"Sure enough, it was her fault!"

Xu Mochen's face was gloomy. He and Meng Fan were attacked because of Hao Mengling. She hired those two uncles.

"Fourth brother, so the reason why Brother Jiang was there was because of the attack on you and Meng Fan?"

"Well, the first person Meng Fan and I suspected was this woman named Hao Mengling. After all, we both had offended her. Those two people said that we had offended someone we shouldn’t have offended."

"So you weren't hurt?"

"I didn't, but I'm not sure about Meng Fan. I didn't pay much attention to the situation at that time. But Meng Fan's injury had just happened not long ago, and he encountered such a thing. I don't know if he is okay."

"No, I'd better make a phone call and ask."

Xu Mochen quickly grabbed him and said,"Are you stupid? Don't you see what time it is? Meng Fan is probably asleep. If you call him now, won't you disturb his sleep?"

It is said that worrying too much will lead to confusion. Xu Mochen looked at his sixth brother who was worried about Meng Fan without realizing it, and shook his head helplessly.

"You are so stupid. No wonder An An dislikes you so much."

"What's the matter, Fourth Brother? I'm just worried about that taciturn guy. He likes to show off. I guess he will hide the fact even if he gets hurt!"

"Tsk, I think Meng Fan is fine. Why are you still worried about him? You should worry about yourself."

"No, Fourth Brother, what do you mean? Why should I worry about myself? What do I have to worry about?"

"Don't you want to seduce Officer Jiang's sister? With your appearance, you probably won't be in Officer Jiang's eyes."

At this point, Xu Zerui had to have a good talk with his fourth brother.


After Xu Mochen listened patiently for more than ten minutes, he finally lost his patience and drove Xu Zerui out.

Xu Zerui looked at the time and found that it was already midnight. He had no choice but to go back to his room.

When Xu Zerui lay on the bed and took out his mobile phone, he saw a series of messages from Jiang Wanqing and immediately jumped up from the bed.

"Damn it! I forgot about my dinner appointment with Jiang Wanqing!"

Xu Zerui quickly sent an apology message to Jiang Wanqing, but it was already late and Jiang Wanqing was probably asleep, so she didn't reply.

Xu Zerui could only sigh to the sky, thinking that he could only wait until he woke up tomorrow to ask Jiang Wanqing for forgiveness.

But Xu Zerui didn't sleep well that night, so he was in a bad mood when he woke up the next day.

When he saw Xia Chuling and An An sitting side by side at the dinner table, he felt even worse.

"Why are you here?"

"Lao Liu, are you confused? Chu Ling slept in An An's room last night. What's wrong with having breakfast with us today?"

He Youtong glared at him unhappily, then turned around and gently fed An An and Xia Chu Ling.

This double standard scene made Xu Zerui angry but dared not speak.

Xu Zerui was drinking milk while sending a message to Jiang Wanqing.

Fortunately, Jiang Wanqing was not a vengeful person. After Xu Zerui explained the reason and apologized to her, she let it go.

【By the way, my brother didn't make things difficult for you, did he? He told me about what happened to you after he came back yesterday, and then he went crazy and kept saying bad things about you.

Xu Zerui remembered what Jiang Donghai said yesterday.

【Your brother doesn't seem to like me very much, and he said he won't let you date me】

【Ah? Oh my god, what are you talking about! We are just friends! 】

Friends? Xu Zerui really wants to pursue Jiang Wanqing, and he has a good impression of Jiang Wanqing.

【But I really want to pursue you, I wonder if you can give me a chance. 】

Xu Zerui was a straightforward person. When he had a good impression of Su Lengyan, he also planned to pursue Su Lengyan. However, before he opened his mouth, An An's appearance extinguished his thoughts.

If Jiang Wanqing clearly expressed his disapproval at this time, Xu Zerui would give up directly, because feelings cannot be forced, and he would not force others to accept him.

After waiting for a long time, there was no reply from Jiang Wanqing, and Xu Zerui was not in a hurry. He put down his phone and finished the last bite of the sandwich.

At this time, the phone dinged, there should be a reply.

So Xu Zerui picked up the phone again.

After reading Jiang Wanqing's reply, Xu Zerui shouted excitedly.

Everyone at the dinner table was startled and looked at the excited Xu Zerui.

"Lao Liu, what's wrong with you? I was just having breakfast, why are you so startled?"

""Sixth brother, what's wrong with you? You scared An An and the others!"

Facing the scolding from his father and elder brother, Xu Zerui didn't care at all. He was in an incomparable good mood now, because Jiang Wanqing replied to him, saying that she agreed and she could try to date him.

So, from today on, he is finally not a single dog anymore, he also has a partner, he is in love

"Mom, Dad, Uncle, Brothers, An'an, Yaoyao, I, Xu Zerui, am no longer single today! I'm in love, I have a partner! I finally have a girlfriend! Haha! Jiang Wanqing agreed to date me!"Xu Zerui cheered, and he was so excited that he didn't notice that the people present had different expressions.

"What! Who is Jiang Wanqing? Don’t you have a brother named Meng Fan? How come you are in love with someone else?"

It was Mo Yaoyao who first asked the question.

Then He Youtong also questioned Xu Zerui:"Sixth Brother, what’s wrong with you! You have a girlfriend, what about Meng Fan? Oh my God, you scumbag!"

Facing the excitement of He Youtong and Mo Yaoyao, Xu Mochen and his brothers were relatively calm.

They knew Xu Zerui very well. This guy was a passionate person. As long as he saw a beautiful woman, he would have a good impression of her.

But Xu Qingfeng and Xu Wuping were not calm.

"Yaoyao, why do you think Meng Fan and your sixth brother will be together?"

"Wife, what is the relationship between Meng Fan and Lao Liu?"

The two of them couldn't help but think of the fact that He Youtong and Mo Yaoyao were always a couple.

Xu Wuping gave his brother a look.

【You should take care of your wife and don’t let her lead my Yaoyao astray!】

【Brother, I can't control it! My wife has the final say at home.】

【Aren't you the head of the family? You are so useless!】

【There is no way, he is a henpecked man, it is hereditary! 】

The two brothers exchanged heated glances, which made Xu Ru'an feel ashamed.

Xu Ru'an knew yesterday that his sixth brother was pursuing Jiang Wanqing's sister, but he did not expect that their progress would be so fast, and Jiang Wanqing's sister even agreed to let the sixth brother date her.

【Alas, it seems that Brother Meng Fan has no chance. Although it is a pity, Sister Jiang Wanqing is also a good person and is a good match for Brother Liu. If Brother Liu really likes her, it is also a good thing. It is just that Brother Meng Fan will be sad.

Xu Zerui automatically ignored the topic about Meng Fan. He was going to find Jiang Wanqing for a date.

"Family, I have to go on a date, bye."

Xu Zerui packed himself up and hurried out.

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