Xia Chuling happily showed An An, Yao Yao and the others around his new home.

Xu Zerui had a dark face the whole time, and the air pressure around him was very low.

The three little guys walking in front didn't notice it at all, which made it difficult for Butler Ouyang who was following Xu Zerui.

Butler Ouyang wanted to say a few good words for his young master several times, but when he saw Xu Zerui's sour face, he held back. It was better not to provoke him at this time.

"Brother Chu Ling, is the room next to yours still being renovated?"

Xu Ru'an asked curiously when he saw several people installing things inside.

"Well, I plan to make this room into a room where I can watch movies and TV and play games."

Because Xu Ru'an seemed to like watching movies and playing games very much, Xia Chuling thought about designing such a room here, so that Xu Ru'an could come here to play with me often in the future.

Sure enough, as soon as Xia Chuling finished the introduction, Xu Ru'an's eyes lit up and he said excitedly:"Wow! So cool! An An likes this kind of room. After this room is built, can An An come and take a look?"

"Of course, this room is designed for you, An An. You are welcome to come and play often."

【Wow! Brother Chu Ling is so nice! He is also very smart, he actually thought of designing such a room!

Xu Ru'an's eyes revealed admiration, Xu Zerui noticed it, and his face became solemn.

Xia Chuling, this stinky boy, is really scheming! He actually used the way of pleasing others so thoroughly!

Moreover, this stinky boy dared to seduce his baby An An in front of him, An An's brother, and he even had witnesses and evidence!

"Young Master, the snacks are ready in the kitchen. Do you want to eat in your room or in the living room?"

Xia Chuling was about to reply and say he would go to the living room when he found Xu Ruan entered his room.


Xu Ru'an exclaimed as he stared at the design of Xia Chuling's room.

【This is simply my dream room! This big bed must be very soft, and it must be very comfortable to lie on it. 】

Xu Ruan's room was prepared for her by her third brother and his friends, and of course it is also very nice and comfortable.

It's just that Xu Ruan has always liked decorations like blue sky and white clouds, and Xia Chuling's room is designed like blue sky and white clouds.

So whether it is the color tone, decoration or pattern, it is Xu Ruan's favorite.

After hearing Xu Ruan's love for the decoration of his room and his opinion on the big bed, Xia Chuling immediately changed his mind.

"Uncle Ouyang, could you please send the snacks to my room?"

""Okay, young master."

After Butler Ouyang left, Xia Chuling walked to An An and took his hand.

"An An, you can lie down and see, my bed is very soft and very comfortable."

Xu Zerui's face became even uglier when he heard this. He reached out and grabbed An An and held him in his arms.

"An An, if you like this kind of room, I will ask someone to design one for you when I get back."


Xu Ruan was very interested in this.

"Of course, when the time comes, An An can tell Brother Liu what kind of room he wants, and he will arrange it for him right away."

""Hmm, hmm, hmm!"

Xu Ru'an nodded frantically, already thinking about her new room in her mind.

At this time, Butler Ouyang came in with some snacks.

"Young Master, Miss Yaoyao, Young Master An'an, these are snacks specially prepared for you, enjoy them slowly."

After the little foodie Xu Ru'an smelled the sweet fragrance, he let his sixth brother put him down.

The three little guys sat side by side, ready to enjoy the delicious snacks.

In fact, Xia Chuling didn't like sweets very much, but he knew An'an liked them, so he asked the kitchen to prepare them.

After he took two small bites, he pushed the remaining half of the snack to An'an.

"An An, I'll give you this too. I can't eat any more. Please help me finish it. Don't waste it."

Xu Ru'an nodded,"Okay, leave it to me, An An. I will definitely not waste it!"

Xu Ru'an didn't mind that it was eaten by Xia Chuling, and finished it in just a few bites.

Xu Zerui was watching from the side, his veins popping out,"Xia Chuling! You actually let our baby An An eat your saliva!"

He took a tissue with disgust and wiped An An's mouth, then let An An drink a few sips of water to rinse his mouth.

"An An, we have to pay attention to hygiene, who knows if this bad boy will have any disease, what if he infects you!"

Mo Yaoyao hasn't said a word since she entered the door, she has been watching the show the whole time.

But now that she sees Sixth Brother being so childish, she can't help but complain:"Sixth Brother, didn't you often eat An An's leftovers before?"

Xu Zerui was stunned when he heard this, and thought to himself, Yaoyao really betrayed her and went to help Xia Chuling, an outsider!

"How can it be the same? I am An An's brother!……"

Well, he seems to be unable to break it.

"It's okay, Sixth Brother, I know Brother Chuling is very healthy."

Xu Zerui couldn't help but sigh to the sky, An An, do you know the seriousness of the problem?

Xia Chuling, this stinky boy, is clearly plotting something bad!

After eating and drinking, Xu Ru'an, who was already a little tired, climbed onto Xia Chuling's big bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep in a short while.

By the time Xu Zerui reacted, Xu Ru'an had already started talking in his sleep.

"Hmm...so comfortable!"

"……Hehe, Brother Chu Ling is so nice……"

Xia Chuling covered Xu Ru'an with a blanket and kissed him on the forehead.

Mo Yaoyao grinned when she saw it.���He decided to tell He Youtong about these things after returning home.

But looking at Xu Zerui, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

He was about to roar, but Xia Chuling made a gesture to silence him.

Xia Chuling lowered his voice,"Brother Zerui, don't disturb An An's sleep. He just came back from recording the show and must be tired. Let him sleep on my bed for a while."

Xu Zerui glared at him unhappily.

Of course he knew that An An was tired, but he didn't want to think about who was to blame!

If Xia Chuling hadn't called An An and told him that he had moved next door, An An would not rest and would run over here excitedly to find him.

But Xu Zerui really didn't want to wake An An up, so he could only swallow back the words of resentment against Xia Chuling in his heart.

Xu Zerui and the others left the room and came to the living room downstairs.

Xu Zerui stopped pretending and looked at Xia Chuling sharply,"Xia Chuling, do you like our An An very much?"

Xia Chuling met Xu Zerui's gaze and answered him firmly,"Yes, I like An An very much."


Xu Zerui was stunned, and was shocked by Xia Chuling's directness.

"You are still a little brat, how can you understand what is liked or not liked."

Xu Zerui's eyes became even colder.

"Then why did Brother Ze Rui ask me this question again?"

Xia Chuling still didn't move his determined eyes away.

The atmosphere between the two became even more tense.

Mo Yaoyao was sandwiched between them and could see sparks flying between their eyes.

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