'll take Director Ampe to the old house tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll make it clear to Director Ampe and ask them to be careful when filming."

After Xu Mochen and the other two left, He Youtong couldn't help herself anymore and laughed on the table. The ladylike look she had just put on disappeared.

Xu Ru'an looked at her confused.

【What’s wrong with you, mom?】

""Hahahaha...hahaha! I can't hold it anymore, I'm dying of laughter! An'an, mommy loves you so much! You are really mommy's happy pill!"

Although Xu Ru'an didn't know what he had done to make He Youtong think of him as a happy pill, he felt very happy when he saw that she not only laughed but also said that she liked him.

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