Butler Ouyang had no choice but to stand up and said,"Young Master, the class that Young Master arranged for you is almost up."

Xia Chuling came back to his senses. He did have a class later, which was arranged by Xia Yifan.

And Xu Zerui did not waste words with Xia Chuling anymore, and gently picked up Xu Ru'an,"I want to take An'an back home, so I won't bother you anymore."

Xia Chuling glanced at Xu Ru'an who was sleeping soundly, and his eyes were full of reluctance.

"Okay, let An An go back and have a good rest."

Xu Zerui carried Xu Ru'an and walked out of the Xia family's gate. At this time, he was very angry.

When they returned to the Xu family, Mo Yaoyao went straight to He Youtong to talk about the matter.

Xu Ru'an slept until dinner time. He was also awakened by hunger.

"Hmm? How did I get back? I remember I seemed to fall asleep on brother Chuling's bed."

Xu Ru'an touched his growling stomach and decided to go downstairs to fill his stomach first.

What Xu Ru'an didn't know was that during the time he was sleeping, Xu Zerui found Xu Hanwen and started a conversation called"Protecting An Bao".

Xu Zerui:"Third brother, this is what happened. I think Xia Chuling, this brat, is too cunning. Our An An is kind-hearted and will definitely be deceived by him!" Xu Hanwen frowned. According to what his sixth brother said, Xia Chuling was small but very scheming.

And he could see that An An liked this kid very much and trusted him a lot. Coupled with Xia Chuling's identity, it was probably impossible to keep An An away from him.

Just when Xu Hanwen was thinking about things seriously, Xu Mochen pushed the door in.

"Sixth brother, I've been looking for you for a long time, and you're actually here with third brother. So what were you two talking about in the room?"

"Fourth brother, you're looking for me? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, I need your help. Are you available now?"

Xu Zerui nodded, and turned to look at Xu Hanwen,"Third brother, I'll go see what fourth brother wants me to do. You think about what to do about this matter first, and then tell me. I'll listen to you."

Among so many brothers, the third brother is the smarter one, so Xu Zerui found him to deal with Xia Chuling's matter.

"OK, I understand."

Xu Zerui followed Xu Mochen downstairs, and then he realized that An An was also here.

"An An baby is awake? Are you still tired?"

"Sixth brother, An An has slept well and just ate a chocolate cake, it was so delicious!"

"Got it, little foodie."

Xu Zerui took out a tissue and wiped the chocolate off An An's face.

""Sixth brother, take a look at this."

Xu Zerui took the tablet and read the contents.

It would have been fine if he hadn't read it. The more he read, the angrier he got.

"Why are they here again? Are these netizens so idle that they only like to do these immoral things!"

"Those who said these things about An An and me were actually good things. After all, after what happened last time, those people still care about the Xu family behind An An and me."

Xu Ru'an took out another tablet and handed it to Xu Zerui

"Sixth brother, Brother Meng Fan is even worse off than us. Now everyone on the Internet is cursing Brother Meng Fan. An An just read some of them, and the curses are really ugly."

【Brother Meng Fan is so pitiful. He didn't do anything wrong. He is just straightforward and says what he thinks. It's obviously the problem of the mother and daughter. Why do you only blame Brother Meng Fan?

After hearing what Xu Ru'an said, Xu Zerui looked at the content that blamed Meng Fan online.

"Although I admit that Meng Fan's mouth was a bit mean, it shouldn't be necessary to scold him like this, right?"

The screen was full of disgusting, indiscriminate scolding.

【A young handsome guy is a young handsome guy. He has a good appearance but a black heart. He has no manners at all, looks down on others and has no respect for his seniors!】

【The above person said it very well! Who does this Meng Fan think he is? He has been targeting our singing queen Sister Hao. Sister Hao's studio has said that Sister Hao is under great mental pressure and cannot stand any stimulation!】

【Xixi is still so young, and she is still a girl. It is normal for her to be a little bit spoiled. Is it necessary to make such a big deal? Besides, even if Xixi is wrong, he is a grown man, but he is so petty with a child. Is he not a gentleman at all?】

【People nowadays are just ignorant. They think they can do whatever they want just because they are famous. This is the kind of people I hate the most. I feel ashamed for his fans!】


Xu Zerui thought the comments of these netizens were really funny. Do they really think that the Internet is a lawless place for them?

They are so shameless. In terms of impoliteness and lack of quality, they are the ones who deserve it, right?

Xu Ruan also agreed. He couldn't understand where these monsters on the Internet came from and why they were so fond of cyber violence.

"Therefore, An An and I both thought that this might be a scam by the mother and daughter. After all, they were the beneficiaries of this incident."

"So what Fourth Brother means is that he wants me to help him find out the inside story of this matter?"

"Yes, Meng Fan is getting along well with us now, and I heard from An An that you seem to have a special relationship with Meng Fan, so it should be okay for you to help check it out, right?"


What do you mean by an unusual relationship? What did An An and Fourth Brother say?

Xu Ru'an saw Xu Zerui staring at him and blinked in confusion.

【What's that look, Sixth Brother? I'm not wrong. Their relationship is complicated and confusing now. Isn't it unusual?】

"Meng Fan and I are at most college classmates. I am only doing him this favor for your sake."

【Sixth brother, have you ever thought that Brother Meng Fan may not really want him to help? Now it’s just me and Fourth brother who want to help. Xu

Zerui was at a loss for words. Based on his understanding of Meng Fan, Meng Fan was indeed not the kind of person who would ask him for help.

"Since Sixth Brother is reluctant, you should not help Brother Meng Fan for my and Fourth Brother's sake."


Xu Zerui was confused, what does this mean?

【Humph, Sixth Brother who says one thing and thinks another! I want to tell Brother Meng Fan that Sixth Brother is so arrogant! 】

Xu Ru'an had exchanged contact information with Meng Fan a long time ago. After this happened, he sent a message to Brother Meng Fan, telling him that he would ask Sixth Brother for help.

Brother Meng Fan replied to him, don't bother Xu Zerui, I can handle it myself.

But none of them thought that in addition to cyber violence, there were more excessive things behind.

When Meng Fan was out shopping alone, he was splashed with red paint on the street.

In addition, there were several reporters from entertainment newspapers ambushed nearby. Not only were a lot of photos taken, but some fans of Hao Mengling also took videos. After editing and processing, they were posted on the Internet to ridicule Meng Fan. When

Xu Ru'an and others knew about this, it was already the next day. It is said that Meng Fan called the police directly.

The two people who splashed him with red paint were taken away by the police. After the police investigation, the two claimed to be fans of Hao Mengling. Because they couldn't stand what Meng Fan did to their goddess, they did this.

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