As Xu Ruan said, the topic of national CP has been hot, and even developed into a special fan group and official blog account.

This was something that Xu Mochen and the others did not expect. Xu Zerui could not bear it and used his hacking skills to hack the fan group and official blog account.

But soon new groups and official blog accounts will be born, which makes Xu Zerui very angry.

Originally, Xu Zerui wanted to continue to hack those newly established groups and accounts, but soon he was delayed by a more important thing.

That is, Xu Zerui will represent the country to participate in this global computer network security competition.

To put it bluntly, it is a contest between hackers from all over the world.

This competition was held in front of his own house. As the boss of the country's hacker alliance, Xu Zerui had a heavy task and a great responsibility.

So when he told his family that he was going to participate in this competition, everyone was happy and proud of him.

Xu Ruan was a little worried. In the original book, Xu Zerui was not qualified to participate in this competition, because according to the plot in the original book, Xu Zerui had his hands disabled at this time and had no chance to participate in such a competition.

But now, due to his intervention, the plot that should have crippled his hands did not happen.

In addition, the male protagonist Xia Yifan has reached a settlement with the Xu family and cooperated to investigate the truth of the murder of Xia's parents, so Xia Yifan will no longer target the Xu family.

Even so, Xu Ru'an still felt uneasy because he still felt uneasy in his heart.

The reason was that he saw a faint black aura on the sixth brother, which had only appeared recently.

"Sixth brother, An An wants to go with you."

The competition is held in the city of science and technology, which is a distance away from here. Xu Zerui needs to go there a few days in advance to prepare.

An An, who is worried about Xu Zerui, of course wants to go with him.

"An An, don't go this time. Your Sixth Brother doesn't have time to take care of you this time."

Xu Zerui didn't agree to bring An An this time. This competition is very important and it concerns the face of the country, so in order to be foolproof, he needs to conduct closed pre-match training and simulated operations.

If An An is brought along, he will definitely be distracted, so Xu Zerui can't bring An An.

"Ah? But An An wants to watch Sixth Brother's game"

"Be good, it will be the same when you watch TV at home. There will be a live broadcast on the day of the competition."

"Sixth brother, An An wants to go to the scene to cheer for Sixth brother!"

Xu Ru'an climbed onto Xu Zerui's thigh and started to act coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, Sixth Brother, just take An An with you!"

"But, An An, I really……"

""Wu...Sixth brother, do you dislike An An? Is An An no longer your favorite little baby?"

Xu Ru'an put her arms around Xu Zerui's neck, her big eyes were filled with tears, and her childish voice was mixed with a little sobbing.

Xu Zerui softened his heart at once.

"But Sixth Brother really can't be distracted to take care of you, what should I do?"

Xu Ru'an looked at the others, thinking that he could let one or two of them go with him, so that the problem would be solved.

But the brothers all had jobs, and Xu Qingfeng and Xu Wuping agreed to Xia Yifan's investigation in his hometown.

Only He Youtong was left, and she had the time.

When He Youtong was about to agree, she saw Meng Fan, but she had other ideas in her mind.

Meng Fan's injury had actually healed, but He Youtong insisted on keeping him for a few more days, so Meng Fan has not left yet and is still staying at the Xu family.

"How about letting Meng Fan go with me? I have other things to do later. Anyway, his injury has almost healed. It's not bad for him to move around more. Besides, we can rest assured with Meng Fan here."

Just like that, under He Youtong's recommendation and An An's request, Meng Fan took on this task with honor.

For this task, Meng Fan even asked his agent to rearrange the work process and not arrange any work during the competition.

Time soon came to two days before the competition. Xu Zerui took An An and Meng Fan to drive to the technology capital.

"An An, Sixth Brother is in jail. You should stay with Meng Fan for the next two days and be good. I will pick you up on the day of the competition to watch the game. Do you understand?"

"Got it, Sixth Brother, don't worry, Sixth Brother will train well, don't worry about An An"

"An An is right, don't worry, I will take good care of An An."

Although Xu Zerui and Meng Fan always have conflicts, he still trusts Meng Fan and believes that he can take good care of An An, so he is relieved to leave An An to Meng Fan.

After seeing Xu Zerui enter the training building, Meng Fan took An An back to the nearby hotel.

Although it is a closed training, it is not completely closed. If Xu Zerui feels tired, he can go outside to relax, but he can't stay for too long. After all, they are also afraid that something unexpected will happen.

The night before the competition, Xu Zerui was really not used to the food prepared for him here. of food and was hungry, so he wanted to look for some good restaurants nearby.

Everything was fine at the beginning, but after walking a short distance, Xu Zerui realized something was wrong.

It seemed like someone was following him from behind. At first he thought it was a passerby who happened to be walking the same road as him, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But the further he walked, the more suspicious he became. The person behind him followed him more and more closely, and after turning into an intersection, Xu Zerui found that two more people were following him.

Xu Zerui stopped tentatively several times, and finally confirmed that there were three people following him from behind.

His first reaction���He had to find a way to get rid of the three people following him.

But Xu Zerui was not familiar with the roads here. When he turned left and right, he actually walked into a dead end.

By the time he realized something was wrong, it was too late. He had no way to escape.

The only way out was blocked by those three people.

"Who are you and why are you following me?"

"Brat, you must be Xu Zerui."

Huh? Why is his accent so strange?

"I said you got the wrong person. I am not Xu Zerui, do you believe me?"

"How could we have recognized the wrong person? You are obviously Xu Zerui!"

"Humph! Aren't you just talking nonsense? You all recognized me, but you still asked such an idiotic question!"

"Baka! You are kidding us!"

After hearing this Baka, Xu Zerui finally understood why he thought his accent was so strange. It turned out that these three people were Japanese people who lived a good life.

It seemed that they followed him and blocked him here for only one purpose, which was to prevent him from participating in this competition.

"What do you want? Don't mess around. This is our country's territory. If you dare to cause trouble on our territory, our country will definitely not let you go!"

But it was obvious that they didn't care about Xu Zerui's threat at all. After sneering, they all took out their long swords.

"Damn it! I should have endured it earlier, why did you run out!"

Xu Zerui did not bring his own bodyguards this time, so he could only rely on himself.

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