After returning home, Xu Ru'an found that Chu Ling's brother was actually at home.

"Baby An An, mom, dad, brothers and Uncle Xia have something to discuss. You, sister Yaoyao and brother Chu Ling can play in the room, okay?"


Xu Ru'an knew they were going to talk about that, so he agreed obediently.

In Xu Ru'an's room, Xu Ru'an was aggrieved and acted like a spoiled child to Brother Chu Ling and Sister Yao Yao, complaining about the bad things that happened during the filming of the show these two days.

Xia Chu Ling touched An'an's little head and comforted him softly and gently.

In the study, Xia Yifan was talking about the results of his investigation into his parents' affairs these days.

"So, the old man that day was your uncle's biological father?"

"Yes, that's right."

Xia Yifan smiled bitterly. He had never thought that this would be the result.

He had never known that his father had a half-brother, which meant that he had an uncle.

Xia Yifan's father, Xia Anlin, was the only son of the Xia family.���But in fact, not long after Xia Anlin's mother gave birth to him, she cheated because of Xia Anlin's father's neglect.

The object of the cheating was the old man who attacked Xia Yifan that day. According to Xia Yifan's investigation, the old man was named Xie Duchen, and was Xia Anlin's mother's first love.

Because of this cheating, Xia Anlin's mother became pregnant with Xie Duchen's child.

Xia Anlin's mother wanted to abort the child, but Xie Duchen was unwilling. After several persuasions, Xia Anlin's mother secretly gave birth to a boy.

The boy's name is Xie Fanghua, who is one year younger than Xia Anlin.

Xie Fanghua is a child who cannot see the light. After Xia Anlin's mother gave birth to him, she gave him to Xie Duchen, saying that she would not divorce, and she would never admit this child, so Xie Fanghua could only be a child without a mother.

This matter has been kept secret very well. No one else knew except Xie Duchen and Xia Anlin's mother.

It was not until Xie Fanghua's birthday on the day of his adulthood that he accidentally heard the content of the conversation between Xie Duchen and a woman, and then he knew his life experience.

At first, Xie Fanghua just wanted to know who his biological mother was and wanted to meet her.

But when he went over and saw his biological mother wiping the sweat off his half brother Xia Anlin and talking to her tenderly and lovingly, his heart suddenly became gloomy.

At that moment, he was sad and angry. He was jealous of Xia Anlin and hated his biological mother. He didn't understand why he was also her son, but the one who was abandoned was him.

So, hatred spread in Xie Fanghua's heart, and it grew more and more as he grew older.

"According to Aunt Lian, my uncle and my father fell in love with my mother at the same time, but my mother chose my father. Perhaps, my uncle began his revenge at that time."

Xia Yifan couldn't help but sigh when he said this.

Aunt Lian was his mother's best friend, but she immigrated abroad after attending her first birthday ceremony, and only returned to visit her family recently.

Xia Yifan was still young at the time and had no idea that his mother had such a best friend, so for so many years, he had not found out about Aunt Lian.

If it weren't for Aunt Lian's visit, Xia Yifan would have found her and learned about some of the things that happened back then.

After some in-depth investigations, Xia Yifan was able to dig up some clues and then find out about these old stories.

"Back then, my uncle was so cruel to avenge my parents and grandparents, and Xie Duchen felt guilty for not being able to give him a complete family, so he helped him, and then helped him cover up all the traces, so no one would trace the death of my grandparents and parents to him."

After Xia Yifan knew everything, he sighed. The reason why the Xu family was involved was also intentional by Xie Duchen, in order to make himself and the Xu family fight each other, and it would be best if they could fight to the death and die together, so that Xie Fanghua's precious son would not be suspected and retaliated. But recently Xia Yifan and the Xu family have joined forces to re-investigate these things, so Xie Duchen is a little anxious.

Because Xie Fanghua has been depressed and sick in the past year, his body is seriously burdened, and he can only lie in bed to recuperate. I believe he will not live long.

And Xie Duchen didn't want anything else to disturb his son's recovery, so he had to take action.

After listening to Xia Yifan's story, Xu Qingfeng also sighed.

"This Xie Duchen is so calculating, he actually calculated on our Xu family. If we really let him calculate, then our two families will really end up with a dead end."

Xu Qingfeng had to admit that An An was really the lucky star of their Xu family. If it weren't for An An, their Xu family might really be retaliated by Xia Yifan. He

Youtong and the Xu brothers had the same idea as Xu Qingfeng. They knew very well in their hearts that if it weren't for An An's appearance, their Xu family would have died or been injured, and it would be impossible to have the current life.

So a group of people were full of gratitude and pampering for An An. They all silently made a promise in their hearts that they would pamper An An for the rest of their lives and would never let An An suffer any harm.

"So what are you going to do now?"

Xu Yufeng asked Xia Yifan. After all, the culprit in this matter was his father's younger brother.

"I must avenge my parents. I swore an oath in front of my parents' graves. I have no feelings for this uncle, so I want to take revenge on him and Xie Duchen."

"Okay, our Xu family will help you. After all, they have also calculated���"They are coming to us, so of course we won't let them go."

Since both families have decided to retaliate, they will start to discuss the revenge plan.

They forgot the time when they were discussing, and they didn't discuss the countermeasures and plans until An An and the other three children had dinner and were ready to rest.

"Let's make our own arrangements. Also, we must pay attention to safety. Mo Chen and An An almost had an accident these two days. It seems necessary to add some more people. It's better for the children at home to be protected in the dark."

Xia Yifan also agreed. He was also worried that Xie Duchen and others would attack Xia Chuling.

When everyone came out of the study, the housekeeper came to inform them that the three children had fallen asleep, and Xia Chuling and An An slept together.

"Yifan, let Chu Ling sleep with my An An, don't wake him up"

""Okay, then I'll ask Butler Ouyang to pick him up tomorrow."

He Youtong ignored Xu Zerui's resentful look, and happily ran to An An's room to take a look at An An and Xia Chuling.

She knew that her sixth son didn't like Xia Chuling very much, but she liked her, so who cares whether Xu Zerui likes her or not!

Xu Zerui originally wanted to go to An An's room, but was pulled away by Xu Mochen.

He said that he was asked to check the matter of Hao Mengling's mother and daughter, so Xu Zerui could only deal with his fourth brother's affairs first, and then secretly go to An An's room to smuggle Xia Chuling, the stinky boy, to the guest room.

But after finding out what Hao Mengling had done, the angry Xu Zerui forgot about it.

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