[Ah! I finally know why I feel so familiar with this policeman. His profile looks like Sixth Brother!]

Xu Ru'an looked at Sixth Brother's profile, and then looked at Jiang Donghai's profile. Well, both are handsome guys! Xu Zerui got out of the car and walked to Jiang Donghai."Officer, it's ready. Take a look. Your car should be ready to drive away."

Jiang Donghai nodded."Well, thank you for your trouble. I'll leave first."

At this time, Xu Zerui's cell phone rang.

"Hello, Wanqing, why are you calling me at this time? Is there something wrong?"

"Sure, but didn’t you say you would be on duty at the hospital today and wouldn’t be free?"

"Oh, sure, but I have to take my An An and my fourth brother home first before I can come to see you."

""Okay, I'll call you then."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Zerui felt better.

Jiang Wanqing actually took the initiative to ask him out for dinner. Today was really a good day.

"Hmm? Officer? What's wrong with you?"

Xu Zerui looked up and saw Dong Hai, who was supposed to leave, staring at him. For some reason, his eyes were very... fierce.

"Who did you just call?"


Xu Zerui was confused. What was going on? Are the police so lenient now? They even want to control who I call?

"I just heard you call Wanqing? Is that Jiang Wanqing? A nurse?"

""Ah? How did you know that?"

Xu Zerui was shocked. Are the police so efficient nowadays? They figured it out in less than a minute?

"May I have your name?"

"Xu Zerui"

"Hmm? You're the champion of this hacker contest? The guy who got attacked in the tech capital?"

"Yes, the officer knows me?"

"Damn! It's you, bastard! You're the bastard who picked up my sister!"


Xu Zerui was stunned by Jiang Donghai's scolding.

Xu Mochen and the others were also

【Is it so explosive? The sixth brother is actually dating the policeman's sister? Who is it? How could I not know? When did it happen?】

【There is another very important question, what should I do with Brother Meng Fan? Although Brother Meng Fan didn't say anything, I am sure that Brother Meng Fan likes Sixth Brother!

Xu Ru'an looked at Meng Fan, and sure enough, Brother Meng Fan's face looked very bad!


"No way! Are you crazy?"

Xu Mochen and Xu Zerui were surprised at the same time. They were shocked by what An An said in her heart that Meng Fan liked Xu Zerui.

Xu Mochen felt that the relationship between his sixth brother and Meng Fan was rather subtle, just like a relationship of happy enemies, but he really didn't think about it that way.

"Why are you so surprised! Why are you pretending! My sister called for help that day, and I was the policeman who came to record your statement that day. Don't tell me how long it has been and you have forgotten it."

Jiang Donghai thought Xu Zerui was surprised that he was Jiang Wanqing's brother.

Little did he know that Xu Zerui was surprised by what he heard from An An's heart.

An An actually said that Meng Fan liked her! How is it possible! Are you kidding?

How could Meng Fan, a straight man who only pissed him off, have such feelings for him!

"Hey! You little brat, did you just make an appointment with my sister?"

"Ah? Yes...I have an appointment for dinner tonight."

Xu Zerui felt like he was going crazy.

"No! My sister is still young, she can't date you yet!"

Jiang Donghai immediately looked sullen. He had always disliked Xu Zerui, this stinky boy, so he would not hand over his sister to him!

Xu Zerui was speechless after hearing what Jiang Donghai said.

He temporarily put aside what An An said about Meng Fan liking him.

He admitted that he did have some feelings for Jiang Wanqing and was pursuing her.

"Officer Jiang, are you mistaken? She has been an adult for a long time in Wan Qing Dynasty. She is not a child anymore. Isn't it normal for her to fall in love?"

"Normal shit! My sister is very innocent. How can a playboy like you be sincere to her? I tell you, I will never agree to my sister dating you!"

Jiang Donghai was furious. He pointed at Xu Zerui's nose and cursed,"Look at the car you drive. A grown man drives such a sexy pink car. You can tell at a glance that he is not reliable. I won't let a man like you get close to my sister!" Xu Zerui was also angry when he heard him say this about his beloved car.

"Bah! You have no taste at all! How come my car is so fancy! You are the one who has no taste!"

The two of them started to blame and curse each other.

Xu Ru'an was dumbfounded. Is this still the resolute and handsome policeman he saw before?

Why does he look exactly like his sixth brother now?

【Besides, didn’t Sixth Brother put the wrong point? Isn’t the point about whether the color of the car is good-looking? Shouldn’t it be that the policeman doesn’t allow him to date his sister?

Meng Fan couldn’t stand it anymore."An’an, Mochen, I have something else to do. I’ll take Xiaochengzi back first. We’ll contact each other later."

Meng Fan picked up Xiaochengzi and left without looking back.

Before Xu Mochen and Xu Ru’an could react, he was no longer visible.

【Alas, Brother Meng Fan must be angry, Sixth Brother, Sixth Brother, what on earth are you doing! 】Xu Zerui was arguing with Jiang Donghai and didn't notice what was happening with Xu Ruan at all.

"Okay! That's enough! Stop arguing!"

Finally, Xu Mochen couldn't stand it anymore and stopped the two people.

"Sixth brother, do you still want to take An An and me home?"

"And Officer Jiang, shouldn't you go back and investigate our affairs now?"

After Xu Mochen's reminder, Xu Zerui and Jiang Donghai remembered their business.


They both snorted at the same time.

"I will call my sister to come home for dinner, so don't think she can come to see you tonight!"

After saying this, Jiang Donghai returned to the car.

""Tsk! Who cares about you!"

Xu Mochen picked up An An,"Sixth brother, let's go too, An An and I are tired!"

After everyone got in the car, Xu Zerui realized that Meng Fan was not there.

"Where is Meng Fan? Where did he go?"

"Brother Meng Fan had left a long time ago. You ignored him and he got angry and left."

"Ahem! What should I do? Mom said to bring Meng Fan back with her, so we can have a meal together to celebrate my winning the championship.

Xu Ru'an spread his hands, indicating that he could not help. Let's just leave it alone.

【Humph! Man! You only remember Brother Meng Fan now, what were you doing before! 】

Xu Zerui wanted to cry but had no tears, how could An An still have such accurate critical strikes, it was so disappointing, my friend!

"However, why do Fourth Brother and An An know the policeman Jiang Donghai?"

""Sixth brother, let's talk about this after we get home. I just want to talk to my father, mother and brothers about this matter."

Xu Mochen said seriously. Xu Zerui knew that this matter must be a big deal and very important, so he drove on the road.

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