An An, who was resting in the hotel, was upset at this time. The reason was that his sixth brother did not call him on video tonight, and did not even send him a message. They had agreed to talk on the phone every night.

Meng Fan comforted him on the side:"Okay, let's go to bed quickly. Maybe your sixth brother went to bed early to be in a better state to deal with tomorrow's competition, so he didn't reply to your message or make a video call."

Xu Ru'an felt that this made some sense, so he listened to Meng Fan and went to bed obediently.

But not long after Xu Ru'an fell asleep, a nightmare came to him.

But this nightmare made An An confused, because it was a nightmare, but there was actually nothing in the dream, only darkness.

It was not a nightmare, but the darkness in the dream made An An breathless.

This time Xu Ru'an was not awakened, but he was very conscious in the dream, and he could even hear the breathing of his brother Meng Fan next to him.

Xu Ru'an didn't know what this was foreshadowing or what it represented. At this time, he just wanted to know whether his sixth brother was safe.

Xu Zerui was indeed in trouble. Three Japanese people with weapons and malicious intentions were about to come and chop him.

Fortunately, he had learned some boxing and kicking kung fu under the arrangement of his parents. Although they were not very powerful, they were still good for escaping.

He dodged the attacks of the three people again and again, and used the trick of making a feint to the east and attacking the west to temporarily get rid of the three people's blockade and rushed out of the alley.

During the escape, Xu Zerui's goal was very clear. He had to go to a crowded place and then find a way to call the police for help.

But the three people were obviously familiar with the streets here. Not long after Xu Zerui ran out, they chased him from different places.

Xu Zerui was blocked on the road again, and because he did not dodge in time, his arm was cut by a long knife, and blood kept dripping on the ground.

His face was pale and he began to panic. These three people were so vicious, and it was obvious that they came prepared. It seemed that he was in danger this time. Seeing that the next knife was about to be cut down, Xu Zerui had nowhere to hide.

At this moment, a scream sounded, and the three islanders were obviously frightened.

Then a big dog pounced over and bit one of the islanders' thigh tightly.

"Oh my god! Let go!"

The Japanese man was bitten and wanted to raise his knife to chop the big dog.

The big dog seemed to be professionally trained and very smart. Not only did it dodge nimbly, it also kept roaring at the three people.

""Don't mess around, I've called the police!"

A woman with short hair and a white dress came over, holding a stick in her hand, with a nervous expression.

She had been taking her dog out for a walk, and when she passed by here, the dog suddenly broke free from the leash and ran here.

She took a look and realized that someone was actually hurting people in the street, and her dog had already bitten him, so she immediately called her brother.

Her brother is a policeman, and this big dog was also brought home by her brother. He said it was a police dog that retired early from the army.

So when encountering such a thing, the big dog will react like this to save people. This is the big dog's instinctive reaction.

And her brother is a policeman, so she was right when she said she had called the police just now.

After hearing the woman say that she had called the police, the three islanders clearly Xian had already made plans to retreat. After all, the three of them were not native Chinese. Once they were spotted by the police here, it would be troublesome.

The three looked at Xu Zerui who was lying on the side. Although they were unwilling, they could only stop for now.

At this time, Xu Zerui had fallen to the ground motionless due to excessive blood loss and physical exhaustion. Even his consciousness began to blur.

He also saw the appearance of the big dog and the woman. Especially after hearing the woman say that she had called the police, he was greatly relieved. He was finally saved.

The three islanders immediately fled the scene. They had to leave as soon as possible before the police arrived.

After making sure there was no danger, the short-haired woman came to Xu Zerui and checked the wound on his arm.

"Wake up, don't worry, the police and ambulance will be here soon. The wound on your arm is a bit deep, and you have lost too much blood. I will help you stop the bleeding first. It may be a little painful, just bear with it."

Xu Zerui could only nod his head gently,"Okay……"

Xu Zerui looked up at the short-haired woman. She tore open her skirt with all her strength, and then tied a knot around the wound on Xu Zerui's arm.

The bleeding stopped temporarily, but Xu Zerui was about to faint from the pain.

"Are you... an angel? Is it an angel who came to save me?"

The faint street light shone on the short-haired woman's head, forming a halo, and coupled with her flawless white dress, Xu Zerui, whose consciousness was beginning to fade, had an illusion.

He felt that the short-haired woman was an angel who had fallen to the earth and saved him when he was in the most critical moment.

"Um... An An, I'm going to go find... An An, he must be very worried...……"

The short-haired woman knew that Xu Zerui could no longer hold on and was about to lose consciousness.

The next second, Xu Zerui fainted.

At the same time, Xu Ruan in the hotel room struggled to sit up from the bed, gasping for breath.

Meng Fan sensed An An's movement and woke up.

""An'an, what's wrong? Why are you sweating so much?"

Meng Fan turned on the light and saw Xu Ru'an's wet hair and sweat-soaked clothes, which frightened him.

"Brother Meng Fan, I'm scared. I have a feeling that something has happened to my sixth brother."


Meng Fan didn't react and thought An An was just having a nightmare.

"My dear, An An, did you have a nightmare? Don't be afraid, it's just a dream, not real."

"That's not the case, Brother Meng Fan, you have to believe me, have you forgotten that my intuition and feeling are very accurate, the last time you were in danger, I felt the same way."

Speaking of this, Meng Fan was a little hesitant.

"An An, tell me first, what did you dream about?"

"I didn't dream about anything, I just felt like I couldn't breathe in the darkness! I feel like maybe something happened to Sixth Brother!"

Meng Fan still didn't believe it,"An An, why don't we call and ask first, maybe we are overthinking it, there is actually nothing wrong."

As soon as the voice fell, Meng Fan's cell phone rang.

It was an unfamiliar number, Meng Fan didn't want to answer it at first, but it rang three times in a row. It is said that things never happen more than three times, this call must be about something urgent, so Meng Fan answered the call.

"Hello, are you Mr. Meng Fan?"

"Yes, may I ask who you are?"

"Hello, I am from Kyoto Hospital. Do you know Mr. Xu Zerui?"

"Yes, I know him. I'm his friend. May I ask if anything happened to him?"

"Mr. Meng Fan, Mr. Xu Zerui was attacked and is now injured. He is receiving treatment in our hospital. If it is convenient, please come to the hospital."

Hearing that Xu Zerui was injured, Meng Fan hurriedly carried An An to the hospital.

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