Xu Ru'an would never say that she didn't like it. These were all carefully prepared for her, so Xu Ru'an hugged He Youtong gratefully,"I like them all, thank you, Mom and Dad."

Hearing Xu Ru'an say that she liked it, He Youtong happily waved his hand and asked Aunt Lin to find someone to send the three suitcases back to Xu Ru'an's room to organize them.

And Xu Qingfeng was also showing off to his son the rare collection he brought back, an antique pocket watch that he bought at an auction.

Speaking of which, Xu Qingfeng doesn't drink, smoke, or have any bad habits, but he just likes to collect some antique nostalgic clocks.

Although the sons don't really understand the fun of Xu Qingfeng's only hobby, they won't bother too much, although sometimes they feel that their father spends too much money in this regard.

He Youtong has a different view on this. She will limit Xu Qingfeng's spending in this regard, because in her opinion, even if their family is the richest in the country and the money they earn is enough for them to spend for several lifetimes, she still thinks that they should stop at the right time and save what they should save.

"Husband, you should have used up your pocket money this month, right? I see this pocket watch is not cheap. Don't cry poor in front of me and ask me for more pocket money. I won't give it to you."

"Oh, my dear, don't worry, I won't ask you for pocket money. Anyway, I live and eat at home, so I don't have much money to spend."

He Youtong thought about it and realized that this was the case, so he let him go.

Xu Ru'an looked at Xu Qingfeng who was laughing while holding the pocket watch, and suddenly remembered a funny episode about Xu Qingfeng mentioned in the original book.

【Dad doesn't lack pocket money. He has a small treasury of his own private money.】

【This month, there is an auction here, and one of the items is a pocket watch made by a master in the Republic of China period. When my father heard the news, he took all his private money without telling my mother, and it seems that he really bought it in the end. I remember that it cost a lot of money.

This episode was mentioned in the later plot. After Xu Ru'an saw it, he thought that Xu Qingfeng had such an interesting side.


He Youtong was originally sorting out the gifts she brought back for her best friend, when she suddenly heard a voice from somewhere mentioning that Xu Qingfeng actually had private money.

She was so excited that she shouted instinctively. In fact, Xu Qingfeng was more excited than He Youtong, but because he had been in the business world for many years, he had already developed the habit of keeping a straight face.

In fact, he was also very scared when he heard this. He looked at his wife guiltily,"Wife, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Yufeng and the others also looked at her strangely.

He Youtong then realized that she seemed to be too startled.

"Ahem, nothing, I was just chatting with my bestie in private messages, and she said that her husband was hiding some private money from her, and then she suspected that her husband had someone else outside."

Xu Yufeng and his brothers were all shocked, isn't this too much of a coincidence? How come Xu Ru'an just mentioned that her father had hidden some private money in her heart, and her mother just happened to talk about this with her bestie? But she looked very normal, maybe it was really a coincidence?

【Wow, do all men like to hide their private money? Fortunately, my father hides his private money so that he can buy his favorite collections instead of keeping a mistress outside, otherwise our family would be in turmoil!】

【Forget it, let's not let mom and the others know that dad has some private money, otherwise dad will be in trouble.

Xu Yufeng and his brothers all looked at Xu Qingfeng at the same time, with sympathy on their faces.

Xu Qingfeng was confused by the looks of his sons,"What are you doing! What are you thinking when you look at me like this? Are you suspecting that I have hidden some private money like that guy?"

"Husband, you shouldn’t have it, right?"

"Honey, don't worry. I love you so much that I keep all my money with you. How could I possibly have hidden money?"

【Haha! Dad is so cunning when he tries to please mom! Hehe... I am the only one in the world who knows where Dad hides his secret money! 】

Hmm, is this An An talking? Judging from the voice and the tone of her voice, it must be An An.

He Youtong found that she could actually hear An An's inner voice. She was shocked at first, and then she was surprised!

Her mother is indeed the most special to An An!

""An'an, Mommy loves you!"

He Youtong hugged Xu Ru'an and kissed her again and again, unable to stop.

""Mom, An'an loves you too!"

Xu Qingfeng, who had a different focus from He Youtong, realized that he could hear Xu Ru'an's voice, but he was paying attention to the auction this month, and there was a pocket watch from the Republic of China period, which was his favorite item.

He had already made up his mind that if what the little guy said was true, he would definitely go there!

"An An, do you think your father has any hidden money?"

"Ah? An An doesn't know……"

Xu Ruan felt a little guilty when asked this question suddenly.

【It is said that the most dangerous place is the safest place. Who would have thought that the place where my father hid his private money was in his collection room?】

【That’s why people say that my dad is the most successful businessman, he is really smart!】

【He hid the bank cards in the compartments of each pocket watch box. Even if his mother picked up the box to check, she couldn't see it.

He Youtong was almost unable to suppress the anger in his heart. This man was hiding it very well.

Just like An An said, it was a good thing that he hid his private money just to buy those collections. Otherwise, if he was going to support a mistress outside, she would have castrated him and made him a eunuch!

Xu Qingfeng was not so calm at this time. Who on earth was this An An?

How did he know all these things!

"Forget it, I don’t think your father has the courage to do that. An An, why don’t you sleep with me tonight?"

"Wife, what about me?"

"What's wrong? Is the bed in our room not big enough? Or are you a giant and the three of us can't sleep in such a big bed?"

"Hehehe... Just kidding, of course three people can sleep together"

"Good! It's a happy decision. An'an, let's go back to the room. Mom will help you take a bath first!"

After saying that, she carried Xu Ru'an upstairs, leaving Xu Qingfeng and his sons staring at each other, disliking each other.

"What are you looking at? Go back to your room, it's an eyesore!"

Xu Yufeng, Xu Xingyi and Xu Hanwen didn't say anything and went upstairs.

Xu Mochen said good night to Xu Qingfeng and went upstairs.

Only Xu Zerui was not afraid of death at all, and even teased his father.

"Dad, tell me the truth, do you really not have any hidden money?"

"Nonsense! I can tell you whether I am hiding something or not!"

Xu Qingfeng didn't want to pay attention to this brat,"Get lost! You have no respect for your father, and you dare to tease him! I think you deserve a beating!"

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