Fortunately, after a detailed examination and treatment by the doctor, Xu Zerui has recovered and generally speaking, there is no major problem.

After learning that Xu Zerui was in trouble, the leaders of the organizer of the competition also rushed over. Through Xu Zerui's description, they quickly found out the movements of the suspicious person.

Since Xu Zerui's arm was injured, the competition would definitely be affected, so after discussion, several leaders decided to find representatives from other countries to hold a meeting overnight.

The leader comforted Xu Zerui for a few words, told him to take good care of his injuries, and then left.

Meng Fan and Xu Ru'an, who were waiting on the side, finally got to talk to Xu Zerui.

"Sixth brother, are you okay?"

"An An, Sixth Brother is fine."

"Hey, please go buy me some food, I'm starving."

Xu Zerui called Meng Fan.

Meng Fan wanted to refuse, but when he saw Xu Zerui's pale face, he finally agreed.

At this moment, a nurse pushed the door open and came in.

"Mr. Xu, it's time to take your medicine."

This nurse is the short-haired woman who saved Xu Zerui before.

"Is that you? So you are a nurse in this hospital?"

"Yes, my name is Jiang Wanqing, how do you feel? I brought you some medicine and water."

"Thank you, Miss Jiang, thank you for saving me. Can you take the medicine later? I haven't eaten yet and I'm a little hungry."

"Oh, so that's how it is. My brother just brought me some fish soup. I drank a small bowl and felt full, but there's still a lot left. How about I bring the soup over to you so you can have some to fill your stomach?"

"This is so embarrassing, I'd better not trouble you, Miss Jiang. In fact, I just asked my friend to help me buy food."

Xu Zerui gave Meng Fan a look and said,"Meng Fan, why don't you go quickly!"

Xu Ru'an glanced at Brother Meng Fan with a dark face and shook his head helplessly.

【Sixth brother, are you stupid? Don’t you see that Brother Meng Fan is angry?

As expected, Meng Fan sat back down.

"I won't go. I just ran all the way with An An in my arms. I'm tired. Since a beautiful woman is willing to give you soup, why should you be embarrassed?"

Xu Zerui was dumbfounded. An An just said that Meng Fan was angry. Why?

Didn't he just run errands to buy food? Is it necessary to be so stingy?

"Meng Fan, what's wrong with you? I just asked you to help buy some food. I'm not not paying you. At most, I'll pay you for running errands!"

Oh my God, Xu Ru'an felt that his sixth brother was hopeless. Is this the point of the problem?

"Xu Zerui, I think your injury is not to your arm but to your head. Do I need your money for running errands?"

"Meng Fan, what do you mean? Are you saying that there is something wrong with my brain?"

"Oh, yes, you finally have some self-awareness!"

The two started arguing again. Xu Ru'an was no longer surprised.

But Jiang Wanqing found it funny and couldn't help laughing.

Hearing the laughter, Xu Zerui and Meng Fan stopped arguing and looked at Jiang Wanqing.

"Sorry, I'm not making fun of you, I just think you have a really good relationship."

"Huh? What did you say? Miss Jiang, you... did you misunderstand? My relationship with him is really not good!"

"Yes, have you ever seen two people who are in a good relationship quarrel like this?"

Jiang Wanqing just smiled and didn't explain.

Xu Ru'an agreed with Jiang Wanqing's view. The two of them really have a good relationship. They are a pair of happy enemies. Although they always quarrel, once one of them has problems, the other will definitely care about him.

"Sixth brother, are you still hungry? Otherwise, Brother Meng Fan and I will go buy you something to eat."

"Hungry! An An, your sixth brother is so hungry that he can eat a cow!"

Xu Zerui touched his stomach. It was all Meng Fan's fault. He was so busy arguing with him that he forgot about the business!

"You're exaggerating. What do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you."

"Oh, I want……"

Every time Xu Zerui said a food name, Meng Fan rejected it.

"Hey, Meng Fan, are you still going to buy me food? Why can’t you buy me one by one?"

"How can you have no common sense at all? You are injured now, but you are still eating junk food like fried chicken, fried skewers, and instant noodles? Can't you have some ideals?"

"Come on, what do you care? I just love to eat these, so just decide whether to buy them for me or not!"

"No, forget it. It's useless to ask you. You are injured now, so you should eat more nutritious food to replenish blood. Just eat whatever I buy."

After saying that, he picked up his phone and prepared to leave.

"Brother Meng Fan, I'll go with you."

"No need, An An, you stay here with him and help Brother Meng Fan keep an eye on him."

"Oh, okay."

Xu Ru'an stayed to accompany Xu Zerui.

"An An, your brother Meng Fan has already started a healthy lifestyle, right? Fried chicken and fried skewers are so delicious, but he still dislikes them, like an old man.

Meng Fan is no longer here, but Xu Zerui is still complaining about him.

Xu Ru'an was speechless after hearing this.

【You two really love and hate each other, your relationship is so good】

""Sixth brother, just be quiet. Brother Meng Fan is doing this for your own good."

Even Jiang Wanqing agreed,"Yes, I also think that Mr. Meng is very thoughtful. Mr. Xu, you should listen to Mr. Meng."

Xu Zerui was not convinced. It was obvious that he and Meng Fan were just having a normal quarrel and neither of them would give in. How come An An and Miss Jiang thought that they were on good terms?

The two of them were still helping Meng Fan, although he had to admit that Meng Fan was right.

But he still had to save face, so he would never admit it even if he was beaten to death.

In the end, Meng Fan brought back a light century egg and lean meat porridge for Xu Zerui, and then, fearing that Xu Zerui would not be full, he also brought some buns and dumplings.

Although Xu Zerui disliked the bland food at first, he couldn't stop eating it, and soon he ate up everything Meng Fan brought back.

"If I wasn't so hungry, I wouldn't eat something so bland!"

【Okay, you got the advantage and you still act cute, the identification is complete, Sixth Brother is really childish, Brother Meng Fan has worked really hard】

"When you are healed, you can eat whatever you want. I don't care. But before you are healed, you can only eat these."

Meng Fan took the warm water and medicine handed over by Jiang Wanqing and placed them in Xu Zerui's hand.

"You can take the medicine now. After you finish taking the medicine, I will take An An back to the hotel to rest and come to see you tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you for helping me take care of An An."

Jiang Wanqing saw that Xu Zerui had already taken the medicine, and then checked his wound."Then I will go to other wards for rounds. It happens that I am on duty tonight. Mr. Xu, if you need any help, just ring the bell to find me."

""Okay, thank you. Miss Jiang, please help me."

At the same time, when the leaders of various countries held a meeting overnight to discuss, they found that it was not only Xu Zerui who was attacked tonight, but also representatives of several small countries were injured.

So after everyone's discussion, in order to ensure the fairness of the competition, they decided to investigate the matter first and postpone the competition for a few days.

Xu Zerui can also rest assured and make adequate preparations before the competition.

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